Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 Gone Forever!!!!

Personally I'll be soooooo glad when 2007 is over. Except or a few regrets. (wishing I would have tried harder to understand why people hurt ya) it was a great year! Some thoughts......
Don't take it personal when someone just out of the clear blue leaves the church.
When you say "no" to someone, they don't come back. But, you still need to say "no."
No matter how much time you give to someone, it's still not enough.
People will lie and deny they even did it!
In the scheme of things, don't let the negative outweigh the positive. I would be blogging until dooms day if I started talking about the positive.
But, yea, 2008 will begin tonight and we can hold our head up high and thank the Lord for a beautiful day tomorrow beginning anew! A whole new slate!!!


Sunday, December 30, 2007


So many people are in the pit and have never experienced the joy of life! I say BRING ON JOY IN 2008! What causes non-joy? Disappointment, trying to manipulate everyone, not being honest, (following lies) not being trusted, expecting life to be different, expectations regarding mate, not experiencing self-confidence, and the list could go on and on. But since I don't like to give first place to negativity, I would say CHANGE the non-joy! Ask God to give you peace, contentment, joy, happiness, a life that cares about others instead of on self all the time.

Over Christmas I came down with a bad case of allergies, (I know I had laryngitis) or a bad drainage problem in the throat. My daughter kept saying "Mom, don't talk, it's making it worse." Well, the more I was told that, I wanted to talk and so I did and eventually couldn't talk at all. Instead of making everyone miserable by hearing my squeaky voice, I decided to, everyone that knows me knows that's like tieing me down....but the rest did some great good! Off and on resting brought on so much joy because I kept s--l--o--w--l--y feeling super!

Now I say BRING ON JOY, LET OTHERS THINK OF OTHERS and get their mind off their self so much - especially in this beautiful NEW YEAR 2008 coming! Say it with me.....God bring on the joy in 2008!!!!! That's my new year's resolution JOY BEGATS HAPPINESS AND the Lord knows we sure need more of it!!!! (C ya in Church--10a.m. - I have a visitor coming today!!! ) Yea!!!!!!

Saturday, December 29, 2007


A sister's nature is gentle and caring. There's so much sibling rivalry going on...she said...she said...eventually it comes back to a Sister what the other Sister said. Do I believe it? No, I don't. Unless she said it to me. Sisters drift away on their own choosing. I still have the same love, caring, and utmost concern about my Sisters. Do I hurt for them? You bet I do, but because I live so far away I cannot always visit them. Some sisters live right in the same town and NEVER see each other. So, I am blessed to have God's love in me with my sisters and when I don't hear from them, I grieve over the loss of their not responding, but it doesn't keep me from caring, loving, and checking up on their welfare each week.

How about you? Do your Sisters stay in touch? Have a marvelous Saturday. See ya in Church tomorrow. I Peter 4 on "Suffering" is what my husband's message is. Be blessed this Lord's day!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Does Anyone Really Care?

I know that's a weird title, but I feel like starting an all out campaign in 2008 called "Does Anyone Really Care?" ...there are so many hurting people and I know I cannot globally care, but especially I do want to say I CARE. Hence: my blog title "" We all go through adversities and as the song says "lean on me....." Some of my devout sisters, including close family, are hurting....I want to tell you via this blog.......... I am praying for you. I care. You don't have to suffer alone. Your joy can be restored! You can be happy again!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Day After Christmas Yesterday

I had to go to the Mall to exchange sizes on some t-shirts I got for my hubby yesterday and it was really a blessing! Everyone was in a happy mood; just delightful that Christmas was a great one and I didn't run into anyone who wasn't in a great mood! Wow! That was just super!

To those of you who are concerned & who e-mailed me yesterday to see how I am feeling from the Laryngitis, and stuffy nose with problems on Christmas.....I am feeling somewhat better. I have gone through 10 boxes of kleenexes....ugh, and am breathing better...not too much stuffiness. I do have my voice back (imagine me going through Christmas in a quieter mode???) : ! I don't think so!!!! (aha).

There's always someone else worse off. So, now my sympathy goes out to anyone that has this disgusting nose stuffiness!!! Ugh and my prayers!

Keep up the kind, sweet spirit everyone. The world is a better place when we all work together to make the other person around us happy and ourselves. I do have a caring thought if you're around a person that "steales your joy".....start humming "Loving God, loving each other ...." song that we sing at church...they can't help but get in a good mood!!!! Take a dose of Proverbs 3:5-6, but DO NOT LET THEM STEALE YOUR THUNDER (THAT'S LOVE FOR EACH OTHER) and especially love for God who gives us such great joy!

Don't happy!!!! A New Year is Coming sooner than you can realize!!!!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

New Computer

Christmas Gift Received: State of the Art Computer!!! With Gratefulness.......
now it's set up and this one is set up and good to go! Blogging after lunch makes me feel like I'm behind but then again why stress out because it has taught me one of my fading virtues....patience!!!!
We have tons of gratitude in our hearts and much appreciation!

I hope you had a grand Christmas!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Warmth & Greatness of Immediate Family

What we experienced last night was immediate family and the tremendous amount of love, happiness and giving who really care about "needs+wants" of Christmas! Everything I received was EXACTLY what I wanted and needed! Whoa!!!! Being the parent of these phenomenal kids who got me every single thing I desired, let alone wanted(their Dad also) I am having a beautiful warm, happy Christmas day and cannot thank our kids enough! I feel "over" blessed if there is such a word! Tears of happiness, joy and gratefulness and every single gift I received was awesome! I cannot even begin to what this wonderful Christmas Day will hold as we continue celebrating this sacred day!

Merry Christmas to all!!!!! And thanks you phenomenal kids! You all are truly the greatest! May you all be blessed for making this day so joyful! WOW!!!!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

From Carol:

This is the first time I have ever blogged on Christmas Eve.

This is the day we have our tremendous time with family.

I don't have much to say, other than I'm so very thankful and extremely happy that our family will be together and the love, "preciousness" and all the other honors bestowed upon me as the "Mom" "Momma" gives me such a warm and fuzzy tremendous, happy feeling.

I pray your family has a marvelous time together on this beautiful Christmas Eve day! Be blessed beyond comprehension. I know I am!!!

Merry Christmas and may the love our Jesus our Savior give you hope, love, grace, and happiness!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

O Holy Night!

Prayers please.
Who for? Me! This is the first Christmas Service in 35 years I'm opting out singing "O Holy Night." Since Thursday I have been battling sneezes, talking above a whisper, and drainage in the throat. When my husband and I were at the church yesterday I couldn't get past the second note on "" So, my hubby suggested letting the music play and read the Christmas story. But now that I'm beginning the day, and sang in the shower, at least I was able to sing the notes. It's not the end of the world if I don't sing it. I'm finding out, I am definitely a creature of keeping up tradition!!!! I can't imagine not singing O Holy Night at the Christmas Service. I'll just go with the flow and am not worrying. I know the Service will be a blessing in all ways because one can just drive up on the property and feel the love of God! O Holy Night has the highest note in music history and I can reach it! Super hooray!!! Worth a huge pat on the back!.........from God first and then others who enjoy it!.........: - )
If you called for prayer this week, we will be having a "Special" prayer time for your request.
Be blessed and have a happy Sunday! By the way, I feel great; it's the voice that needs prayer!!! (Thanks a zillion!!!)

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Thank God, When?

The traffic sounded loud as I took my morning stroll in sight of autumn leaves and Christmas decor in brilliant colors. The birds were chirping as if they were thanking God, and puffy clouds were making their way across a bright blue sky.

But at the moment, I didn't find joy in nature's signs of thanks. I was burdened with many thoughts. I was concerned about the new year; I worried about brokenness in so many lives; I fretted over people who were ill. I feared for our nation and our world.

Then what seemed to be a clear voice came to me saying, "Why don't you thank me?"

I thought Lord, is that you? I began to thank God for the rest of my walk; I thanked God for life, for every breath (since I've been battling a cold the last 3 days) and have gone through at least 8 boxes of kleenex. I thanked God for my children, my grandchildren, and my husband of 40 years. I thanked Him for our church family, for all my family to love everywhere! Being thankful that I know every single present under our tree came about because we are blessed by so many that care about our lives, and mean truly do care!

When I completed my walk and prepared to enter our home, I sang, "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, praise Him, all creatures here below." (Even our two precious dogs as one had gone for a morning walk with me.) I had cast my burdens on the Lord, and the Lord had sustained me. I hope your day is blessed!

Thought for the Day: Praise God and Thank Him, no matter what.
Psalm 150 Let everything that breathes thank the Lord. Merry Christmas and keep a positive outlook. Very soon we will sit down with family and have so much fun and wonderful meals and just spread so much love around! Come to Church tomorrow at 10 am and hear the answers to life's challenging issues. Joyful, joyful, we adore Him!
See you there!!!!!

Friday, December 21, 2007

4-Day Fun!!!

I've been thinking about the 4-day fun...Sat., Sun., Mon., Tues. and yea it's Christmas! So we don't have long.........but make it fun and enjoying. Getting yourself burned out over too much shopping can steale your joy of how great Christmas is!!! The joy being with family is something to look forward to and so much love is in the air because we can think of 4 days of fun!!!

I'm ready and am already having a Merry Christmas!!!! Don't let anyone convince you that Christmas is a's joy, happiness, giving, loving, caring and pure out and out FUN!!!!

Hugs, (& I hope you have just enough fun to make these 4 days the best ones yet!!!)

Thursday, December 20, 2007

1st Annual!!!!

We had a 1st Annual Christmas Banquet at the Church last night. Oh my goodness; we had a record number of people there (we even had to put out another table for the overflow). But our ladies did a phenomenal job "chefing"! honey baked ham, mashed potatos, gravy, corn, tossed salad, hot rolls, baked chicken, pea salad, and the most delicious cheese cake, lemon pie, and strawberry chifon pies!!!!! And the atmosphere of love and appreciation was definately in and around everyone! My husband just did a very blessed job on teaching us who Emmanuel is....meaning "God is with us...." Our hearts were so blessed as the words just flowed out of his mouth explaining this oh so great Savior!!!!

This is a never-to-be-forgotten event and I want to commend the ladies for a tremendous job! Next year the Men (2nd & 10 class) will be chefing.....awesome, hu?

I covet your prayers.....I'm almost positive I have caught a cold.....I don't need this at this time....but I know prayers work, so thanks!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Gorgeous Weather!!!!

Let's be ever so grateful.....the gorgeous weather! If anyone ba-hum-bugs ya today, please make sure you tell them how gorgeous the weather has turnout out!

Other than that, I'm on a roll to get my "List" done today.....Ho-Ho-Ho-Holy Cow! I think that's why I'm late with my blog! I had to regroup and connect with today's activities which are going to be phenomenal!

Keep the Christmas Spirit!!!! It works!!! With that admonition and a big shot of Galatians 2:20, I'm good to go!!!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Merry Christmnas!

I've been "grandma-ing" as everyone knows and had a blast! Our Grandkids are the greatest!!! Wow! An amazing time!! They are both sooooo smart!!!! Love, love, love them!!!

I trust you will have a very Merry Christmas! And be blessed!
I'll be back the meantime, keep that precious Christmas spirit!!!! Bye for now!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Programs

Okay - we're getting into the super phenomenal blast of Christmas!!! We saw our precious Grandkids in a Christmas Program last night; beautiful children's choir singing, and magnificent chancel choirs, teen choirs, adult choirs and a marvelous music program. Oh our hearts were blessed!

The wonder of Christmas has totally begun. I am at a loss for words.

Yesterday was awesome at our church........Oh Come All Ye Faithful was so beautifully sung by our entire congregation! Then we look forward to our Christmas Banquet this week............ooooohhhh good ole menu of honey Baked ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, veggies, and home made pies ....oh and rolls and tossed salad. We should have a lot of fun. Can't wait!

Let your Monday be enjoyable and make the choice of keeping in the beautiful spirit of Christmas! I sure am!
Blessings to you and your's!!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Look For Positivity!!!!

One of my favorite admonishments is if you think someone is going to d---r----a----g you down..........pla------eeeezzzeee go look for someone who is positive!!!! I promise you, you will feel an appreciation of how GREAT GOD'S LOVE IS!!!!

Remember church begins at 10 a.m. I have to pick a couple up soooooo I'm on my merry way!!!

ooooooopssss I forgot.....we do have W.O.W. (Women of Worth) WOW!!!!! or MOM spelled upside down!!!!!! at 9 a.m.!!!!!!! Yea!!!!!!! That's why everything leaving is so early!!! You will love today's lesson!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Make It Your Day!

I'm declaring a "Make It Your Day!" today!!! Do what you want to do and what will make YOU happy! Then, tomorrow at 10 am attend the most blessed church where you will hear a great message on "Spiritual Gifts!"

Blessings and I know you will enjoy just want you want THIS DAY!
Love, Care, Prayers, and the Merriest of Christmas!

Friday, December 14, 2007

....Take The Time.....for what????.....To Care

I'm admonishing all of us to take the time to tell someone what they mean to us. I read recently of a man who was in his thirties-ish who passed away and left behind a lovely wife and son. Yes, you say, life goes on. But, does it for some people?

What can we do to care? Send an e-mail, a note, a phone call, a Christmas card, a flower, a text message, something to show we care about others. I'm proud to say (because of the glory and honor given to our Amazing Lord who gives us the Grace to follow through with caring) have followed through with my "caring commitment." I do care. It's in my heart to care. It's how God shows me JOY in the midst of pain; PEACE in the midst of suffering; and certain LOVE in the midst of the uncertainties of LIFE. I call these lessons He is teaching me to take the time to care.

Life is short.

Please care. I'm claiming II Corinthians 12:9 "And He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." Need I say more? I think not. BUT, I MUST. My question still remains, how do you teach one to care? By example, by teaching, by reminding???? I care because I care. You either care or you don't; it's that simple! Think about it....there are countless people out there that need us to care...where would it be if we didn't care? Someone said to me the other day....."I don't give a rip." That would be the epitomy of a non-caring person. Oh, dear God, may I never get that complacent....may I genuinely love and care. I want to stay lost in His love for a God who really cares. Christmas - a time to care - OTHERS - He was born in a lowly manger......the least we can do is give our love and care!

I'm not boasting on myself....I've talked to so many women this week who have made the statement "I just don't care anymore." It grieves my spirit...but I honestly believe it all boils down to caring.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

......"Done!" :-)

.........Christmas cards!!!
Yea!!! We're getting down to the wire and closer to the beautiful day, Christmas!!!

You should be receiving one soon.....although would you actually believe one day we did not receive ANY mail (I had some mail to be picked up the mailman and it did not go???) So, the next day I called the Postmaster's office and come to find out he (the mail carrier) got bitten by a stray dog!!! I understand, of course.

It's been such a joy to remember those who have kept in touch with us through the many for cards you have sent...they are precious to us and I keep them and review them the next year! Walla!!!!!!

May God bless you with a super day and enjoy the spirit and cheer of these oh, so close-to-Christmas days!!!! ********No pressure intended!!!*******:-)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I Love Mornings!

After having a phenomenal time with the grandkids I am home now. I'm loving mornings more and more. I saw those precious ones sound asleep and had to awaken them to get ready for school. And they had the best attitudes! Now, I'm checking out my own attitude and it boils down to it.....I love mornings! Even the sound of the clicks on the keyboard, or sipping coffee while doing my devotional. It's so serene and peaceful.

There's nothing worse than a grouch in the mornings! It can ruin anyone's day! My rule of thumb was like my Mamma used to say "You can get glad in the same pants you got mad in!" I figured out pretty quick I had better get a smile on my face to make my morning worth something!

That's why I pre-warn ladies....before you make that final decision on marrying...check out the morning or night makes a huge difference in a marriage!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Keep The Christmas Spirit!

All that comes to mind is the song "O Holy Night!" What night????....the night Christ was born! The Saviour of all! How humbling and so comforting!!! Keep the Christmas Spirit:

Out of the silence, music....

Out of the darkness, light.....

Out of uncertainty, promise......

HOPE was born that night!!!!

Monday, December 10, 2007


.....turned off cold and brrrrrrrry....... wha happened??? It's been so nice, we knew it was coming!

Everyone is just fine and dandy as I say!!! Grandma is not worn out at all! I promise!!!!

Our Granddaughter goes to hand bells practice and walla!!! The teacher asked me if I wanted to participate, and of course I said yes!!! How cool is that. Of course they are all very good, but i must brag on myself and say I kept up with them!!!! "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" sounded marvelous!

Then when we got home, we decided to have breakfast and have a great time talking!!!

Sunday was very eventful but such a tremendous blessing!

Stay warm, cozy, and snuggle up in God's amazing grace...and enjoy your Monday! We sure will!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Good To Go

Yesterday was "Movie Day" -- that's definitely where Grandpa comes in! My eyes have automatic shuts in them when a movie comes on...I'm not sure if it's because I finally settle down, or it's a habit which could be broken if I disciplined myself. Grandpa's are super dooper great at putting Grandkids to beddy bye also!! Nighttime prayers and the whole routine!!! Seriously, I thank God for my husband. I see they are all snuggled in bed just wonderfully!

What am I doing? I'm one of these "overachievers" who wants to get ahead of the Bible Study. My husband's message today is I Peter 4; I'm reading ahead to the subject of Hospitality......that's my life's's awesome what the Bible has to say!!! (& what God gives him to say)....10 a.m. See you there! Be blessed!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Healthy & Wise!

Everyone, without a doubt, is healthy and wise........moving right along.....we hope everyone else is have a great pre-Christmas time!

.....sorry short blog....more fun and time with!!!!

Hope your Saturday is incredible!!!!! See ya in Church tomorrow!!! 10 a.m.! : - )

Friday, December 7, 2007

Perfection Personified!!!

I've definitely decided that after this week, I will be in the "Cool Grandma' category! Of course that moves me way up the ladder....there has not been one squabble, or problem! No one has gotten (yea for this news!) strep yet and the one who had it is right on target with the med. getting lots of rest and feeling great! Even the animals are super happy.....fed on time; during daytime i did some heavy duty "dog walking' and they are definitely Happy Campers!!! i did learn that cats love to move a cardboard box and hear the noise. For some reason, it trips their trigger!!! It sounds scarey because it sounds like a bolt of thunder; but would you still believe that it is JUST a box???

To all the Grandmas out there who might be lurking blogs, let me say enjoy those (i call them cutie pies) from the moment you see them......I'm placing them and their parents in the brilliant category....there's not one thing they cannoit do (ain't good English) and if they can't do it, we'll all find a way to spoil Grandma (a-ha).....I say yep, that might be the reality show of the Century if some sitcom (sp????) could be written and shown on TV called "Who Spoils Whom?" and would rank pretty high on the charts!!!

Other than that, it's very peaceful, definitely fun, and we are following the rules --- everything's fair and cozy .... ....and fine and cozy...... I am one blessed Grandma!!! .....and Grateful! HF: Happy Friday!!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Super Awesome!

.....Very obedient
.....Very responsible
.....So loving
This would be the longest blog in the world, because I could find so many great things to say about them!

.....We all love pizza! That's for sure!
Short blog.....for obvious reasons...getting my day started so we can have a happy morning!

I'm positive I am suffice in saying Grandkids Rock!

.....and as the sign says by my desk: Grandparents are to Grandkids what sunshine is to flowers!!!!

Grandmas Rock! as well as Grandpas..............................and PARENTS!!!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Perfect Attendance

Growing up I always received the "Perfect Attendance Award" in all the Schools I went to. How very sad, that when I was in High School, the last day I disobeyed my Mom and rode home with some teens and was in a car accident and missed the last day .

Since inception of this Church I have not missed a Sunday with the exception of a vacation my husband and I took a couple of Sundays! Wow what a record! I think we should spend some time alone in prayer with God thanking Him for health and strength to achieve this goal! I'm not bragging, just being very grateful! Oh, well, maybe I should accept bragging rights!!!

I we all strive for perfection? In giving my caring thoughts on perfect attendance, of course we can have a goal to look forward to achieving, but if we just cannot achieve it, the key word would be "strive"....with His Mercy and Grace, we're sure to come close to it, but it gives us a moment to say "Thanks God for helping me through an accomplishment that I'm proud of, and to you I give all honor and glory!" Hope your Wednesday is blessed!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Life Is What We Make It

......Choose to make it super great or disgusting bad!!! My Mom used to say, "There's no if's and's about it!!!" I'm sure you've heard that phrase before...either and or the other!!!!

Life is going to be grand for me for the rest of the week! I'll be "Grandma-ing" may not see a blog...right now my laptop is in to update windows XP. I'll be focusing all my energy...yippeee with those cutie pie Grandkids and everyone that knows me, can say "Oh yes, she will have a Life and a half of a life with those kids!"

Make it a great day! Don't give in to having a ba-hum-bug spirit at Christmas time!!! Watch a funny something to be joyful...this is the fun, greatest time of the year! I'm tagging on a giving spirit....and of course very loving!!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Just Sit & Enjoy His Peace......... : )

I am so grateful to God for His marvelous, grace, blessings, and I've been up already beginning the day with pondering how GREAT He really is!

He knows our every thought and plan and He will lead us for a peaceful day....just ask Him, He is there, waiting to let us trust and rely on Him!!! I can't even begin to write how grand yesterday was! Today is going to be even better!!!
Our God can solve any problem, any situtation, any need, any heartache, anything you could ever ask or think!!! My prayer list is getting longer and longer as I continue to write the requests and answers! Whoa!!! How awesome is that??? Go ahead - make someone's day---pray for them.....and have a day of peace!!!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Acts of Kindness

When I hear stories about struggles people go through, I immediately go in prayer and ask God to help me BE KIND. This morning as I think about W.O.W. class, I reminded myself that I forgot to ask someone to bring refreshments. So, guess who is up early making banana bread?? Yep, you guessed it, me!

I'm reminded of how one small act of kindness (baking the bread) can have powerful results. Someone may be in a tough place and need support, the power of his or her emotional state opens the heart and this opening attracts the help that is needed. Plus the kindness shown is a "gift in disguise." It might even help someone to start the Christmas Season with a smile instead of a frown!!!

See ya at 9. Oh, by the way, my husband has a Men's class at the same time called "Second and 10." We will have 2 classes this month. (The oven just beeped with the 350 temp. read to get that banana bread in....I'd better get busy). So long!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Directing Our Thoughts

I've been wanting to blog on this for a while now. I see now why I didn't.....God wanted to show me how distrastrous women can get their lives when they don't pull the reigns a bit tighter and DIRECT THEIR THOUGHTS!

When we take a proactive role in directing our thoughts and words toward the outcomes we most desire, we begin to get our first glimpse of what it's like to ignite great relationships, answers to prayer, nothing more, nothing less than a happy life! Try focusing on the abundance of blessings...get your thought pattern turned to feeling sorry for yourself (self-pit) and you will begin to see a spiral of patterns that will make you totally miserable. Start thinking about how blessed you are....the great abundance....and see how your attitude is so much better!

Why would you willingly want to go to a life of misery, meanness (that's a word my Mom used for being plain ole' out and out ONERY!!!) and disgust, hatefulness, anger: all the negative behaviors when you can have a life of choices that make your life so directed toward being happy for others and glad that they are being blessed in so marvelous ways! When we direct our thoughts toward a Higher Power (God) and His Holy Word, we find answers, answers, answers to life's inescapables!!! Why in the world, ladies, would you ever want to direct your thoughts to purposelyas to mess up your husband's life???? Ponder that question.

Tomorrow in our W.O.W. (Women of Worth) class we will be discussing "Women's Thought Patterns." The Bible has a lot to say about it. Come on ....everyone knows 9 a.m. is early, but the participants love it; we have refreshments to awaken all of us, and I looking forward to hearing what women are saying about this subject!!!! See ya there - Fellowship Hall - front and center! : )

Friday, November 30, 2007


Most of Christmas focuses on Christ's birth, but can also be extended beyond Chrismas to keep us focused on His return.

When I think of Christmas, I think of beautiful candles lit, His manger scene, giving gifts, decorations, sharing, worship, gatherings and most of all the time spent with immediate family and, of course, whatching the grandchildren's eyes and response when they see the decorations, gifts, and are so very precious in all they do to make Christmas so exciting, joyful, and their spirit is always so very uplifting!!!!

A lady who has been keeping up daily reading of my blog called me yesterday and said "Please make sure you tell everyone how far along you are with Christmas?" Of course she was on the answering machine, so I didn't get to respond. But I am happy to announce: I'M FINISHED WITH ALL DECORATIONS!!! Yup.....DONE! The tree is even up and looks magnificant! (My husband keeps complimenting how gorgeous it is!!) Then I have the flickering lighted snowman out in the yard, with the beautiful lit candy canes in the stone pathway in the yard! How do I feel? Relieved....not an awesome task this year for some reason!!!!

Now, I can sit back and enjoy what I love to do most....the giving of gifts.

I would give one word of admonishment. Stay calm when you unravel the light can get pretty me...they will unwind, if you'll just let patience run its course!!!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Partly Finished!

Fireplace area DONE!!! (Christmas decor!!!)
Some lights up outside.....
Christmas tablecloth DONE!!! & centerpiece!!!
Stockings hung up on the fireplace....DONE!!!
Actually all that's left is putting up the tree.....
Oooops and the front yard candy canes that will be all lit up!!! TO DO!

While I was deciding where to put odds n' ends, I had some caring thoughts...

Surround yourself with loving, caring people who will hold you up when you start to double over, who will encourage you, pray with you, pray that people will bring you cookies to cheer you up and who don't mind when you cry; people who are brave enough to tell you to kick the negative thoughts far away.....people who don't laugh when all you want to order is mashed potatoes.;...people who care, simply care!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Getting In The Spirit Of Christmas

Last Sunday some of the ladies ask me how I get in the spirit of Christmas? I said "Probably by Wednesday of this week, I'll begin to feel the spirit, so please read my blog."

It's Wednesday, of course, and I am right on target....yesterday my husband and I went to the church and finished straightening tables, etc. from our 40th Anniversary event and we both looked at each other and said, "Well, Christmas is fast approaching." We decided to go into the Worship Center and bow before the Lord in prayer and thank Jesus for being the reason for the Season first of all!!! I love that phrase.....and am so grateful for His birth!

This morning I got up fairly early (earlier...ugh) and I started with Step #1:
....which is.....where do we put the tree? That means moving some furniture...okay...that's done...then Step #2: Open the closet where the decor is.....well, that looks like nothing is that begins my Spirit of Christmas (oh, I put Christmas music on softly as to not awaken my hubby.)

So, that begins the start of the spirit of Christmas for about you?
Oh, I want to mention Step #3: Stay organized. My husband cannot stand clutter or chaos on purpose......sooooo bringing all the stuff out of the closet and shed at once would not be a good thing. Remember the "C" word....consideration for the other person as the home is being I in the spirit???? Kind of/sort of....I'm sure that will not be a's already begun in my heart!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How's It Going?

Well-crafted questions are portals to others' souls. We each have portions of our hearts that are clamped shut, but often they are spring-loaded and aching to be opened. Holding grudges, quiet dreams, painful struggles - each can be gently unlocked (maybe) with a question.

Many years ago, someone in the large family I'm from made a, what they thought was a profound statement, that "Carol asks too many questions." As that filtered through our family, I noticed some of the family members quit calling, writing, or bluntly, had nothing to do with me. In the first place, it wasn't true about me. As one can see, I CARE....thus the reason for my blog. To me, asking the question, "What's going on?" or "How's it going?" is an open-ended question....taking a wide-angle view...asking questions that peer beyond this week or month.

What we need to do is dig deeper...listen intently to the question THEY ask. My asking questions relates to O-T-H-E-R'-S interest(s) first. That's what it's about!'s called getting mind off of S-E-L-F. By lovingly asking questions that plunge beneath the logistics of life, we selflessly look not only to the interests of others, but to our own as well.

As we create these kind, respectful thoughts that permeate the soul, we gain opportunities to better understand and love the people closest to our hearts. In fact, recently we had our immediately family (kids, grandkids) over at our home and our granddaughter asked a question..."Grandma, you really like to change furniture, don't you?" (A super great question) .... As opposed a rude comment would be "You changed the furniture again!"

In summary, God designed us to care for each individual's life in a place called home, where we sit down with a smile and ask "How's it going for you today?" That my dear friend is caring! I certainly pray and hope you feel loved and cared about. .....and those are my very caring thoughts this moment, this new day!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Maximize Your Day With Beautiful Memories!!!'s Monday....a new week!

Yesterday is just a memory but a tremendous memory.

Tomorrow will get here soon enough....

And I begin this week with a huge amount of gratitude for the beautiful voice inside that says, "I'm the most blessed person on the be me right here....right now." Phenomenal kids, grandkids, super tremendous church family and friends who are so giving and caring....all wrapped up in one lovely package...I feel extraordinary!

Stop and smell the roses! I still have 2 yellow roses left over from our "Renewal of Vows" ceremony and they are so magnificent!!! I'm going to enjoy them and the memories to the MAX today! Hope you get time to enjoy the extraordinary things happening to you this DAY!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Good Afternoon!!!

How sweet it is to have people care and so many who really do read my blog!!!! OOOOOppssss - When I got to church everyone mentioned they missed my I didn't husband and I were wounding up a super phenomenal week and had candlelight communication coffee (we call it the 3 C's) before church this a.m. and I just flat ran out of time!

Well, it gives me a chance to blog on church service.....It was amazingly incredible!! ....from start to finish!!! 3 first time visitors and great comments regarding a "Thankfulness" time of sharing. Every single person shared their heart of what we mean to them and what the church means to them...very emotional.... totally awesome!!! I think I went through a box of kleenex. My husband gave a very uplifting message on the Will of God!......WOW!

We're planning some marvelous Christmas activities at our church....'tis going to be a heart full of blessings; we're looking forward to a festive Season!

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Looking forward to a great day .....unfortunately it's way too cold go swimming even if the pool is heated, but with it being outside, it has open air coming into the room where the indoor pool is and for sure we value not catching colds above the "wanting to" swim!!! You'd have to see it. It's a cool activity if the weather was warmer for sure! ....brrrrr is the word for now!!!

C ya in Church in the morning for a splendid Service....10 a.m.!
Happy Saturday!!!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Still Very Thankful!!!!!!

I am so very thankful for rest.....
What about you?

Who would ever believe our 40th (RUBY) Anniversary date fell on a Sunday. It will never happen again..........what we would call a perfect week of rest and conentment.
(& trust me, very needed!) We both blaze like a house of fire each and every day! (Hey - that's an old Okie term my Mamma used to say)....

Have fun today in whatever task you choose!

We'll still be relaxing......

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

As we celebrate this beautiful day,Thanksgiving 2007, may we all take a minute to bow our heads to a God who cares, and in prayer, give our tremendous gratitude for family and friends who have been so supportive and also, for all the great blessings that have been bestowed upon us. As we continue to be ever so grateful for our wonderful 40th Wedding Anniversary that we are continuing in celebrate, we say wih all thankfulness,

Happy Thanksgiving and have a great day!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

"Love Makes The World Go 'Round"

Love ignites......
Love is contageous.....
Love is patient......
Love is kind......
Love is 40 Ruby Years of Marriage....I'm totally convinced now!

I'm positive computers have "love" in them....I can sit down at any one computer (even this fancy DELL) and get my blog sent. Whoopeeee!

Remember to spread a lil' love around......tomorrow's the greatest love day of all: Love + Joy = Thanksgiving! The best math of all!

I do care and pray that at sometime in your life time you experience real love!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My Favorite Holiday

Why is Thanksgiving my favorite?????

The greatest joy and happiness I hold dearest is to be thankful.

Being grateful.

I cannot even begin to say the countless many many birthday parties, shower events, wedding receptions, etc. I've been to where the receiving of gifts has been given and the recepient never even bothered to say "Thank You." I know the world is full of "Takers" but come on.....a simple "thank you" would have been so great to hear.

Are we supposed to acknowledge to the person who sent a thank you....thanks for the thank you note???? Hmmmmmmmmmm Anybody have an answer????? Yesterday I took a thank-you note in person to my friend who did my facial for my big day Sunday. (She even came over to the church and "dolled me up" and then attended the Ceremony.) And she said "Carol this is so sweet of you to bring me a thank you note the day after." It couldn't be quick enough for me. My hairdresser even came real early to the church to give me a gift of fixing my hair so pretty!!! Wow! I am so grateful. Yes, I will even be sending out Thank You's to my family who gave so much of their time ...... the list goes on and on.

It shouldn't stress ANYONE out to take a minute out of their day and say "Thank You." Okay I'm getting rouled up, but pla----eeeeeze.....either take a small gift as a token of appreciation even for Thanksgiving dinner you receive from your family or whomever and please remember to say Thank You. I wish I could begin a Global Campaign to remind everyone to be thankful!!!!

Our kids and grandkids always thank me and it gives me great joy because they are so grateful. I'm so glad I have a family that cares. My heart is blessed. These are truly my caring thoughts........Philippians 4:6 "Be careful for nothing, but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known." Happiest of Thanksgiving everyone!!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007


It's very hard to describe something that's particularly beautiful or majestic in whatever way that's fresh and original.

Breathtaking from start to finish - this gorgeous and proportionally large levels of awesomeness from start to finish.

How do you describe something beyond description?

I'm speechless!

The church had an overflowing crowd (we had to put in extra chairs in the lobby!!)

The ceremony was far beyond my comprehension. Remembering, my husband and the Pastor officiating were the master minds of this glorious event and it was definitely unknown to me what would take place. All I knew was to let the family know the colors I selected, reception decor (& of course, I personally delivered in person the invitations or mailed and called every person (that's a brag on God...He gave me JUST enough time) and be the lovely honoree (bride!!!).
Thank you each and every one for attending, participating, and being there for us. We are blessed beyond more than we could ask or think. Majestic!!!

.....the love of family and friends for our Ruby 40th!! Thank you for sharing what's closes to our heart, our home....dreams fulfilled, joys multiplied and a love that's grown deeper and sweeter with time.

......a God, who touches the world with beauty, touches hearts with love......and the love of one anoher..........Romans 13:8

Sunday, November 18, 2007

It's Here!!!!!

40 years ago I married the love of my life.
What a celebration we will have today!
Love is in the air!!!
Love, love, love, love.....
Appreciation, appreciation, appreciation to all participants!!!!
See ya soon!

Saturday, November 17, 2007


27 our big fantastic day!

yea!!!!! I know we will see you there, and I do know this is going to be a GREAT day! 40 years ago just seems just like yesterday!!! Enjoy your day today and whatever makes you happy. I know I am!!!!!!

Be blessed!


Almost here.......

Friday, November 16, 2007

Compatibility in Marriage

As I wondered about and all over with such an exciting attitude toward our 40th Wedding Anniversary Sunday, and everyone gasping saying "40 years!..our's didn't even last 40 days!!!!" My excitement draws a crowd; guess my voice goes up a notch when I really get excited! (I'd rather be excited, than drainy, draggy any day!!!) So, I have been thinking about the old fashioned marriage term, compatibility.

What does that mean to me? I'm on a soapbox because I believe compatibility in marriage works! Here it is in a nutshell:

My Husband and I: Endure long and are patient (him being more patient and me enduring) or the other has these marvelous character qualities.

Not envious and never boil over with jealousy for each other. (In other words, I don't have a chain around his ankle and he is not envious when I am honored for things.

We are not boastful or vainglorious, and we do not display ourselves haughtily; not conceited, arrogant and inflated with pride. Gratitude and appreciation will extend well beyond 40 years, believe you me!!!!! That is a must!!!!

Rude and unmannerly......after all these years, we still say please and thank you!!!

Suffered wrong?? - GET OVER IT....BE FAIR.....plain and simple. (It's not fair for one person to really be doing his/her part and the other one going off in outer orbit messing things up!!!! I'm a proverbial optimist and actually he is too....that is definitely compatibility!'s a SUPER PHENOMENAL ONE: Right and truth must prevail. When I was a kid there was one thing I got a "whippin'" for.....if I told a lie...I'm so truthful now.....honestly it angers me when I know someone is not telling the truth to me! Hello!! Trust is vital! We do not rejoice at injustice. This pushes mine and his button! Oh boy!

Bearing up under anything and everything that comes. I have a few shock absorber shoes and callused knees in prayer for this one. We are ever ready to believe the best of each other. Our hopes are fadeless under all circumstances.

Our love never fails -

..... it never fades out or become obsolete or comes to an end; we speak truly, deal truthfully, and live truly. We are enfolded in love and have grown up in every way and in all things, delighting in one another, forgiving, and esteeming each other.

Our marriage grows stronger each day. My desire is to honor and praise my husband; I confess that I am a submitted wife, simply because I want to be and I recognize and thank God for my husband who is head over me, and I take on the challenge in Proverbs 31:10-31; I am as this woman is - a loving, successful, submitted wife and I can guarantee you, he is committed as equally.

We discussed a portion of our goals for the next 40 years..... "Have fun" our kids always say (I think I take life far too serious) and "tell my hubby at least a hundred times how much I love him"; and his goal (are you ready?????) "Can't wait to see me with beautiful silver hair" .....I do tease him that he "just married me for my beautiful red hair!!!" Oh, his other goal - this is a good one - "give me the 14 hugs a day which I need to survive!!!!" There's a lot more, but I have to go pick up the flowers this morning for this extraordinary event!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hey Wives.....Don't Get Pushy!!!

This is more of an admonishment, instead of a "caring thought." I want to advise all we women (or is the appropriate word "ladies?" And I hate being called a "Gal" well, we need to check our "Push" buttons today .... reminders are always good to know, especially if you see, know, and will admit you are "pushing" to get your way and when you realize it....don't do it....caution....

Check yourself out...not a good thing to do (be "pushy," that is)....realize the decisions your husband (or significant other) has to make in the kazillion things he has to back off....make his favorite spaghetti dish (that's what I'm doing tonight) with warm garlic bread and am throwing in a nice tossed salad which he dearly loves also.

Make his day....go ahead and make it.......I dare you!!!! Get your mind off of being pushy!!! Come on....admit it....we all do it, but it needs to stop!
Sending hugs, 'cause I know you can do it!!!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Carol's Caring Admonishments!

Be a part of the answer instead of the problem!

Look for positive ways to help others.

Help a person who might be going through some struggles.

KFC has an all day special: Chicken Fried Steak, with white or dark gravy; mashed potatoes/gravy and choice of side dish for $1.99.
Go buy 2 persons' lunch!!!! ..or maybe 4!!! (or for supper).

Send an e-mail to thank someone who has been a special blessing!

Pray for God to really bless someone! (My list is a mile long!)

Go for a long walk with your dog!!!!

Spread a little love and joy around!!!!!!

Instead of thinking of what you don't have, think of being grateful (as my Mom used to say) for a roof over your head!!!!

Rejoice over someone's else's victories!!!!!

Love your enemies......and forgive them......oh, that's a great one!!!!

I think I'll close by saying the best one yet: SMILE - a smile costs nothing, but its value is priceless. It enriches the one who gives it, yet it is so powerful! It happens in a flash, but the memory of it lasts! If you meet an acquaintance or a friend who fails to flash a smile, give one of yours. No one needs a smile so much as the person who has none to give!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Kids Teach Parents In Later Years

Wow! I could blog on this all day! Several ocasions I have been privileged to speak at Women's Retreats, Pastor Wife's Functions, etc. of course. I love to give illustrations of lessons learned in my own life. I can only say with so much gratitude I cannot thank God enough for what I've learned from our kids (total grown ups and sooooo intelligent in whatever they say).....would it be proper to say, they teach me what is going on, taking place, in this particular TIME in events, the world, in other words....they are cool!!!! And me, not wanting to be behind times, I listen intently! I love and am so challenged by their words of wisdom! Believe you me, from where I sit, I see parents still wanting to control their kids' lives even at ages past 20!!! To that, I would say get with the program parents.....given them respect, listen to them for a change; they have splendid ideas, gifted encouragement, and highly successful human relation experiences!!!!

I know I will be challenged on this because most parents think God created them to always tell their kids what to do forever.....WRONG parents.....we are to enjoy, have fun with, listen to their thoughts and ideas, and all-inclusive be happy for how much intelligence they have to offer. I want to know our kids' opinions and what they are thinking. If they don't want to give it, that's entirely up to them, but I believe strong, loyal, great families come forth when their opinion is chipped in. I do admonish all kids to have utmost respect for the parents; but I favor loyalty and trust and thank God for their love and "teachings" to me! Life is too short to harbor grudges, unforgiveness, and all the negativity. Stay positive!!! I trust my kids explicity; they will not do me wrong!!! One last thought: I cannot even thank God enough for what our Kids (all included) have done for us through the years in their adult lives.....we are blessed beyond belief! Thanks from the bottom of my heart kids!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007


6 more days
144 hours
8,640 seconds
480 Months of being married
14,400 Days of being married
40 Years !!!!!
The BIG day is approaching!!!!
I can hardly wait!!!
I call him my incredible man and he calls me his incredible woman!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

I'm Up Early Getting Caught Up On A Book I'm Reading....

Because I cannot wait until Nov. 18th, our awesome day....... I have been spending some time reading Oswald Chambers book "My Utmost For His Highest." Read with me.....

The Undetected Sacredness of CircumstancesWe know that all things work together for good to those who love God . . . —Romans 8:28

The circumstances of a saint’s life are ordained of God. In the life of a saint there is no such thing as chance. God by His providence brings you into circumstances that you can’t understand at all, but the Spirit of God understands. God brings you to places, among people, and into certain conditions to accomplish a definite purpose through the intercession of the Spirit in you. Never put yourself in front of your circumstances and say, "I’m going to be my own providence here; I will watch this closely, or protect myself from that." All your circumstances are in the hand of God, and therefore you don’t ever have to think they are unnatural or unique. Your part in intercessory prayer is not to agonize over how to intercede, but to use the everyday circumstances and people God puts around you by His providence to bring them before His throne, and to allow the Spirit in you the opportunity to intercede for them. In this way God is going to touch the whole world with His saints.

Am I making the Holy Spirit’s work difficult by being vague and unsure, or by trying to do His work for Him? I must do the human side of intercession— utilizing the circumstances in which I find myself and the people who surround me. I must keep my conscious life as a sacred place for the Holy Spirit. Then as I lift different ones to God through prayer, the Holy Spirit intercedes for them.

Your intercessions can never be mine, and my intercessions can never be yours, ". . . but the Spirit Himself makes intercession" in each of our lives ( Romans 8:26 ). And without that intercession, the lives of others would be left in poverty and in ruin.

I would love to see you in Church today.....10:00 a.m. where you will be blessed as you see God's word taught and "the Spirit Himself making intercession." I love reading that in Oswald's book......I believe it. I soak it up and I pray you will too!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Is God There When You Need Him?

Always, always, always!
When you want Him!
When you need Him!
Eternally and forever!

Recently I met with a lady who almost argued with me that God is not there .....much to my amazement; after listening to what she had to say and resisting any slams against God, I pointed out several (& I mean several) Bible verses that show God's almighty, all powerful, ever present being there ALL the time! God doesn't fail us. We mess up by not fully relying on Him to have every single need. I shared with her the time God was what I called EXACTLY there when I needed Him at a time when a emergency medical problem happened with me; the first thing I knew when I awakened, I was in the ER and my husband and kids were looking at a monitor checking my vital signs, and encouraging me to hang on. You bet God was there!

He will always be there for us. Call upon Him for every tiny detail and my favorite life's verse I claim is Jeremiah 33:3 "Call unto me (God) and I will show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not."

Thank God for life! He is the beginning and the end. ......the same yesterday, today, and forever. He will never leave you or forsake you. That's a promise!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Study On Allergies

I was doing a research on food allergies. I cannot even tolerate milk products. I even put non-dairy cream in my coffee. When I slip up and only eat gravy and biscuits which have milk products, I might as well discipline myself not to slip up, but to pass this particular food up! But, oh, it looks so good and tastes so wonderful. My question is why do we do that to ourselves? I know what it will do to me and I go ahead and eat it. Ugh!!!!!

Another allergy....wool.....I break out in sores if I wear anything resembling wool or fuzzy clothing around my legs!!! The other day I cleaned out my closet and took all wool clothing to Goodwill.

This research has been interesting regarding allergies. If anyone is interested, I can share my results; of course not on blog, but if you don't have time to research yourself, I can give you my findings.

Today is a good day to have wisdom. We'll always find it in the Bible. Do you need encouragement? It, too, lieson the sacred pages of Scripture. Do you need strength? Just reading God's Word infuses you with strength - His strength- for today and hope....His hope for tomorrow. Have a happy Friday! May your dreams,
wishes, and prayers come true!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Do I care?

Will I go out and care early in the morning and help someone? Fully relying on the verse in Psalm 86:17 "You, O Lord, have helped me and comforted me" tells me I absolutely will.

One of my favorite songs goes like this: Take the name of Jesus with you, Child of sorrow and of woe; It will joy and comfort give you; Take it, then, where'er you go. Not really wanting to toot my horn, but the joy and comfort given to me far more supercedes giving up a little of my morning to help a hurting one.

Thus, a belated blog today.

Yes, indeed I care.

Blessings today to you and your's.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Amazing Statistics!

I love to research. I found that Americans spend six billion dollars a year on gear for their babies. Of the four million babies born here each year, a million of them will be registered at Babies R Us. I'm wondering if they end up selling the baby items on much? I've been in Babies R Us many times and their items look great for the money. It's so much easier when I get invited to a baby shower and they are registered there b/c they can get what they want. FYI: You can also go to Toys R Us to get a gift certificate for Babies R Us.

On another note....I'll be spending approx.8 hours still researching and mailing. + looking for wedding pics............looking forward to a fun day. My husband is brilliant at power point! I hope your day is filled with many blessings and fun things. I recently purchased a "Little Rascals" Video to watch to have some laughter...definitely worth a chuckle.........can't hardly wait to show our grandkids what I watched on TV when I was a kid.....oh boy...and in black and white at that!!!!.........and those are my caring thoughts. Sending hugs, Carol

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

November - My Favorite Month - Thankful Thoughts I Truly Love

Thank you, God, for this good life and forgive us if we do not love it enough.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Cute Kids

We have the cutest kids in our Nursery at Church. One little girl is seven months old and her Mom dresses her so cute with one of those precious head bands that match. She doesn't pull at the head band and keeps it on the entire time. She loves sitting up. Saturday I had the great time of spending time with her and loved to watch what she does. She's so petite, but she is really set on just sitting. Her Mom said she is going through separation anxiety, but after seeing me on Saturday and then on Sunday.....the trust she had for me was to come to me, willingly, from her Mom and she even reached out for me. Her Mom wanted her to go to the Nursery, so I took her after the song service and she went right in and felt right at home. Her Mom was so happy because she knew she would get lots of caring from our Nursery Worker.

Sometimes we take for granted, all those things that seem so small, like one of God's great treasures.....a small handprint on the wall.

I can say one thing. The kids sure enjoyed all the candy corn given to them that was leftover from Halloween that someone gave us.

This week is starting out so grand! After I saw with the new time change that it is light outside at 7 a.m. now.....I'm a morning person and can really dig this!! I hope your Monday is fantastic!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sunday Nap.....the Time Change Today

Okay, I have to chime in about the Time Change. A Sunday nap will be of utmost importance in the Donnelson home today. I don't know about y'all, but I do not always wake up refreshed from naps! More often than not, I need to have another quiet time to shake me out of the grumpies!

What extra hour of sleep? Not hardly; I hear my body saying....oh just another time to let me have another hour to be up earlier.....ugh-a!!!! I can dig it!!!

What about you? Did you really get an extra hour of sleep???? To play video games????? To watch movies????? To read????? To walk the dogs????? To journal??? To study???? What do your wee morning hours consist of????

I have been told ladies don't comment on my blog, because they forget their password and would like me to forward them to them via e-mail. When someone that is brilliant on this monster thing called "computer" and you know how to do it, please let me know....I have no earthly idea how to do all the fancy things like "Feed" "RSS" even do pics......I'm a computer geek wannabe; but I'm learning. When our Son put in my blog for me in March of this year...I knew zero; there's a lot I know, but it's just not quite enough. I'm not putting myself down; I'm just facing the fact that I need to learn more; but then again as much as I love blogging, it has given me a interaction with other bloggers and being a people person that I am; it is of utmost concern that in the world of bloggers; reading their's is so rewarding for me!

Today I'm looking forward to W.O.W. Women of Worth Class @ 9 where ladies truly rock! The subject is "Do you really believe the Put-downs?" - a very relevant subject. Character Assissins....see you there! 'N-joy the time change and your Sunday nap also.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

How's Your Spaghetti Level?

It seems that everywhere we turn, we hear talk about how healthy spaghetti sauce is to your brain! Physicians are calling it "brain food," thus adding a lot of serotonin to the brain. So, last night on our date night, we went to an Italian Restaurant. We ran into some friends we hadn't seen for at least seven years. They were on their date night also and have been married 55 years!!!! Can you imagine? Our's is coming up on 40. They were saying after being married that long you tend to sit in the corner of a Restaurant and just look at each don't say a word! Just enjoying each other's cool is that???? Mostly, on our date night, I listen to my husband's heart; he shares with me what is going on in his life, stressful issues, etc. I am truly tuned in to listening....he doesn't want any advice, just sharing......I love it because I know all of his time is spent helping families facilitate the process of reaching an agreement on acceptable behavior during family times together. I believe in just about any family, people can get so entangled in disputes and hurt emotions that they need help from a Pastor to restore peace. And I know, without a doubt, we both are burdened and care; that is our passion.

The spaghetti level comes in and to be honest I cannot remember at what year in our marriage, he shared with me that spaghetti is his first choice for food. At this point I'm not sure whether it's because it tastes so delicious or the serotonin level is low. So, since that time when he suggests going to an Italian restaurant; he'll say "I'm pretty sure my spaghetti level is low, let's go." Last night I tried ravioli...........hmmmmmmm I'll have to think on that one.....toss up....I think spaghetti is my choice from now on!

REMEMBER: to set your clocks back 1 hour tonight!!!!!! See ya in Church!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Carrying Each Other's Burdens

Charles Dickens once said: "No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it to anyone else." One of my other favorite quotes is by Milo Gates:
"The finest test of character is seen
in the amount and the power of gratitude
we have."

And then the question boils down to "What can I do to help this situation be better?"

Always looking to carry each other burdens........ One more thing: I love to read inspirational quotes from ANYONE, and then find a Bible verse that goes along with the quotes:
Galatians 6:2 "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Are You A Supportive Person? ....random thoughts

Can you not be supportive because you have not forgiven someone for wrongs you think they have done to you? I read over the Bible on what it means to forgive; forget; go on with will seep over into your "supportive" life as a friend, family or others. Support means even if you are "ticked" off at them, you still believe in them, in other words, they don't go down the scale; you still are there for them and will be there for them, through thick or thin!

Whatever it is, no matter how large or small a thing, if you commit to forgive and still support them (including emotional support); it frees us up in serving others, God will use you to build a lasting influence. That's what Christianity is all about. You only hurt yourself when you build walls.......that's another subject.....but I've seen it happen time and time again. So the person had a not so good always gets better.......give it time.....but I believe we all need a dose of good ole' loyal support and I'll give it!!!! Will you?

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween/Happy Birthday!!!!

Happy Halloween/Happy Birthday Son. I hope our Son has a phenomenal birthday. I know he's sure brought a tremendous lot of joy in my life.

This blog will be brief. I've been asked to go help a Mom sew her kids' Halloween Costume(s); apparently they are wearing them to school. Wearing them to school should be fun.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

All You Need Is Love..........

In my teen years, the song by the Beatles was extremely popular "All you need is is all you need...." And I can still hear the repeated phrase at the is all you is all you need; they always ended their songs with fading out the real meaning of the song. Maybe they thought in the 60's we just didn't get it....we got it!!!!!

One Author of a book I read on "Love" (Frank Clark) said "A baby is born with a need to be loved and never outgrows it." True, true, true. When love weakens, I remind myself (& so does my husband)...hey we are forgetting to say I love you at the close of our phone conversations. It's never to late to begin saying it! I truly have so much love to give and when I feel like life has a tendency to go sour (like lemons) I pull the reins back and say I need to give out more love.

Believe you me, I've seen so many women go bitter for no unknown reason at all...mostly just because they don't get their way....when if they would just check their "love tank" and see how empty it is; they would begin filling it back up and could graciously sing the awesome song "All you need is love....." and begin to have a joy beyond comprehension. Can you say it?.........I LOVE YOU! How abut the Julie Andrew's Song, "Love makes the world go 'round....." Of course, I deeply love my husband, our kids (of course, all inclusive, daughter-in-law, grandkids; brother and sisters and families..........the list can go on and on.) Christ loved us enough to die on a rugged that's love!

I've almost memorized I Corinthians. 13 - THE LOVE CHAPTER in THE BIBLE...........MY daily prayer is "God please let me love more...." Today is a great day to spread a little love around and share the joy that you have found......I always start out by saying, i just love the way you are so kind.......or......i love the way you express your thoughts.....or........i love the way you're wearing your hair ........something to spread a little love around. This should be a super Tuesday ...I think I'll begin by making a "Carol's Creative Card" for my hubby, my true love!!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Fall Time Change

I'll have to quit thinking about it. I've read so many articles in the newspaper about the fall time change. Getting an extra hour of come many people are really going to do that? Having an EXTRA hour in the day will make everyone want to be happy!!! We all do so much for others, we don't think about the EXTRA HOUR of sleep.

But, reminder: at 2 a.m. on Sunday is the time change.....NOVEMBER 4th.

I think the computers and clocks on cells that change have already changed because it usually falls on the last Sunday of October. So don't freak out if you think your time is off. It is! This blog will say 6:19 a.m. on the computer as I am typing it; it's really 7:15 a.m. and it will show that time on the blog. Time is of essence in so many of our lives, of course, but remember to have a happy Monday................sending love and prayers, Carol

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Where Is God When You Need Him?

He is there.
Just call upon Him.
Ephesians 3:14-19 is what I read when I ask the question "Where is God when you need Him?"
I promise.........Bears repeating.....He is there.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

People Who Purposely Inflict Pain......

........they're not happy.
........are very miserable.
........are untruthful.

Wasting time and energy on revenge is unnecessary.

They are more miserable than they try to make you.

Just keep on being the fun loving, kind, joyful, giving person that you are.

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Super Friends

We had some super friends call and wanted to stop by and give our church some office supplies (i.e., 1,000 legal envelopes, file folders, name tags, & paper). Wow! How cool is that!!! We were just talking about the fact that we needed to get some envelopes because we were out.

They were telling us they recently celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary! She is getting ready to retire and he was teasing saying he is a "couch potato." Anyway, it was nice to drop what we were doing and visit with them. It was hard to believe they stayed about an hour, but we all talked about how time flies so quickly these days! They are "cat lovers" and we are "dog lovers" so you can imagine how much fun we had since all our kids are grown adults, but wish our animals would behave accordingly!

Definitely super friends and we wish for them many many more happy years as she was 15 years of age (mind you) when they got married!!! Happy Friday eveyone and God bless your entire day!!!!! :)

Thursday, October 25, 2007


......or better yet known as "Stump the Pastor".......even though we give honor to the Lord for serving a nice meal to all present, yet, still, there remains anyone who has a question that my husband has not been able to answer. Hark! A couple that have been faithful each week have commented that this week (Sunday after this a.m. Service; 10/28) have a question that they believe will stump him!

It's all in fun, of course, but I've seen some pretty interesting questions and he calmly answers them. As you can see, I love to BRAG on my husband and his quick thinking ability to answer the questions. What a tremendous ability!

One more comment............Sunday's menu is "homemade" tacos, quacamole, and spanish rice! How about some home-grown jalepinos? Yum, yum! We hope we see you there!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Some Sort of Role Model or Wisdom

For a while, my husband and I were home to watch the "Seinfeld" series at 6:30 p.m. And it seems the major discussion now on "Home" television is the real Jerry Seinfeld's wife has discovered how to keep the right vitamins in the foods for kids to eat....disguising it so the kids will eat sweet potatoes, cauliflower and the many veggies that make for great health. I've seen her on television demonstrating her new recipes to help kids eat healthy foods.

On the other hand, Jerry made a comment "A two-year old is a kind of like having a blender, but you don't have a top for it." From my point of view, it's nice to have a family (in our era it was "Ozzie & Harriet") that has great goals to at least seem normal for a "role model" ..... something to think about.

My prayer and goal is to look carefully to how I walk! I live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as unwise and witless, but as a wise sensible, intelligent person; making the very most of my time - buying up every opportunity to prize Wisdom and when to use it HIGHLY! (II Cor. 5:17)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Attitude of Gratitude Day!

I am very grateful. Today I am grateful for people who take the time out to say "Thank You." I call it an attitude of gratitude. I went over to the church and there was a really cool envelope sticking out of the mailbox with an adorable ribbon tied to it. So, I opened it and it was a beautiful thank you note to "me for being so kind" to a lady I had been communicating with.

All the time I had been thinking how KIND she is and here she sent me the "kind note about me."

It'll make your day! Especially when it comes seemingly out of nowhere. Go ahead make someone's day..........send a warm and fuzzy thank you to someone that means a lot to you....via cell, 'puter, transporting the note to their mailbox, text message, work phone; awe come on; it's heart touching and warming!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Living Today On Yesterday's Blessings

Not only was the church service superb, as well as W.O.W., & 2nd & 10, but KFC had a super special on fried chicken so we invited my husband's Assistant over and her family to eat, complete the administrative work, and watch the ballgame! Just before they were leaving a devout friend of the family came over with a guy who comes to our church and we even had enough chicken to go around the second round! What a blessing with all the activity.

Thank you all for the many prayers for my husband as he has been recovering from a pulled muscle in his back. He says he does not have the spasms anymore and feels so much better!

According to the Barna Group, the average Pastor lasts only five years at a church and churchgoers expect their Pastor to juggle an average of 16 major tasks. Pastors are among the nation's most overworked and underappreciated group of professionals. I would like to personally thank each and everyone for the appreciation they have shown both of us during "OCTOBER PASTOR APPRECIATION MONTH."

Yesterday went by so quickly, so we think we'll just live today on yesterday's blessings (which are many) and will be enough to go around the second time! Oh, and may you be blessed a in a marvelous way TODAY ALSO!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Where Do You Put Your Trust?

Interesting question........How about this question: Can you be trusted???






Significant Other???






See ya at 9 a.m.- TODAY -W.O.W. Women of Worth and find out the REAL ANSWER.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Defining Woman

It takes valuable time to answer the question "How would you define a woman?" In the environment where I grew up it was understood that the woman would stay in her place at home and in the church. Then when I went to Bible College, the question remained "Was this place God's place for her?" Who decided that she was too emotional to make decisions, and that her ideas and opinions were invalid?

God declares that we are capable, intelligent, and virtuous --- more precious than jewels, and our value is far above rubies or pearls. (Proverbs 31:10). God honored, defended, and valued women. He delivered those in bondage to sin, forgave them and restored them to wholeness!

After many years of fighting to breaking out the mold designed for me by others, I came to know the God who created me. There seemed to be no escape from my prisons of guilt, shame, fear and intimidation. Instead God provided a way of escape and that was to FULLY RELY ON HIM. He would supply my needs and wants! Through prayer I could express the emotions and I could depend on Him second by second!!!! Come on, women, we're so awesome, as He uplifts us to be secure, trustworthy, and cool!

My TODAY is a result of choices I made yesterday. I chose to serve a living God who cares about me, my needs, my wants and my empowerment to make wise decisions. As I assume responsibility for my decisions, I will reap the rewards for trusting Him.

I find that some women are angry with God for His failure to intervene in situations that they actualized by THEIR unwise choices. It is time, I believe for each individual woman to arise, determine her worth, and set positive standards and let God guide, according to His will and purpose.

If you don't fully understand all of this.......set your alarm clock early, and attend W.O.W. Women of Worth (spelled MOM upside down) at 9 a.m. tomorrow in Fellowship Hall. Refreshments will be served. We've had a steady attendance and women are commenting how much it has helped their life to find ANSWERS! Tomorrow's subject is "Authentic Women"............come on'll be glad you did! I promise!

Friday, October 19, 2007

I Cratered....Random Thoughts/Candy Corn

For my husband's b-day (in September), I wrapped his present with corn candy (Brach's)........the best in the whole world! It was a small bag (9 oz.). It was been unopened because he said if it opens, he'll end up eating the whole pkg. in one setting!

Rest of story.......last night for supper I fixed his favorite meal; tender steak, baked potato and steamed cauliflower. That being a lot of carbs, I decided since we didn't have any cookies or sweets.......I would open the candy I cratered. As I was quietly opening it, he appeared! He was so surprised because normally I NEVER WANT can scrape me off the ceiling, especially since I have enough energy for today, tomorrow, and the next day!

That candy corn was so sweet, I don't think either one of us will want ANY candy for the duration!!!! It's going to be very tempting since I OPENED IT....Betcha can't just eat one....I ate four and he ate four, believe it or not. He put the leftovers back in the bag!

It added some humor, we stayed awake discussing why do we always want candy corn at Halloween?? Or, is it just in the fall???? Here's a thought....eating candy corn that late at night is not worth the consequences.... sleep deprivation.......oh well, it won't be the first time I've lost sleep, but rest assured, I will make it up!!! A good thought: Rest assured I will remain sweet and sensitive, eating just one candy corn was like a spoonful of honey; actually the main ingredient is pure says so on the package! ahhhhh - sweetness....have an awesome and sweeter than ever Friday! I know I will!!!!..........(Be SWEET, that is!)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Seasonal Change

As we watch the leaves change colors this Fall, I hope it reminds all to enjoy the Seasonal Change. It reminds me to trust our unchanging God! Yesterday I did a study on Psalm 37:1-7

Fret not thyself because of evildoers.

They shall soon be cut down like the grass.

Trust in the LORD, and do good.

Delight thyself also in the LORD.

Commit thy way until the LORD.

Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him.

Just what I need! How about you? What are you studying?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

One Of My Favorite Verses

"Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering." Hebrews 10:23
This verse calls us to an UNWAVERING commitment to our faith. I need to be reminded of this from time to time. Because..........when we have a goal to bring others to church, we must not give matter what we face, our God is faithful!

Faithful Creator.....He designed us and knows our every need.

Faithful Savior........He provides us with skills, knowledge and resources to thrive in our surroundings.

Faithful Provider........He desires us to come to Him in prayer that He might meet our needs.

The theme song that our WELCOME MAN gives at church is "Passing the faith along to my brother.....passing the faith along..........Helping to build the faith of another......passing the faith along." If you ever hear that song, you will not forget it. As the teenager I was talking to yesterday said, "God rocks!"

I'll just say, "His faithfulness rocks!"

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Remember This.............

"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect. It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections."

I hope this touched you!

Please know you are thought, cared, and prayed for, THIS DAY! Watch out for gloom and doomers who will try to steale your joy.........Surround yourself with positive people.........those who are brave enough to tell you to kick the negative thoughts far away.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Annual Appreciation Sunday - WOW!

Okay, I can't help but blog about yesterday's event - Pastor & Wife Appreciation Day actually all over the U.S. I can dig it!!!! Beautiful flowers, lots and lots of gratefulness and appreciation for what we do. My husband doesn't like a lot of hip-hip-hooray because he feels like his job is a higher calling than to brag about his accomplishments and especially since his confidante and prayer warrior in the Ministry, Jerry, has gone home to be with the Lord. Jerry always gave a huge appreciation for knowing my husband and my Father-in-Law, who, of course, led Jerry to Christ. Me....I guess I have a lot of recognition motivation in me (comes from having been a sales consultant for a cosmetic company) and competing to win awards. Also, comes from being the middle child in a pretty big family!

I wanted my husband to be the recipient of the beautiful flowers yesterday because he was having back issues (somehow he has pulled a muscle and it's very uncomfortable), but we both enjoyed the appreciation day! One lady served us lunch; that was really cool!

So, my caring thoughts today are on others who care enough to step out and give their appreciation, loyalty, and gratitude. It'll sure make our week! Thanks everyone for being so caring. What a tremendous Service!

This week is beginning great! I hope you get a lot of appreciation for how great you are and your week will be tremendously blessed. :)

Sunday, October 14, 2007

#1 Priority Take Care Of Yourself

Pace yourself: What does that mean? Look at the goals you have and if you see that it is going to put you in "Grouch-ville" take some time out and read a book, or a hot bath, or just sit and stare at the wall, but prepare yourself for fast pace!

My taking time out for self is going to bed earlier the night before and getting an extra hour of zzzzzzzzz's in so I can be mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally prepared the next day for whatever befalls me. Just getting that extra time to curl up with a very very special nighttime prayer to God and ask Him to make me an instrument of His will, to get a great night's sleep, and be prepared for the day for ALL the things I have to do. Everyone knows I'm a high spirited person anyway, but when I take care of myself by seeking God to help me, then I dump it on Him and He takes care of me. As they used to say in Oklahoma, "taking care of it with one stone aiming at two objects."

How many of you really take time out for yourself? A MUST......A HAVE TO.......A VITAL!!!!! (& believe you me it is not being "Self Righteous!")

Gotta get ready for Church. We have Q&A today and we have a new family that is coming. We are having hotdogs Virginia style...oh yummy!.......can't wait. See you there..........10 a.m. Let's pack out the Worship Center for God!!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

It's Back!!!!

Yes, I had computer withdrawals while mine was in getting fixed.

Yes, I shared with my husband his computer. He didn't mind at all. It was odd thinking of what to write on blog with all my pics he has of me in his office.

Yes, I moved my desk area several times to get re-situated.

Yes, I am extremely thankful to have MY OWN 'puter. Everything is cool now!

God is sooooo good. See ya in Church tomorrow. 10 a.m.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Celebrating No Dog Bark Week!

Hasn't this been amazing week? Every single day was filled with enjoyment! Maybe I could declare this "National Dog Week!" I had to take Pixie in for grooming this week and they put the cutest Halloween ribbons on that cutie pie's ears; she didn't like it, so she kept swishing her head back and forth to get them off. I'm going back today (I was in a huge hurry yesterday) to really thank the Groomer for the extra care they gave her. Then we saw two very well behaved dogs at a home last night; then we have rejoiced over the greatest fact that this has been a NO DOGS BARKING IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD Week! I'm wondering - can't these people hear their poor dogs outside barking at their own house???? The minute our dogs bark outside, we go out immediately and quiet them down. My husband says that Pixie barks at a leaf that moves. A-ha...then Chloe, our dog for thirteen years (or has it been fourteen?); if she barks we know it's for a reason. The dogs that have been barking in the neighborhood have a shrill bark with a rhythm to it...extremely annoying!

So, congratulations neighbors for giving your Dog very special attention and it's been a quiet, peaceful celebration! Have a super happy Friday! is Friday in all it's glory!!!! Spread some love around to your Dog (s); I know i am!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Pest Control

I'm not sure whether this throat drainage I have awakened to is from the Pest Control Spraying for any and all bugs outside, inside, upside, two days ago, but it's annoying! Weather change??? Cleaning chemicals????

All I can say is hopefully it won't last that long, but I look forward to not seeing any "pests" and I do mean any! As a child I was raised in the country and all we saw was "lightening bugs" and they were lots of fun, catching them, waiting 'til dark and see them light up! But, these creatures now do not go away until a Pest Control Company is called to do a treatment!

Today looks like a great day to chew on a few cough drops, watch a funny movie, and do some prayer journaling! I do think we are headed for some cooler weather, so green tea sounds soothing also!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Give More Compliments & Then Some!

I just cannot compliment my beloved husband enough! I'm blessed to think of his many talents, skills, and "there isn't a thing he can't put together." Recently he finished a master-piece model ship; even made the case, and has presented to our Son. It's awesome! I tease him saying "I've been widowed to a ship" but you know what? I wouldn't trade the tremendous fun, enjoyment, and brilliancy he possessed to get it finished. It took a total of nine years he said! When you've been married as long as we have, and work together as a team at church, you tend to need some .....


private time, (Time-Out)

get-away from each other (breathing space),

individualized hobby, or accomplishments alone.

and I say this with love, honor, and respect!

I list could go on and on.

But, the one thing we need to do more of be ever so grateful for our husband working so hard, providing, and giving us just ANYTHING we want! Sometimes he works (appointments at the church) upwards of 10 p.m. and I tell him how grateful I am for ALL his accomplishments. He can come home, relax, turn on his favorite TV show, and unwind. I compliment him for that. What husband wants to hear "do this, why don't you come home earlier?"......, guilt, guilt, guilt. I'm pretty sure husbands don't like the push, push, push, because they don't do it to us. I truly have learned the art (this is a brag on God truly helping me!!!) of when my husband walks in the door; not bombard him with this, that, and the other. And as Niki says 'JUST DO IT' ....give more compliments, and then some!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Forgiveness Means The Slate Is Wiped Clean

Why is it there is such a difficult decision to forgive?

After hurt, we will never feel ready to forgive someone. I find my answer in Matthew 18 regarding forgiveness and the example of Jesus.

The more quickly we begin the process as He mentioned, we do not allow pain to dominate our being.

It's up to us to take the first step. The journey ends when "Yes" is given. I believe the slate is wiped clean; history; no more; gone.

Forgiveness is not a feeling; it's a fact that WE MUST FORGIVE AND FORGET! I am not a grudge carrier. I've seen some people that will not let the past be forgotten. I'm a "Visionary Person" - I visually see in my mind a clean slate (God also saying to forgive 70 X 70, why bring it up?)

I hope you have many many victories in forgiving others. I think about how gracious others have been to me regarding bloops, blunders, and mess-ups; therefore, I forgive quickly and lovingly.

Starting all over is the greatest joy one can experience!!! Begin that journey. Today is a great day to simply forgive.

Monday, October 8, 2007

86% Believe In God

Do you believe in God?

NBC this morning had a poll on this question. They had the highest number of responses that they have ever had for one of their polls, and the percentage was the same as this:

86% to keep the words, In God We Trust and God in the Pledge of Allegiance
14% against.

That is a pretty 'commanding' public response.

It is said that 86% of Americans believe in God. Therefore, I have a very hard time understanding why there is such a mess about having "In God We Trust" on our money and having "One Nation Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Why is the world catering to this 14%?

I totally believe in God and am eternally grateful for His provision and do put my trust in Him fully!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

"Refrigerator Rights Family"

Yep, that's the title of my W.O.W. study today! Being 94% self reliant. What's the other 6%?

I spent some time yesterday with a lady who wants to give her input on going through divorce. She has some heart wrenching words as to what her part was.....whoa!!!!!

Do you have a barefoot buddy?

Because you're seen so many phoney Christians, do you doubt Christianity is real?

Short blog because W.O.W. Bible verses are where the caring answers are!

9 a.m. :) Refreshments will be served.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Outlook On Life

Comments re: Church & Life






There's a guy who comes to our church every Sunday (never misses) and the first thing he says when he enters and is greeted with a Bulletin, "I just love coming here and it feels so good to know I will be blessed by both of you." I will honestly say, his outlook on life on Sunday is there's no ifs, ands, and doubt about it, this is where he brings his family to worship every week!

Does Church make your outlook on life better? Worse? Of course I would love to know. Especially since this is my biggest OUTREACH day!!!

After taking the entire week and not going to the Church building, but doing a whole bunch of home makeovers, I cannot wait to go to the church today, and he is right, when you first walk in, there's a feeling of "belongingness" "safeness" "Hope" "I love it!" "Security" "Family Feeling" .... and the list goes on and on.

PEOPLE make the church; it's not about the beautiness of the building, although that helps, but the warmth felt by this Pastor and Wife and others. What I like most, is no one tries to pry in your life or run your life. You can just be YOU, arrive at 10 a.m., worship, leave, and know you've been given a NEW OUTLOOK ON LIFE, possibly something we never thought was in the Bible, go to your own home and enjoy Sunday to the fullest. My husband's messages are relevant (& actually he's a humorous speaker). Personally I love being challenged by his Series of messages. Right now the subject is the dreaded "S" word by so many women -"Submission." Come on out, help us fill the Worship Center to the max!!!! See you there!!! In the meantime, enjoy your Saturday! :)

Friday, October 5, 2007

LF - Likability Factor Randomness

Lately I've heard statements "I could give a rip whether anyone likes me or not." or "I know I'm not liked, who cares." or heres a good one "Who cares whether I'm liked or not?? Grrrr grrr") Where do you think you rate on the LF?

In looking back over my life, I can honestly say I have lived the best of both worlds; People Pleaser; Non-People Pleaser. After a very thorough study of the greatest book I'll ever want in my life, the Bible, I became a God pleaser. Do I mess up? Most assuredly, but the fact is basing answers and debates, the Bible is THE MOST ACCURATE and I feel rates pretty far up the scale with a LF!

Most women think the Bible is boring. I'd like to know which part they are reading? No....definitely not boring! Very relevant to what is happening in our lives TODAY!

I teach a W.O.W. Class every other week at our Church. The class has grown significantly. (I would say from 1 to over 10 would definitely classify super growth!) That's my vision, passion, to look out at the women in the class and learn how lives can be for the better; not push, push, push their husbands, but challenges in their own life to be real, be trusted, have the LF factor!!!!

This Sunday is going to be about Connection, Plugging In, Getting Beyond Walls Women Put Up........see you all there..........9 a.m.

Refreshments will be served and plenty of flavors of orange juice for sure!!!! I'm always a "Wannabe Likable" ---------------are you?
Awe common' I know you are!

Tonight is FNDN.........whoopee!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

New Blog Look

My husband is teaching me Power Point! Now that I've ventured out to places known on the computer, I decided to go into Template and change the look of my blog. I don't have a problem with change, however, some people do. The only way it can be changed is two choices; the other look or this one. I kinda like this one. I'm sure I'll be changing it back, but for now it's been fun to be creative. It looks sort of Halloweenish! Ta-dah!!!!

My caring thoughts today; don't let the sun go down on your wrath. (Ephesians 4:26) That's a biblical quote that has been long overlooked these days. Yesterday I was talking to a lady who has carried a grudge against her mother-in-law for 22 years and she is "not going to apologize." My heart aches for her because after wrath (anger) comes bitterness, and once in that locked attitude, sends what I call ugly behavior! And people that have bitterness, it shows, believe you me! It will affect her health. It's sad and tragic, when all she has to do is say "I was wrong, I am sorry for hurting you like I did." Apologizing is not a sign of a wimp or weakness. It makes for what I call "clean living." Give me some of that. We all are better off not letting the sun go down on our wrath. She is the one that looses out by not having peace, love and contentment toward probably everyone.

Let me know either by e-mail or blog whether you like the new look and thanks for listening in.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Green Thumb

I've been told by our beloved daughter that I have a green thumb! If it's possible to inherit something from daughter to Mom, then I got it from her. But for my birthday she got me the most gorgeous gardenia "tree" plant. What's really weird is that according to Martha Stewart's office, where she sent it from.....gardenias are supposed to bloom in Spring.....hello - there are six absolutely gorgeous gardenia flowers that burst out just in one day! It's like she just bundled up a whole new present and sent me a flower bouquet!!!! The smell of the gardenias is heavenly!

Back to the green thumb. Repotting plants is not my forte. But I can see I am going to have to make myself repot.....ugh.....some plants I have definitely need repotting. I'll have to do it. She says when a plant gets pot bound, it will whither away and soon be gone. I sure don't want that to happen. Well, it's off to the shed for bigger clay pots (I hope I have some) and doing the dreaded task. They are beautiful plants (6 to be exact) and make rooms so lovely. It's kind of like watching our grandkids see them one day and the next week, they look at least a foot taller. Growth is healthy and I do enjoy healthy plants.....I really do! Guess I also will accept the fact that I HAVE A GREEN THUMB! Thanks dear daughter for always encouraging me to repot, pamper, and love those plants! I have to tell about the time she planted fabulous morning glories (purple) in our yard and after four years of those magnificent plants and other periannuals in our yard, they grow every year so very lovely and definitely enjoyable.

That reminds me. We're getting ready to give the front yard a "makeover." Might as well, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride......have a super Wednesday! and remember to thank God for all His provisions as well as lovely, lovely flowers, plants, buses, greenery, trees and awesome landscaping yards, indoor plants, and for sure a green thumb!!! :-)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Study On Wisdom

As I've often heard kids say "That's cool!" I found a quote by an Anonymous person that says "Wisdom is knowing when to speak your mind and when to mind your speech." I've had so many (women, men, teens) comment regarding my blogs and saying due to their busy schedules do not have time to comment. That's okay - to me that's the wisdom of pacing oneself as they go about a busy week! No problem with me. I'm glad to put out "caring thoughts" and "minding my speech."

Ecclesiastes 7:4 says "Wisdom is good with an inheritance and by it there is profit to them that see it" wisdom....."a wise woman buildeth her household instead of tearing it down." It's a great study and all I can think of to say is "Ain't God good?" He surely purely is!!!!


Monday, October 1, 2007

God Sees The Heart.....random thoughts.......

As long as we have a clear conscience, the thoughts or words from others can neither add to nor subtract from true worth. We are what we are and God sees us as we truly are.

My value from God does not depend upon the judgments of people. He looks upon the heart and sees my intentions and sincere efforts. Too often we're judged by a person's own likes and dislikes or by their own vanity and fixed ideas.

It is impossible to satisfy everyone. I labor hard to improve the lives of women (because they seek my help), but cannot prevent the harsh criticisms and judgments of some. My life is based on what God sees from the heart my intentions. He sees also the desire, while people see only the action.

I know I sound philosophical today, but I totally rely on God and see Him directing, supporting, and permitting whatever occurs, be it good or not so pleasant things. My highest wisdom lies in embracing a God that is all-wise and knows what is best for me. True, He expects me to do my best to correct the wrongs which happen to me; but when I cannot correct them, that is when I am to embrace his wisdom by following His divine greatness and knowing He is there to bring victory.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Compliments Are Great!

Sure, I'll take any and all compliments! I'm not a "Go to your head" and "Super Haughty" person. In biblical terms that phrase means "You think you're higher than God!" Oh no, that's not me! But, I'm sure having great thoughts this morning over all the compliments I've received just to name a few for this week: (i.e., cards, music, choice of restaurants, peace, quiet and contentment(s), super great meals, cheerfulness, appreciation, awesome listener, fun wife, amazingly incredible MoM, Earth Angel Grandma, tremendous birthday planner, taking time to care, great friend...)

I'm accepting the compliments with all praise and glorifying to the Lord for molding me and making me a caring person who wants the very very best for others. My prayer is that He will keep me strong and uplifted that I may #1) help others; and #2 give words of encouragement for others.

See ya in Church 10-11 a.m. Give a genuine compliment today and make someone's day!!!! Start this day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude! :)

Saturday, September 29, 2007

This Will Blow Your Mind!

And things like this happen to us all the time. . .

For those of you who are always asking me to "blog our date night" goes:

My husband was stationed in Japan, consequently he enjoys japanese cuisine at special times! For his BIG day (which is today, but celebrating yesterday also)..I took him to Jinbeh last night and reserved the HIBACHI GRILL. Around the grill is seating for 8 people. At first it felt like Q&A when we sit around the table at church, but as the Chef came and cooked our meal in front of all of us, and we were waiting - the Grandma of the other family (of course, 6 entire family) was trying to awaken her 9/29 grandson who is 6 now so that he could enjoy his birthday! This will blow your mind - his name was James also. After everyone discovered it was the 2 birthdays and desert came, of course everyone sang. No one would ever believe I was not the one that spoke up and as our kids always say "Mom.....I don't believe you didn't plan the birthday song!" It is the truth!!! Actually I really had fun after that because on the complete other side of the table there were kids and a Grandma! (Oh, the Grandpa was there also). The food was scrumptuous and they want you as a couple to share...where my husband had filet mignon, I had chicken and it was a blast watching the chef do his tricks. James, the in kindergarten, and half asleep, really awakened when the fire blazed, and James, the ?? shall I say, College graduate, was awakened by all the love and excitement for enjoying his awesome birthday reminded us of how well behaved our grandkids are when dining out.

The experience was great. Actually I was amazed at the price ($27 for two)...a complete 3 course meal, including a delicious soup, salad, green tea, appetizer, and choice of awesome dishes, plus we chose sherbert ice-cream.......all included. The salad was romaine lettuce and the beautiful part was the chef did such a phenomenal job grilling each family's meal.....I pride myself being organized, but I believe he has me beat!!!!

Bottom Line: Great place to go with family and friends.....looking for romance on hubby's special day......quiet serene dining room with lovely soft music in one of the other rooms would work. No complaints on this end...the service was incredible and the main thing is we loved every single second of it and went for a romantic walk on the canal!!!! Happy birthday to a cool, super great hero, "my" James! (The other couple kept saying "our" James) :) ...he's up now and this is HIS DAY!!!!