Thursday, November 29, 2007

Partly Finished!

Fireplace area DONE!!! (Christmas decor!!!)
Some lights up outside.....
Christmas tablecloth DONE!!! & centerpiece!!!
Stockings hung up on the fireplace....DONE!!!
Actually all that's left is putting up the tree.....
Oooops and the front yard candy canes that will be all lit up!!! TO DO!

While I was deciding where to put odds n' ends, I had some caring thoughts...

Surround yourself with loving, caring people who will hold you up when you start to double over, who will encourage you, pray with you, pray that people will bring you cookies to cheer you up and who don't mind when you cry; people who are brave enough to tell you to kick the negative thoughts far away.....people who don't laugh when all you want to order is mashed potatoes.;...people who care, simply care!

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