Friday, August 31, 2007

Labor Day Blast/Bulletin Boards

We've decided at our church to have a Labor Day Blast and after church having a cook-out, time of fellowship and a time to refresh from the normal day to day activities. And so yesterday I decided to update the bulletin boards and can't wait to see the kids' reactions to the posters that admonish them to have a great school year. Several years ago I authored a book on Bulletin Boards called "The Look Book." It is a simple book with ideas, themes, and low cost involved. When Comp USA closed their doors, I was asked if our church could use some bulletin boards...I exclaimed gratefully. "Yes, definitely!" At present we have NINE bulletin boards....did I have fun changing to relevant themes for these bulletin boards???? What do you think would be the answer? Most definitely!!! It's all about kids...they will definitely give me their comments and believe you me they will be VERY OBSERVANT and won't miss a thing on what they see!!! I hope everyone can attend. 10 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Worship Service - Labor Day Blast afterwards. Remember to dress very casual...we're hoping to have picnic tables outside providing it doesn't rain. (There's still plenty of room for parking in the back of the Worship Center.)

See you there!!!!!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Quality Friendshp

Bad friendships corrupt good morals. I'm thankful for quality friends who help me build a stronger character and draw me closer to the things that are encouraging instead of discouraging. I love to be around someone who has a fun personality, enthusiasm, and a good sense of humor. My daily desire is to have the Lord help me to relax around people and be myself - the person He created me to be. He insructs my heart and molds my character. He sends people into my life who will be a great friend. At that point, I carefully and honestly rely on trustworthiness.

According to Proverbs 27:17, iron sharpenes iron, so friends sharpen the minds of each other. My prayer is..........As we learn from each other, may we find a worthy purpose in our relationship. Women need to keep a well balanced life in friendships so that we all please our Creator or our husbands instead of pleasing other people.

I love having a great friend because when I have mess-ups - if I fall, there will be someone to lift me up, not tear me down. Honest and trustworthy friends are very hard to find. Or someone who will keep up the friendship. This is almost the close of my "birthday week" and I do have a great many friends...I know that to be a fact! To you who so wonderfully remembered me I do count as my quality friends and I am one person who is extremely grateful! I am so blessed by your friendships!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


You know the story. Two people meet and fall in love. They move all their belongings into the same samll place and begin to make a life together. They discover that they have three toasters, two blenders, and not even one coffeemaker. They don't fold their shirts the same way and they can't always agree on whose turn it is to clean house. But these are the little things and because these two people love each other, they find a way to work them out. Time passes on; there are other things, family crises, decisions, perhaps illnesses....these are big things but because the two people love each other, they find a way to work them out also. I believe love gets a couple through the not-so-fun stuff.

I recently read in someone's blog that love is a choice. That deserves some caring thoughts before I comment. Feel free to comment if you have time.

I Cor. 13 The entire chapter is devoted to charity (love) which is my very favorite reading in the entire Bible. .....and is also the answer to this amazingly incredible word called LOVE. :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Creating Vs. Constructing

I'm experiencing a new hobby - Creating cards! Creating is something far different than constructing. The difference is pretty obvious. Constructing something engages only the hands while creating something engages the heart and the soul. Like so many things in God's creation, creating cards is an expression of His beautiful the sun, it warms the hearts of others and a great Proverbs I am claiming "...She who refreshes others will herself be refreshed."

Monday, August 27, 2007

2007-2008 School Begins

There's a lot of anxieties today with a lot of kids, I am sure, with the first day back to school. It is my sincere prayer that the Teachers will be very alert to the awesome responsibility they have to teach these precious kids in a way that exhorts them to learn and not just daydream.

It's a big responsibility to get all the paper work filled out on the first day and I know when parents, teachers, kids, and all pillow their wonderful heads tonight, they will be very tired. All day long I will be thinking and praying for kids, parents, school staff, crossing guards, everyone to have a safe, happy year!

Troubling and hectic times require compassionate and caring teachers that He has entrusted in your care. And please kids - don't get off to a bad start with your teacher or parents. Your child is always watching you and listening carefully to what you say. He or she is vulnerable to what you believe and will inevitably hone in on those things about which you are passionate.

Best of everything to all on this first day of School and these are Carol's Caring Thoughts.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Happiest Mom/Grandma Alive!

Main Entry: hap·py
Pronunciation: 'ha-pE
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): hap·pi·er; -est
Etymology: Middle English, from hap
1 : favored by luck or fortune : FORTUNATE
2 : notably fitting, effective, or well adapted : FELICITOUS
3 a : enjoying or characterized by well-being and contentment b : expressing, reflecting, or suggestive of happiness c : GLAD, PLEASED ------

this is me.....what Webster's Dictionary defines as "Happy."

That sums up my birthday week! The word CONTENT! Our Son & Fam. took me (& hubby) to eat at my very favorite place, Ghinghas Grill and I'm still so stuffed I may not eat anything today! I have a happy ending to a great Birthday Week! I got everything I wanted, did want, would ever want and can still feel the warmth and love given to me as I awaken this very Sacred Day! As Webster defines "Glad, Pleased" that is ME.

The Mom/Grandma of the Century. I'm declaring to be the happiest Mom/Grandma alive! You'll see the contented glow on my happy face at Church today! One year older and ready to face positive challenges with my life in whatever circumstances come my way!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Friday Night Date Night Day??????

What a day (yesterday)! My husband returned from a visit to our Son's office...the Grandkids were there and he was jumping for joy because they were telling him all about returning to School next week. Of course not having been with him, I grilled him on what they said. My husband is great at imitating how someone reacts, or talks, and I could just visualize what they said, and how they said it! So, we both celebrated the joy that is within us from having such phenomenal grand kids and went to my husband's favorite place to eat catfish and had a Date Day.......Delightful! Then, at Night it was my turn. Los Lupes Mexican food!!!! A friend of our's gave him a Funny Movie we would I honestly admit, I only fell asleep just a little bit, but it was about this homeless guy who interfered with a new marriage......for once it was great to see a humorous, fun loving movie! ....definitely a full day of "Dating."

My agenda today is OUTREACH....of course tomorrow is W.O.W. (Women of Worth) class that I teach and by the way ladies, the subject is "Are You Having A Hard Time Just Being You?" ...........see you there..........9 a.m. you'll be glad you came!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Staying Focused

When you've been off a few days (i.e., semi-vacation)I'm spending more time focusing on relaxing than the tasks at hand that I must tend to. While relaxing I read an article regarding enjoying one's home. It mentioned the fact that we make our mortgage payments but never look for the time just to ENJOY the property, what we pay for, etc. Yesterday I spent time organizing our clothes, laundry, birthday gifts I received...... and then went to the church to see what needed to be organized. Much to my surprise, everything was organized!!! I'm staying focused and can still breathe a sigh of relief that all is well, relax, enjoy, take it easy and then relax, enjoy, take it easy..........a super great to-be-done list!!! I really am so eternally grateful for this awesome, awesome birthday week. Our daughter said "next year's the big one." Oh, good about already becoming curious......and I am a very curious person; that means this year will just fly by!!! ....those are my caring thoughts for this morning. I'm going to get busy enjoying making my own thank you cards....after I go to Starbuck's to use the gift card I received......and yes, I've decided to take my chicken cup I received with it! Hopefully this will be a phenomenal Friday for all!!! Here's a great scripture to read today: Jeremiah 29:12..............Enjoy your day!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Back in Time

One day without blogging is as a kazillion years...but, for my birthday I was given tickets to see a Play "Night The Music Died" brought me back in time to my teen years when Buddy Holly was my one of my favorite Rock N' Rollers. It was the story of Buddy Holly, Big Bopper, Dion & the Belmonts and Ritchie Valens and their music. The Actors did a phenomenal job and I relived my teen years for sure!!! It was extraordinary and the Actors even stood in a receiving line to meet the crowd! Seeing the dances by the girls and guys "mashed potatoe" "twist" "fly" and "jitterbug" brought back in time really just as it was! They even had a live Rock N' Roll band. We got back about Midnight (that in and of itself was back in time...) my parents would always scold me if I was one half a second past midnight coming home! Back in those days we didn't get grounded, we just had more chores added to our list of "You had better do These." Awesome, awesome Play!

Thanks for the comments, Mary and Geneva. All is well!

This is still an amazingly incredible birthday week and I'm sure when I pick up our mail, I will still be celebrating....(there's about 1/3 of the b-day cake) left to eat, presents to arrive, and phone calls to return. has made my week with each one of my kids and grandkids calling --wow! (that was phenomenal!!!) each one expressing how happy they were that it was my birthday and giving their wishes! Wow!.. That made me feel like the happiest Mom and Grandma ever!!!! What tremendous caring kids...and so very thoughtful! And those of you who called or sent a card and remembered me......I get teary eyed every time I think of it!!!! I don't feel a year older...but my husband asked me how do I feel? I feel very happy, lovestruck, ecstatic, overwhelmed that all this happens to ME and confident this is going to be a great year......on top of all that I even feel younger!!! We met some awesome couples at the Bed & Breakfast (that was one of my awesome presents) that we stayed in and they asked me and my husband where I got all my energy? He said "I can definitely tell you, it's real and she wakes up happy every day, is a very caring, loving person with a lot of enthusiasm." Some of my random thoughts would be: I do not dwell on the negative, therefore the energy is directed toward positive goals, love, (some exercising), reading the Bible, just enjoying LIFE! and of course, looking for A-ha moments and extreme gratefulness!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Big Day Has Arrived

My birthday.........I'm celebrating! See ya.....glad I met be cont'd tomorrow on blogging...I'm going to have a very happy day....I can just feel it!!!

Monday, August 20, 2007

A Terrific New Day

I truly love words like Terrific, Fantastic, Extraordinary, Awesome. Today I have chosen "Terrific!" (With an exclamation mark!) Hark! Finally a day off; seeing our grandkids yesterday, our son, daughter-in-law, their pets, etc....oh, and of course Church. Hey - make no bones about - All those words would describe yesterday. I don't let double barrell negative get me way...and don't you either! My husband calls it like on the Hee-Haw Show....gloom, despair and agony on ruins an attitude and countenance! Look for terrific today...I know I am...I'm up; it's a beautiful day, and life is "Gran----ddddd!!" Have a super terrific Monday!!! Do you lather in the word terrific? I know I do!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

There's Always Room For Chickens

Okay....many many years ago a Pastor's wife told me to start collecting something or in the ministry, the gifts that people give you will be a vast array of odds n' ends. So I thought about it and decided that chickens (hens and roosters) would be really great to collect. Over the thirty-six years of "ministry" I have every conceivable chicken one can imagine. I even have a scotch tape dispenser that's a chicken! This summer when the grandkids and I went to the Container Store they got me a chicken key ring that has each one of their pics in it.....would you believe I have never had a chicken calendar until yesterday when a lady at our church brought me one. She said they were giving them away free at the dollar store and she scrambled through the crowd to get it for me. As we used to say in Oklahoma "You can't beat that with a stick!" One can imagine the chicken magnets I! I even have a chicken address book.

One more thought re: of my friends who lives in Maine came to visit her Son here and we went shopping....she got me a chicken bracelet which I'm going to wear today to church. My special day is quickly approaching - I have a younger sister and a neice that were born on the same day and two other sisters born on the day my Mom would just make one chocolate delicious cake and start with the oldest and take candles off as we all celebrated the August birthdays!!!

Ecclesiastes says a "time to be born....." Being from a large family, I honestly must admit I do enjoy birthday time to the max (& I never have been a selfish person) but since not being around the fam. for a looooonnnnng time, I'm going to celebrate in tons of joy!!!!! For now, gotta get ready for the great Church Service we have at LC. At Q&A afterwards, our menu is super delicious wraps, homemade quacomale sauce and brownies made by a lady who gets up early to bring them......they still are warm from the oven!!!! My husband is continuing a Series on I Peter but makes it very relevant to TODAY'S's never boring, believe you me! See you there....10 a.m.!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

I Truly Love "Football Season"

I fell asleep during last night's New York Giant's football game. Usually Troy Aikman's voice keeps me alert - oh well, now I'm up and am not sure who won....There's something about Football Season, even if it is pre-Season that I love! Some ladies have told me theyliterally DESPISE their husbands watching football. Not me! I just have a hard time figuring out why J. Johnson, Terry B. and other Commentators never look older.......also, I wonder what goes through their minds after having played such vital roles and having to be unbiased in their comments. It's intriguing to hear what a man has to say for a change.....I truly love it!!!! Football will definitely have a place in our home . . . .I love also to hear my husband coach his favorite team!!! A-ha!!!! just my thoughts.....have a really cool free weekend....but remember Church, 10 a.m. You will definitely hear a RELEVANT MESSAGE!!!!

Friday, August 17, 2007


Have you ever wished for just a little more time? More time to organize things and to take care of that one last detail? Or, have you even wondered, "If I'd just taken a little extra time to talk to them about God...?" Now is the time ...time for what? Yesterday I had just enough time to "get everything in" ... people to see, loose ends to tie up, time with some church members, with hubby and spent some extra time organizing for next week's events. Why do I feel pressure when I write about time....maybe it's because next week is my BIG day (born 19??????) so time is of definite essence............soaking up the fabulous blessings because my kids (all inclusive...I count our daughter-in-law as our kid and the awesome grandkids) do very much remember me in such a marvelous way....but, where did the time go? It seems like yesterday I was celebrating 2006 b-day!!!! How about you? Is time going by that fast? It freaks me out because I'm thinkin' we need more hours in the day to enjoy all the "fabulous blessings." Of course, I'm one of these "can't wait" to the big day. I'll just have to....oh yes, tonight is Friday Night Date Night.....we'll probably end up shopping for some new shoes with the tax free weekend. I wish for all of us a happy Friday!!!!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Where is God?

In the last week I've had the question posed to me "Where is God?" Oh, believe me, He's still there. Who gave up on who? We give up on God. I call upon Him daily, hourly, minute by minute. I trust Him to supply all MY needs. I live purposefully and worthily and accurately; not as unwise and witless, but as a wise sensible, intelligent person; making the very most of His wisdom and guidance. Proverbs 2 tells a lot of God's provisions. He is always there for me and has never failed me yet!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Does The World Really Care?

Narrowing that down to me......absolutely unequivably I care! If there is such a global care.....that's me. And I don't mean to sound arrogant. My Mom used to say "They threw the mold away when you were made - there is not another human on the face of this earth that cares as much as you, Carol." It's when people won't let me care....oh believe you me, I find a way to care...even if I have to find where they parked their car and leave a card....there are so many ways to care! We raised our kids to care and believe you me, they lovingly care. Make the world a better'd love to be a part of an entire world marketing campaign that says "Caring Avails Much!" .....try it, you'll like it!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Wow! What a great subject! I classify myself as a cheerful person. My brother (who is in Heaven now) always said "Carol you wake up in a new world every day." He couldn't be more perfectly right. There's always something I can have on my mind that makes me feel cheerful. My husband is not a snore-er...that alone would make me cheerful..........I have so much to be grateful for! I have extremely thoughtful kids and grandkids.....cheerful isn't the word for it! Exhuberant!!!!Come on now..who wants to be around doom and happy and always think of the other person...that alone will make you cheerful! I'm going to make someone's day by being never knows what a difference it might make to care.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Prayer Bones

Okay everyone - get your on your prayer bones (knees) and pray for Anne Jackson as she takes some time away to continue authoring "Mad Church Disease." The book will definitely be a best seller to we who are in full-time ministry. She has gathered a lot of info and has tremendous insight into what leaders really go through in the day to day activities. I know I will uplift her in prayer as she continues this insurmountable task! May God give her strength as she deligently continues this task! I hope you will join me in prayer for Anne's steady progress and focus for her new book.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Great News!

I'm up and running!!! As I mentioned my (ancient) computer crashed. Naturally my hubby said I could share his computer....that meant literally moving into his office (his space) and the way I look at it when a woman moves in, she moves in!!! My own chair and all........Leave it up to our son to have a solution...hooray....I'm now using a real cool laptop he brought over and my husband went right in, set up every single icon I needed, etc......and here I am back up and running! Do I love it...the keyboard is so fantastic to type on...I can take this neat, cool piece of awesome equipment with me I got up early to see what all it has on'll do everything except serve me breakfast (ha) and I'm happy. My husband even set up the printer with it!!! I'm still not sure how to set the clock so if this shows an odd time, it's really only 6 a.m. See ya in church at 10 a.m.......Ladies - remember W.O.W. (Women of Worth) 9 a.m. I know you can make it. Today's subject: Empowerment.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Thoughts about ....FNDN

I'm getting braver on these blog titles...I surveyed the week's titles and changed my mind about having a blog title. It's fun to awaken each day with a new thought and share ..... okay on our FNDN (Friday Night Date Night) we put on our Sunday go-to-meetin' clothes and had our pic taken in a studio. The photographer kept saying my glasses needed to be taken off because of the glare. My husband is extremely photogenic! We had fun though - they have you "come back in about an hour" and zippo - your pics are ready! Professional studio - definitely NO! Fun - YES! No waiting, Inexperienced photographer, Enthusiastic Receptionist, ....We decided not to dwell on the details, and will wait and see what our kids think. After that event (& it was an event), we had a nice, casual meal at Chili's. They have some new salad items on their menu and the noise level was down a few decimals; that and a pretty warm cup of decaf coffee and we were good to go. My hubby decided to read and I hit the zzzzzzz's.

I am looking forward to a super day ....seeing those adorable, so brilliant, exciting, always loving grandkids,(and, of course their parents) today is going to just be wonderful!

Special REMINDER: W.O.W. (Women of Worth/9a.m. Tomorrow - Fellowship Hall....Discussion Title: "Empowerment") :=) I've invited a couple of ladies who are coming - yea!!!!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Carol's Caring Thoughts

Fridays are awesome! Sunday is my favorite day, of course, with Church Services. Everyone that knows us always asked "Well, what did you do on your Friday night date night?" By Sunday sometimes I have to pick my brain and say "What did we do?" I'm just so grateful we are so consistent in "asking each other out....." We're coming upon forty years of marriage and to be honest, this has been our close/connective/communication/hang-in-there, optimistic and fun time! We do a lot of creative date nights. Some day I'll blog about some of that....awesome, awesome, awesome husband's hobby is ship modeling, so he is the world's best in creativity!!! "Cool!" is the best I can describe it! I'm very creative, and am simplistic in selecting a choice of things to do. "Ahhhh" describes my creativity!!! Do you have a Date Night? A friend of mine has chosen all day on Saturday; oh they walk their dog in probably two or three parks - they say on Saturday there aren't that many people there. To each his own. I may not know exactly where we are going tonight until 6 -ish p.m. because of our schedules, but I'm definitely excited!!!! Happy Friday!!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Carol's Caring Thoughts

Yesterday I researched Blog titles...some caught my eye, some were invigorating, some were controversial, etc. Then my mind starting thinking "Carols Caring Thoughts" is the title of course to find my blog. Several of the ladies have mentioned "I read your blogs religiously, but keep forgetting my password to comment." ...."but I love what you write....which is inspiring..." Another thought..hmmm since I'm receiving feedback that my blog is more of a devotional, motivational, thoughts for the day...then why not have the same title and just continue as is. The one thing for sure I do not have a lazy mind by not creating a blog title. I'll try this for a while and see what readers think. Here we go....yesterday while out looking for prospects for our church, a lady at Macy's heard me say my husband is a Pastor. So she told me this story about her granddaughter in church.....The pastor was wired for sound with a lapel mike and as he spoke, he moved briskly about the platform, jerking the mike cord as he went. (Obviously it was not cordless in modern today time.) Then he moved to one side, getting wound up in the cord and nearly tripping before jerking it again. The granddaughter leaned over to her and whispered, "If he gets loose, will he hurt us?" We all need humor and of course it received a few chuckles......have a few chuckles yourself today! I know I'm going to! Let me hear what makes you chuckle.......

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Should we bear one another's burdens?

Indeed, Christians are to be sympathetic and understanding toward one another. When someone helping someone is kind, the person is comforted by realizing that someone understands how she feels. I think this sympathetic relationship paves the way for free discussion of the problem. People often become reserved or defensive when they feel that others do not understand. I definitely feel we should bear one another's burdens - not to the point that they BURDEN us down, but at least let someone know we care. The world needs more caring people. Today sounds like a good day to thank someone who makes it a point to care. You might not need it, but the person you are sending the Thank You to would!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Noteworthy Achievement

I love to research.....especially blog titles, sports, business entrepreneurs and more importantly church web sites that are appealing. People that know me say "sports???" Hmmm Oh yes, I note with interest, Barry Bonds' 755 homer that ties H. Aaaron's 755! And why is there always a controversy that has to go along with such great achievement?....steroid....the way I look at it if the commissioner of baseball made noteworthy comments regarding his achievement, and the fact is dwelling on the negative. I'm sure out in the heat, Barry, his family, kids, and friends are cheering him on. We all need to send words of cheer to any family member or friend who are proud of their a-ha moments! I know I will!!!!

Monday, August 6, 2007


Discipleship is the process of confirming to Christ. Christlikeness is my eventual destination, but my journey will last a lifetime. There are no shortcuts to maturity. When we arrive at real maturity - that measure of development means fully relying on God! I know it will make our lives become brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like Him!

Sunday, August 5, 2007


Yesterday I decided to go to the Mall.....hmmmmm almost a big mistake! It was wall to wall school kids shopping for shoes and clothes and I could not believe there were those many kids in one place! WOW!; Hot Topic Store was so crowded, there were kids by the door waiting to get in!!! School must start early for some kids - of course I ALWAYS have to stop for a pretzel at Annie's (the best) and the whole family was eating their pretzels and they said they were vacationing from Idaho and thought it was a cool Mall! Anywho I got out alive! So, today is the fabulous favorite day of mine - The Lord's Day and we will honor Him by going to Church --everyone knows we'll have a great Service ---believe you me I would love to have an eighth of those teens at our husband is speaking on "The Rock." Have a blessed day! See ya at 10-11 a.m.

Saturday, August 4, 2007


One of my favorite scriptures is "Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find." All I have to do is ask for extra mercy, grace, love, patience, endurance, boldness, kindness, etc. I would be blogging all day telling what I ask for and received. That's what a loving God we have! I'm asking God to bless each person that reads my blog and I know He the song says during our "Welcome" portion of worship service......."passing the faith along to my brother......" God is good! Fully rely on Him!

Friday, August 3, 2007


Hark! I selected PUBLISH POST and it posted. I see the day is off. Today is Friday!! No worries. I'm allowing myself plenty of patience and endurance. (But most of all, I covet plenty of prayers!!) : = ) Thx!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Early Riser

Okay - this is yesterday's blog. My 'puter crashed and I'm on my husband's. At this point, I will not give myself a benefit of a doubt....I have too much respect for him to wake him up and say "Hey I need help in posting my blog on your computer...." And so I will continue sending this post and yesterday's to publish. I'm hoping it will go through. Happy Friday!!!

I'm definitely an early riser! But then again staying up late is acceptable with me. (For those that know me are probably chuckling right now.... When our Grandkids are here....guess who puts them to bed if it's 11 or midnight (after a late movie)? guessed it....Grandpa! We are definitely opposites and I truly believe it has worked quite well for our marriage. We have fun talking in the morning when he gets up...questions like "What time did you go to bed?" and "What time did you get up?" Then, simultaneously we both say "UGH!" (It's really not that boring!!!) For the almost 40 years we've been married; we've decided that will never change. Works perfect for being compatible! He has his space and I have mine! That's what I love being an early riser...........lots of love for the new day goes on..the first one to greet our two adorable dogs; Pixie and Chloe; first to smell the wonderful coffee brewing; first to find out what's going on in the world (i.e. blogging, news, programs...although I'm not a TV buff in the early morning!) Life blossoms early for me. I think it comes from when I was in College, having to take very early classes; the best one was at 7 a.m. and if I wasn't there on time, points were taken off my grade for tardiness. I didn't like those consequences, so I became an avid early riser!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


According to the U.S. Census Bureau the month with the highest number of births is August. I'm including in that number as well as all but one of my sisters (which is in January). I've already had our son and daughter make mention of this exhiliarating ocasion! I'm still dilly dallying around with the palm pilot our son, daughter-in-law and grandkids got me last year! Okay where has time gone? seems like it was just yesterday! Plus our daughter knitted me the most gorgeous purse you ever saw in your life! (I've almost worn it out!!) One year (younger) will be here before I know it but I know it will always be a chance for me to feel as special as God created me to be! And that's just phenomenal, or as we used to say in Oklahoma, hunky dorey!!!