Saturday, July 31, 2010

Great Energizers ....Random Thoughts

The Bible (of course the Lord), kids, grandkids, relatives, and friends! And most of all stay encouraged!

Once you get off course satan sets a trap and you're right back where you started from. You can't forgive, or get rid of the anger.

No race seems too long. Races builds with energy, and the team develops a momentum that is almost unstoppable.

Stay on course....stay with God and doing what's right!!!! Have a great emergizing Saturday!!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Understanding Yourself

In discussing personality, we must know or understand ourselves. How can we ever hope to understand our mate if we do not understand our own self? How well do you really know yourself? Are we able to recognize our own strength and our own weakness? Often it is so easy to see the mote in the other person's eye and yet not know we have a beam in our own. Perhaps in some areas we are not conscious of our own short-comings. We may be able to deceive ourselves but usually our mate has a fairly good image of us. If we fail to meet his expectations, then it is our responsibility to check ourselves and correct our faults.

Are you willing for your hubby to be the head of your home? Are you willing to follow his leadership in private and family devotions?

After we have tried to become better acquainted with our own personality, and understand our attitudes more clearly, then we have victory!!!!

Have a great weekend and prayers for understanding yourself!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thinking About Our Homes

Think about the place whre you live, the place you call home. What kind of atmosphere do you create? The woman sets the spirit of the home. By and large, it's a sphere and a place we build, watch over, manage, and love. So why shouldn't we dive in and put our passion into it?

Ask the Lord for a makeover. Talk to other women who love to keep their homes. Ask your husband what he thinks. Pick up and organize "stuff" that piles up.

This is where you rest, create, think, pray, cook, all the necessary things to go out in public and shine for the Lord. So, why shouldn't we keep a home founded and esstablished by God. It is the oldest institution in the world!!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I'm up super early. My mind has been on WISDOM lately? So, do you need wisdom? You'll ind it in the Bible. Do you need encouragement? It, too, lies on the sacred pages! Just read it!

The Bible is alive!

It speaks to me!

It corrects, mends, and instructs me!!

The Bible equips me for answers and soothes my troubled mind!

We shouldn't wander through life that causes us to stumble or miss our way!

Get wisdom!!!! Be sure you turn to the Bible to show you the right way, to help you to avoid the wrong way and to manage your life God's way! Not popular these days, but sooo necessary!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I am so pumped!!!! I got an awesome encouraging e-mail today from our devoted friend and I am thanking the Lord for her. She noted that she heard the song "Behold He Comes" and remembered me singing it at Lighthouse Church (the last church we Pastored) that I am pumped to practice my singing again. That was a tough song to sing, but I always stayed with the background music!

Thanks Friend, Geneva and may God bless you so devotedly for passing on this encouragement. It gives me chills, gratitude, and a reason to keep serving the Lord. Have a happy Tuesday everyone because I am going to enjoy this e-mail and be blessed by it!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

God is Amazing!

Trust Him!
He gives us courage!
He gives us ENcouragement!
And then He gives us energy to continue on!!!!

How about you? How has God been amazing to you?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Two Different Kinds of Leaders

Leaders can win the confidence, trust, and friendship of the people they lead by taking the spotlight off of themselves and putting it on others. In fact, this works in all areas of life.

Philippians 2:3-4 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of youlook out not only for his own interests but the interest of others.

Honor the whole team. Everyone needs encouragement. Just letting someone know their work and friendship is important and appreciated makes each one of us run more smoothly, become stronger and more effective.

I want to be a leader that encourages others. How about you? What is your goal?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Devoted Christians!!!!

My husband and I have a couple that are devoted Christians. They are always serving the Lord. They were our #1 couple that only eternity will reveal how much they helped us at Lighthouse. Now that we have retired, they are now still serving at another church, but we cannot thank God enough for their encouragement they still give us now. The world is better because of these two devoted friends. I dedicate my blog to them today. My neighbor's security light stayed on all night and finally kept me awake at a very early time this morning. We shared our love for the Clarks last night on our date night and although I slept like a log, they are devoted Christians and we want to give honor, glory, and praise to our precious Lord for them! She was my hubby's Office Administrator...or whatever task was needed. We have fond memories of her husband and her always so faithful (never missed a Sunday) to help Pastor Jim. (or me). God is so good to give such tremendous memories of such a lovely, dedicated couple.

Do you have a couple that have been an inspiration to you and your hubby? I'd love to know.

Friday, July 23, 2010

One Little Corner........

One little corner is all I need,
Where I can have a Bible to read.
A chair by the window with sun coming through,
Some pretty summer flowers still covered with dew -
Always a hubby to warm her with love,
And answers to prayers from the Lord above!

Does your passion need to be renewed? I'd love to hear what you need. I wrote this little poem to get me started each day to get in touch with God, read his word, and thank him so much for the blessings of the day!

The weekend is almost here! Have a great one!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Are You A Busy Woman?

What's the answer to that question?

Yesterday I took a "Carol Day" -- didn't even look at Facebook, e-mails, or writing for hubby. So, does that make me a busy woman?

let's discover the directions the Lord gave me. After all, we want to do and be what He wants us to do and be!

What difference should it make to us that we house the Holy Spirit in our bodies? That our bodies are temples of God? Here's a little checklist that will help us to take better care of our bodies.

Guard yourself Prov. 4 ... understand the subject....YOU

Walk in righteousness - avoid temptations

Avoid sexual sin (I Cor. 6:13) - profanes our Lord!

Glorify God in your body. If you are causing someone to stumble, fix it, ask for forgiveness.

Enjoy your Thursday!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

HOME the Father's kingdom, the Mother's world, the Child's paradise.

I hope your Wednesday is filled with grace, mercy and lots of love.
Take some time and enjoy your lovely home. We have so much to be thankful for.

I'm having a "Carol" Day! wooohoooooo

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Self Esteem!!!

I think it boils down to taking a "God look" at youself. Once you feel confident in what God has designed, you can at that point care about others. Let me be like Mary who had fellowship with the Lord. And hope the food is very good for all I invite to serve them. God wants us to read his word. The closer we feel to Him, I know it makes us happier, love more, be extra confident (not arrogant) and one who wants others to have the same God we have!

I hope your Tuesday is better than anything and God blesses you in a marvelous way!

Monday, July 19, 2010

God Honored Home!!!

The home may be spacious; it might even small but great!
But when God is honored ....lots of willing hands will help and share in lifting burdens others bear.

Why be God honored?
Christian homes give hope for the Nation and faith will conquer fear and despair!

So private and loving; the bond is so secure!

Does your home reflect God's love and care?

May your Monday be saturated with love, kindness, and appreciation!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Recently I had the privilege of helping a lady that wanted to give "love" to her husband and didn't know how. I challenged her to go all the way and truly love him. I said like "mutual friends" on FB...give him mutual understanding! It's impossible to live with a person you are always trying to "figure out." Understanding must not be mistaken for remodeling. No one likes to be made over - especially if it is your husband or wife trying to do it. This only tends to make the sparks fly. I challenged her to accept him as he is for what he is. Accept him for himself - not the man you want him to be. Believe in him, pray with him and for him; cooperate with him, cheer him, be patient when things go wrong.

Are you challenged by this? Give him his time alone and James 5:16 says to confess your faults one to another (husband or wife), and pray for one another that ye may be healed. Take time to listen and love with preoccupation or interruption. That's the core of any great marriage. Happy Saturday!!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Celebrating Friday!!!!

I always watch the America Morning and Local News. And they say "We are celebrating Friday." Celebrating what? Of course I know...the end of a busy week and a way to do what freedom there is on Sat. and Sunday! The weather is a must to listen to, so don't forget that!

Celebrating Friday for me is "Friday date night." This is what I have framed on my desk: Remember - as every thread of gold is valuable; so is every moment of time. What do you think that means? To me it means make the most out of time together and stay consistent. There have been times when hubby and I just went to Las Lupes and shared an ala carte taco....(cost $1.25) my hubby loves the very hot sauce and chips and I love the taco. With having to have dental work, chips are out for me now, but a soft shell taco will do!!! And the great time about Date Night is dreaming up what to do??? With nothing....with something, but most of all the love for each other!!!

By the way............thank you each one for subscribing to my blog...I posted it on FB and got great results! woohooo

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Love That Man!!!!!

My hubby took my pic again and I placed it on FB. This has been fun; he truthfully doesn't like FB, but he knows I truly love it! Any way, FB is a bit overwhelming to me but I love keeping in touch with peeps.

I titled this blog, Love that man.....why????

He is my beloved and friend!!! (Song of Solomon 5:16) My hubby's loyal love works wonders!!!

When I am sad, he cheers me.
When he does noble things, I love to praise him.
When I am generous, he appreciates me.
When he is talkative, I listen to him and vice versa.
Whether he comes or goes, I give lots of kisses and he as well.

We are both working together to help others. Pray for us!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Creating!!!! Random Thoughts

Trying to create the back yard with hubby and with really no money, but being very grateful that Lowe's lets us know when their plants are $1.....isn't that marvelous?

Between facilitating married couples now which we are thrilled to do, we are creating something we can enjoy and missing the growth we saw in church members, it's nice to see couples advance in their marriage and find the reason why things aren't working and, of course, see flowers grow. I call it living out God's plan with passion and purpose.

Next to your relationship with God, your marriage is most urgent....and demanding. Yet it pays life's highest dividends. I don't know about you, but whenever anything is wrong in the least bit between hubby and me, I am miserable. Gotta communicate, spend time together, lavish him with my love! (And he does the same!)

Your loyal love for your hubby and creativity will work wonders in your marriage!!!
Takes time and love!!! Love, love, love it!

Enjoy your Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Check Attitude At The Door!!!!

It says so in Philippians 2:14. I think I will. It's tragic that most people have NO clue what that means! So, what do they do? They come with a BAD attitude and ruin everyone's day! Bummer. My question would be what would Jesus do? Probably roll up his sleeves and check his attitude in that it would be one of love, peace, and joy!!!!! It glorifies God in a marvelous way! Enjoy your Tuesday!!! : )

Monday, July 12, 2010


I love this word! No two families are identical. Each has their own good points - try to use these to enrich your own home. Remember Matt. 7:1-3, "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thy own eye." We just need patience and tolerate others and love them! Understanding can become a strong fence for tolerance. Just tolerate and as my Mom used to say; "None of us are perfect, so just put up with it!!!!"

Today I'll be tolerating a front tooth that is temporary at least for two weeks. I promise you I'll just have to put up with it. Prayers, please!!!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Love 101

Falling in love is easy.
But growing a Christian marriage and nurturing a life-long friendship and building a permanent, rewarding relationship takes work.....commitment. It takes determination, time and sacrifice and daily management which people don't really want to do.

I can enjoy great accomplishments on so many areas, but if something is wrong with my priority relationship, Jim, then all is wrong. So, what to do. Fix it! Since he and I retired, we are on the same page and to the point where we read what each other is going to say next. We LOVE sitting on the patio and enjoying God's wonderwork in the trees, grass growing (our dog that died recently was a "mud dog" and layed most of the grass away) and we love to watch flowers grow.

God, who knows our needs, has provided His guidelines for our marriage and His word. And that's to love one another in respect, so I say what to Love 101 and get busy! Roll up your sleeves and lavish him with your love and her with your love!!

Your loyal love will work wonders in your marriage!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hope in the Lord!

Psalm 91:4 ..... a comforting passage in the Bible.

Describes the security believers can enjoy through faith in God and its promised.

Paints a beautiful portrait of hope....reflect on this hope....breathe it in deep....then go out and share with others.

HIS POWER ....iN ADVERSITY, God delivers and helps you reach your goal.

HIS PROVISION.......regardless of your needs, God meets them.

His matter what you're going through, you don't have to be lonely.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Embrace Freedom!!!

That's pure retirement! I hope you get a chance to read my "Mind Comment" on FB today. Women are so important and being a retired woman helping other women is ecstacy!! Brings so much happiness and life every single day! I call Thursday "catch up day!!!" Reading, Praying, Gardening, about you? How is your Thursday?

I'm also waiting to go to the Dentist tomorrow because a filling fell out of my tooth...ugh! And he was all booked up until Friday a.m. at 8. I always hope our very favorite Dentist we've had for twenty-eight years can make my tooth perfect again. Prayers please. Not my favorite place to be in a Dentist chair, but necessary!!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Remember to Smile!!!

Let's not forget to smile. At people who come our way. Smiles can leave impressions....that stay with us always.

There's no way we can bear the burdens of others. We care. We only wish we could send flowers to them to cheer them up.

We won't regret if we give a smile that will boost their day!!!!!

The smile helps those in need.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Embrace Love!!!!!

I have never run into such bitter peeps about love! It's pathetic. That's what makes the world go round. Just because one person messed up royally in their marriage doesn't mean we all live like that!!!

One of the keys to a happy and successful marriage is mutual understanding and love. Understanding means accepting a person as he is for what he is (& his fam.) We are able to help each other but desirable changes are mde only through patience, LOVE, understanding and bitterness and conflict should be thrown out the window.

How do we ever expect to understand our mate if we do not understand our own self in love? Embrace love...Study it in the Bible....can't get enough of it. I know I have to give love...I know it is the BEST way to live!!!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Best Ever 4th of July!!!!

How about you? What did you do?

Our lives were filled with patriotism, celebrating our fabulous daughter's b-day, parade, concerts, whoopeee!!!!!!

Everyone always wants to ask me how do I really enjoy the 4th when your daughter was born right at the very eve of the holiday? Trust me...all these years we couldn't have a big birthday party because all the kids in the summer were gone to their Grandparents for the summer time; then when she graduated from College getting her MA degree, she moved far this year we did Web/Cam birthday and it was incredible!!!! She showed us her living room as she has changed every thing around, we got to see the two adorable granddogs and as she stated "it was like we were just together." She is esthatic over it and can't stop thanking and complimenting us.

I am a birthday Mom to the max and also I love parades!!!!! So, my hubby and I went to one in our town, then to a country/western concert and we had watermelon that they were giving away!!!! This was the best ever 4th of July!!!! Woooohooo

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Greatest Thrill!!!

Having a precious beautiful, marvelous, phenomenal daughter almost on the 4th...she was born on the, her birthday is FIRST, then the 4th activities. If the rain doesn't wash out the parade...this weekend has been my most greatest thrill; giving birth to her thirty-six years ago and being ever so close, then the parade and the then the fireworks and Orchestras that give such spectacular programs.

My heart is huge towards all these events, but I want to wish all of you a Happy and safe 4th!!! Have fun, celebrate our freedoms, and have a thrill of all of everything! I know I will! My heart is so overjoyed, and hope your's is also!! All of this cannot be comprehended until we lay our precious heads tomorrow night, resting to thank God for such feelings of excitement and thrill!!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Enjoy Your Day!!!!

I'm taking a "Carol Day!" Enjoy your's! Blessings to all of us!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fun, Fun, Fun!!!!

My hubby and I had a great time in the kitchen for supper last night. Usually we eat about 5-sh, but I wanted to watch Oprah which comes on at 4. So, from 3:45 p.m. and 4 we both did awesome team work and had supper on the table by 4!!! Now that was a challenge. We had homemade tacos and he is perfect at chopping up the tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, onions (he loves onions on his tacos) and I decided to make chili rheonos which turned out delicious. Then, he did the hamburger meat and I did the tortillas. You can't tell me teamwork doesn't work!!!Total cost $1.29 (3 tacos each)

So much fun....what have you done together with your hubby where you both masterminded the event and it worked?

I'd love to hear. Happy Thursday!!!