Saturday, November 3, 2007

How's Your Spaghetti Level?

It seems that everywhere we turn, we hear talk about how healthy spaghetti sauce is to your brain! Physicians are calling it "brain food," thus adding a lot of serotonin to the brain. So, last night on our date night, we went to an Italian Restaurant. We ran into some friends we hadn't seen for at least seven years. They were on their date night also and have been married 55 years!!!! Can you imagine? Our's is coming up on 40. They were saying after being married that long you tend to sit in the corner of a Restaurant and just look at each don't say a word! Just enjoying each other's cool is that???? Mostly, on our date night, I listen to my husband's heart; he shares with me what is going on in his life, stressful issues, etc. I am truly tuned in to listening....he doesn't want any advice, just sharing......I love it because I know all of his time is spent helping families facilitate the process of reaching an agreement on acceptable behavior during family times together. I believe in just about any family, people can get so entangled in disputes and hurt emotions that they need help from a Pastor to restore peace. And I know, without a doubt, we both are burdened and care; that is our passion.

The spaghetti level comes in and to be honest I cannot remember at what year in our marriage, he shared with me that spaghetti is his first choice for food. At this point I'm not sure whether it's because it tastes so delicious or the serotonin level is low. So, since that time when he suggests going to an Italian restaurant; he'll say "I'm pretty sure my spaghetti level is low, let's go." Last night I tried ravioli...........hmmmmmmm I'll have to think on that one.....toss up....I think spaghetti is my choice from now on!

REMEMBER: to set your clocks back 1 hour tonight!!!!!! See ya in Church!

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