Sunday, January 31, 2010

Super Card!

I got an "I Love You" card from my hubby!!! Of course, it's not the first time; he is faithful of that and of course I make him a card right back! He wrote this: "You put a lot into fulfilling me. Thank you! I never know what you're going to pull next to bring us closer together. And I like that! Life stays exciting because I live with a wife/very lovely like YOU, honey!"

Tomorrow begins a great month and my favorite! We're one step ahead now, with already exchanging card #1! Thank you Lord for love, peace and joy!!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Keep Hope Alive With Optimism!

How do you keep hope from fizzling out?

Model optimism!

Optimism is contagious!

Communicate it to everyone around you!

We all have a sense of significance and where do we get it?

Hope and Optimistic Thoughts!!!

One person can keep hope alive!

Try it, you'll love it!!!! (Now, go to FB!!! super post!)

Friday, January 29, 2010

More on Gratitude!

....or the spirit of love. You will find as you look on your life...that the moments when you have really lived.....

are the moments when you have done things in a spirit of love and gratitude.

We're coming upon our LOVE MONTH - February....ooooo,,,,,awe,,,,,eeek......Valentine's Day!

I'm looking forward to it!

Yesterday I sent out at least twelve thank you cards to people who still remember us and have made contact.

It's so nice to be remembered and thanked and then as the "love" goes out, it just feels so wonderful; as they say "It's feels so good, it hurts when it's gone!!!!"
Happy Friday!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Leadership Wired!

When peeps make extremely critical remarks regarding a leader, it sends chills up and down my spine. It reminds me of scouling looks and mumblings under the comments when my husband Pastored. He truly never received very many in our thirty-eight tenure, but when he did get them, it was painful, so painful to him and me!

We always had the same page (goals) as to wanting the church to grow, but a small few didn't want our church to "get too big." Only God keeps a record of that. I believe we need to pray for our President Obama and Congress.

Opposing faces...ugh.... That's too big to even give any comments, so I remain giving practical advice on how to effectively provide the kind of encouragement that transforms individuals families, churches and work teams into happier, healthier, more affirming networks! woooohoo

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

No post......

While trying to put a pic of my hubby on my blog...somehow it deleted. I'm still in learning stage! I will learn at some point, because I'm not a give upper!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Just Be There.....

We need to calm down and come together as families. We need to simplify our family lives. Children should have quiet time for reflection and creative flow; and they need to learn how to entertain themselves. Human beings are designed to follow life rhythms.

Just really be there for your doesn't matter whether they are four or fifty-four!!! We all learn from each other. Be candid and honest with kids. Kids can tell if the walk doesn't match the talk. Work on instilling values and character. It's simple - be their role model. We are far from perfect, but we just need to do the best we can with a keen sensitivity to the fact that we are being watched in all we do. If you want your child to be neat, with a perfectly tidy room every day, then you must be neat. If you want your children to have joyful, well-adjusted dispositions, then they've got to see you acting, feeling and living that way too!

Monday, January 25, 2010


The older we become, it seems the faster the days slip by! Science has been able to add years to life, but our greatest problem is how to add life to years. How can we make the most out of life? The JOY of living is not found necessarily in many years of existence. Let us think of the man who is usually referred to as living the longest amount of years ever recorded. Methuselah (Gen. 5:17). This is all we know about him. Perhaps he never accomplished one worthwhile thing.

A happy life must have a center or a point of reference. There must be a home port, a place to return whre we know love is waiting to greet us. Happiness is found by being true to one's self; always seeking high ideals and the perfect peace! The peace of God passes all understanding. I want more of it! Don't you?

Saturday, January 23, 2010


How do you bring joy into your life?

As Niki says "JUST DO IT!"

That's the only way I can describe it.

Why would you want to ruin someone's day by not being joyful?

I've seen so many people lately who wouldn't be joyful if their life depended on it.

That's so sad.

Joy brings a smile to my face! If you have a dog, look at joyful he/she is and you can't help be joyful. Our dog smile at is precious!

I'm declaring an all-out joy day for everyone that reads my blog. (Are you smiling?)
( :
= )

Friday, January 22, 2010

Encourager Vs. Trouble Makers

Those who know me, know I totally despise labeling someone but if you saw a Post Title like Encourager Vs. Trouble Makers obviously I would hope and pray you would choose "Encourager!" Sadly to say I know some who are "Trouble Makers" - they have nothing better to do than just stir up trouble. Lies, untruths, jealousy, all the aggravating behaviors that could be downright discouraging. To me, no better way to describe them, but they are known as Trouble Makers.

'Nuff of that.....I choose to encourage. Yesterday I did some serious Mall walking; grant it I drug my purse and feet on the last go 'round but I slept like a log from all the exercise!

Tonight I'm planning a purposeful celebration! I'm going to surprise my hubby and have a "I'm glad we made it to the end of the month" party! This month has been a month of pure keep a strict budget and we're almost we shall have fun at my celebration. There will be a lot of balloons, joy, music, and comparison of Dec. to Jan. This has been a month of tremendous discipline, so we may have a discussion about that subject......wish I could invite you, but guess what? It's our Friday Night Date Night....sssshhhhh just he and me!!! He knows that whatever I put together will be fun, he will always remember, and talk about it forever!!!!!! Have a great Friday yourself! wooohoooo

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Encouragement Leads To Great Things!

Oooooo I love this scripture verse - I Cor. 2:9 "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him."

Bring it on God!

How does encouragement lead to great things?

Example: An automobile goes nowhere efficiently unless it has a quick, hot spark to ignite things, to set the cogs of the machine in motion. So, sending encouragement to everyone, I pray, she or he feels the spark and it keeps them in motion. Every single week I send our daughter an "Encouragement card" pretty much arrives on Wednesday or Thursday; she will text me and say "Mom that brought tears to my eyes..." but the fact that it gives her that spark she needs and is so grateful for. It's a double dose of encouragement because I show it to Jim before I mail it and he is "encouraged big time" as he says!!!!!! Who are you encouraging today? It does lead to great things!!!! Enjoy your Thursday!!!!! Love, Peace, Joy!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Shortest Blog Ever!!!!

As you make efforts to bless others, may you in turn be doubly blessed!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Diamond in the Rough

We are truly a "diamond in the rough." God takes the scruffy scars and mistakes and turns them into diamonds where we shine for Him! Are people jealous....absolutely! Prov. 22:30. Don't let the devil get you to think bad of yourself! That will bring you to a place that causes you to have an attitude of not caring and you will find yourself in the pit, climbing yourself out and not able to look at the great things God has done for you, making you shine for Him!!!!

I have asked Him to get rid of the rough places, or chipped places and make me a gorgeous diamond, able to reach out for grace to go beyond the disappointments, the hurtful comments, etc...... Let's find someone who is hurting and let our diamonds so to speak shine with God's glory and mercy! I'm pullin' for you; you can do it through grace and God's remarkable strengths that He will give!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

After Blessing!

Since retirement, I occasionally get a really encouragement e-mail,fabulous comments on FB or a letter/note in the mail or even left by our mailbox on the front porch. :) Now, no further ado, may I please share a neat letter (note) I received from a former church member which truly blessed my heart!

You are charming and gracious, and such a Lady I knew (still do); smiling and friendly with face all aglow. Rejoicing with others when joy came their way; or you were shedding a tear when hurts or sorrow holds sway. You shunned words of fact your motto was "Love one another." She taught and guided us and remembered to pray; I'm sure it was that we all may see Jesus in our life each day!

Oh, do I love you for being a lady so loving, awesome, and caring; the wife of my Pastor; a treasure that's rare! Thank you so much."

I was telling our daughter yesterday about this note and she said "Mom, that was definitely and STILL is you!

So, I got paid back for encouragement; although I love to encourage and will continue to do so! If you have MLK Day off, have a restful or get caught up day! Be blessed in so many ways!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


My favorite subject! an example of love before our children. Love is a privilege, not a duty. No two children are alike - one may express love while the other may not show love outwardly at all. We must accept our children on their own merits. We only cause problems when we try to make them over.

Manifesting our love is guidance. I hope you learn to express it! This is the day the Lord has given His day to praise and be grateful for the love He has given to us. I've asked Him to let me show that love to each person I come in contact with at Church, and whomever I see or have the joy to exhibit this fabulous gift.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Encouragement re: Habits!

Do we allow habit to become servant or master? Your habit can be a loyal servant that supplies only the best for you - or it may be a tyrannical master that chains you to a selfish existence. Habit is a very strong cable We are constantly weaving thread after thread no matte which role of womanhood we have achieved. Eventually the cord we weave will become so strong we will find ourselves powerless to break it.

It is so important to master the habits in life before they master us. Habits work more constantly and with greater force than reason.

I would like to share a great habit I have and I was always told by Instructors at the College I graduated from. I have a habit of sending a thank you note almost immediately when I have something given to me. The habit is so strong, it is on my mind constantly until I seal that envelope and put the stamp on it!

How about you? Do you have a great habit you want to share? Happy Saturday!!!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Mutual Respect

About this time last year I was taking piano lessons until my instructor moved to another church. But I knew there were also two sisters taking piano lessons and doing very well. One day he assigned them a four hand dueet. They were to learn their own arrangement first and then combine the two. The trouble came when they tried to play together. it seemed to only frustrate each one. The discords were amost unbearable until they finally gave up and quit rather than trying to work it out from the encouragement of their parents.

This is also true in marriage many times. When problems arise, they just throw in the towel. It may take a lot of patience and hard work but there is a workable solution to almost every problem with mutual respect! The art of communication is simply talking things over quietly, composed, using appreciation, admiration, encouragement, understanding and RESPECT.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Focus on Strengths

We're almost half-way through the month of January our new 2010 year! I want to encourage you to "stay" your mind on strengths! Yesterday I was drained from being with a lady that saw the BAD in everything. By the end of the day, I checked my attitude and it was "gripey".....see discouragement and negative does drag someone way down. Please give words of kindness and love, confidence, ability to lighten their load. It brings hope and encouragemenet and adds tremendously STRENGTHS!!

II Cor. 13: Greet one another with love, kindness, and patience!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Potential is a super great word!

Treat a person as if she already were what be potentially could be, and you make her what she should be! I see so many younger women that just need to look in the mirror daily and see the potential that is in the very self they see in that mirror! If you haven't already began doing it....look yourself square in the mirror and say "Girl, you look awesome today!" Begin to look at the great potential you have in empowering yourself to have every single potential it takes within you to go beyond your talents!

List your own expectations and potential and begin acting upon them! Don't let the down and outers get you down!!!! Keep your chin up because it is definately the road to success!!! Yea....I know you can do it!!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Reach Way Beyond Obstacles!

There are people who think seeing obstacles is a sign of maturity and insight. But anyone of average intelligence can do that. God wants people who see a way beyond the obstacles and who encourage others to take it!

Isaiah 43:19 "Behold, I will do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth - Shall you know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."

Monday, January 11, 2010

Lift Up The Brethren!

Have you prayed for your Pastor lately? Today I'll be having lunch with a lady that makes no bones about know she lifts him up (& his wife up) and she asked to take me to lunch.....sooooo I'm looking forward to her raving comments! No one in the humanly "up" position is so high that they can disregard God's point of view on their lives! The barren, the widow, the orphan, the Pastor, the alien, families, anyone experiencing a "down" cycle, all models of human hopelessness are fruitful and secure in God's care! Whatever challenges you have today...lift up the name of our precious Savior!!!! We all need uplifted and to Him be all glory!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Short, sweet, to the point. My take and encouragement on optimism:

Definitely contageous!

True moral courage!

Gives a sense of significance!!!

Enables a team to renergize.

Prevail over daunting obstacles.

Words of kindness and love.

Give words of hope!

I believe optimism gets mind off self-centeredness and build confidence in someone!

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Are you a communicator?

Yes I am.....I will either communicate by phone, in person, by card, e-mail, text or put a comment on facebook. It's vital. Do I communicate with my husband? Definitely!!!If you aren't communicating on an intimate level with your spouse, the time to begin is now.

Do what you can, with what you are and where you are! That is, communicate! Pick up the phone and call. I think cell phones have ruined us...when we only had land lines, our phone rang constantly. It's sad with all the communicate tools we have that friendship is not kept because of neglect.

I challenge you to overcome ANY and ALL obstacles that stand in the way of you communicating; keeping in touch, putting forth the effort! Life is too short to not care!!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

More Appreciation........

I got so excited about the subject "Appreciation" I'm up early to make an "Appreciation card" to my hubby. He's been giving me lessons on how to display a pic albumn on FB! Viola!!!!! That definitely deserves a "Carol's Cheery Cards-2010" So, I bid you farewell, so I can get busy. In order to really have a magnificent card, it takes a lot of time....because I really do appreciate him and he displays the card in his office and oooooo that makes me feel so good to encourage him!!!!! Tonight is Friday night date night (I've chosen to stay in and make guacaumole, chips and watch a movie!!!!). As the song goes..."but baby it's cold outside......" Hope your Friday is happy!!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


People want to be appreciated, not impressed.

They want to be regarded as human beings, not as sounding boards
for other people's egos.

They want to be treated as an end in themselves; in all honesty to be appreciated!

When is the last time you told someone you appreciate them? It goes a long ways!

We had to send something FED EX for our daughter because she couldn't carry it on the plane. Yesterday she texted and said she received it and appreciated it!

Keep it going; do not hesitate to tell someone that you appreciate them! That's my goal in 2010!!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Thank You's

I'm late with my blog because I was finishing my thank you's for such a time as this! (Happiest of Holidays!!!) That's the greatest encouragement I love to do....send thank you's! And of course my cards are created and written by me, so when my brain gets going I can't stop!

So this is how being an encouragement feels............'s a Godsend from Heaven! It takes a place in our heart that we never knew was there!

It gives me a change to fulfill these most basic, heartfelt desires for others.

Right things - stand with them

Better ways of doing things - empower them

Achieve things - motivate them

Pride of the extraordinary - invite them

People earning recognition - HONOR THEM! woooohoooooo

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Generous Emotions

I constantly come back to this post title. I think it's because so many women tell me they are an "emotional" person. I believe generous emotions is really acceptable! If you generously love, you can't help it; it just comes out! I know there has been so many times I generously love to get past the negative emotion because when it gets to doom and gloom.....that's all I can stand. Check out to see if you are showing generous emotions which includes a lot of love to your husband, friends, and family, or your life will be out of balance.

That's a goal of mine in 2010 to be balanced. Accepting love, giving love and compassion to women who are emotional and they need that crucial support. I hope you have a great Tuesday and to my dear friend who is ill, as I found out on FB, I hope you are on the mend and you have my prayers that you are warm and really resting! My generous emotions take over to give you a high-five that you are getting stronger and well! Oh yes!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Being Wise!

The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook. My hubby and I had a fascinating conversation yesterday....once the R word is mentioned (retirement) do people tend to place us in an "old" category and escape to "younger" peeps? That's when being wise comes in. A wise thought is that friendship is honored and even more enjoyed! God gives more time to "be in touch." I want to encourage you to "be in touch." Touch your friend's hearts, your dogs (stroke them) and above all, touch each other. That's what being wise means.......wooohoo lots of hugs! Have a great Monday as we all return to tasks at hand! : )

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Those who believe in our ability do more stimulate us. They create for us an atmosphere in which it becomes easier to succeed.

"Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded towrd one another, acording to Christ Jesus, that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 15:5-6

I would think this would put us on the "same page." (One mind). Ponder on that one! Be encouraged!

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Day

I'm looking for blessings!

Got up and made peanut butter cookies....oh, do they smell great! Awesome! My whole family loves peanut butter, chocolate chip and snickerdoodles! Aim to please! woohooo!

Another thought: I'm certain you could line up many skeptics who say we don't need peace of mind and refueling of spirit! Shopping is what our daughter and I do together if we need to cheer up a bit. We don't buy anything; neither one have it in our budget especially after Christmas......but we always end up at a Bookstore, sipping coffee; me looking at magazines; her looking at knitting books or books to read. We even hold hands and share our untiring love with each other. I'm so blessed to have her for a daughter! She is so thoughtful, caring, and definitely loving! Indescribable.......she was sick all week while she was here, but these last couple of days, she has blossomed to the fullest to attentitavely soak it all all because it's so long between times that we see her. I wish the whole world was like her!!!!! I promise it would be a fascinating place and we all would be ever so happy this New Year!