Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Passion Cont'd!!!

Passion will change you!

You become a more dedicated, productive person. In the end, yur passion wil have more influence than your personality.

Passion makes the impossible possible!

Impossibilities vanish. A fire in the heart lifts everything in life.

When we find a passion we can be assured that grat things do lie ahead. What can you do to find yours? What can you do to help someone else find theirs?

Monday, August 30, 2010


People spend a lot of time trying to figure out what makes people successful and more than anything else, passion is what makes the difference.

Passion is the first step to achievement...your desire...the stronger you fire, the greater the desire and the greater the potental!

Passion increases your willpoer. It is the fuel for the will. If you want anything badly enough, you can find the willpower to achieve it.

Follow your passion - it will change you because it makes the impossible possible! When we find our passion, we can be assured that great things do lie ahead. What can you do to find yours? and what can you do to help someone else find theirs?

Have a happy Monday!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sanctifying the Lord God!

We should be about the business of sanctifying the Lord God in our bodies and in our hearts (I Peter 3:15). To do this means we are to revere Christ as Lord and to hold Him in highest reverence. We are also to be consecrated, set apart, and dedicated to the Lord. And we are to honor Him with every facet of our lives - including our bodies. As Paul concluded, you and I are to "glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's" I Cor. 6:20

Now, do you yet sense the reverence? The respect...the awe....the magnitude of our body being God's. God will protect you as you sanctify our Lord God!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Nurture Your Marriage

The best gift you can give your children is to love their father. Remember, too, that once yur children are raised, you will be so glad. Nurture your marriage. Make a comment if you need help on this and I will be sooo glad to help you. Both of us will. The Bible says in Prov. 31:27 that we are to watch over the ways of our household. I pray your Saturday will be saturated by love. My hubby needs me today to help him with a task...will I be there? Absolutely, unequivably!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Home Is Where The Heart Is

I know women who have trouble getting excited about taking care of their homes. And I know women who have writen off homemaking as a worthless occupation. Does either category fit you, my dear friend? Then please, spend time in prayer. Turn your home....and your heart....over to our wonderful Lord and ask Him for help. Ask Him for a make-over. Talk to toher women who do love taking care of their homes. Your husband will encourage you.

Whatever it takes, set about to create a Home where the heart really is!!!! Have a happy Friday filled with love, peace, joy, and understanding!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

We Should Pray Boldly!

Yes, we are humble, penitent sinners, but because of God's grace we humble sinners can approach the throne of His grace boldly and with courage so that we may receive His mercy and find His grace to help us in time of our needs! Hebrews 4:16

Just think of all the loved ones and people that need prayer. I want to pray better, don't you?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Key Ingredients To Life...People!!!!

Are you a people person? Some people remove their self from being called that.
I can honestly say I miss the Ladies at church - just to hear how their week was and find out how their life is going.

We have one very devout couple who are very close friends that we'll be seeing Sunday and I can't wait. The key ingredient to life is people! May God bless them and each person that reads this blog.

Our God reigns!!!!! Talk to ya tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

You And Your Schedule!!

So, like our Lord, you must create a schedule and develop a routine. The reason Jesus was so unhurried in His schedule was that His schedule was based on God's priorities for His life. So make a schedule and keep it....determine God's priorities for your life and develop a schedule that is centered on those priorities.

Such a schedule will certainly simplify your life. Establish a routine that fits your particular stage of life and responsibilities. Prov. 31:10-31 - This lady was heralded by God as a woman who looked well to the ways of her household! Tuesdays have and will always be "My Laundry Day" and I make sure every single thing in this house is laundered on Tuesday and then I know we both have what we need to look nice.

How is your schedule? Would love to hear....mine is flexible!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

God Is Always There!!!

There are people who think seeing obstacles is sign of maturity and insight. But anyone of average intelligence can do that. God wants people who see a way beyond the obstacles and who encourage others to take it.
Ecc. 1:18 "Knowledge is good, but knowledge that does not include God leads to sorrow."

Sunday, August 22, 2010

All About Me!!!

Wow! Yesterday was MARVELOUS! I heard from everyone for my birthday on FB!!!! My heart is bubbling over with joy and gratefulness for everyone making a commenting and me getting to say to them what I have wanted to say for a long time! Feel important! You bet I do!!! It was all about me and I just had a grand ole time and appreciated everyone who took the time to say something! Since we retired, I've had a real hard time accepting it, but I know my hubby knew it was time, so I sure wouldn't buck him and cause any commotion for it!

But, my birthday made up for me! Everybody needs somebody. When you begin to pour your effort into helping someone, it is absolutely amazing how that encouragement gets multiplied. Influence influences. The greater the positive impact you make on another person, the more likely that person can turn around and influence others positively! The problem is that we have a natural tendency to hold back. Why? Waiting on someone else to do it. Well, they didn't yesterday.......I accepted it all about me and soaked it up. Thank each and every single one of you. I feel so valued. It was an incredible birthday and one I will never forget!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Today's My Big Day!

I'm going to enjoy Facebook because I love to get comments. My hubby suggested me taking off a day because it is my awesome, loving birthday!! Thanks for understanding!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Two Sisters Today.........

Two of my blood-related Sisters have their birthday today! I hope both of you have a very happy day filled with tons of blessings. One lives in Oklahoma and the other in Kansas! : )

Then two Sisters left for August birthday!!! Tomorrow is yours truly and my youngest Sister. A-ha we were born on the same day!

I'm late with my blog...didn't get in late until last night...I couldn't stay away because it was past my bedtime, so consequently we did our morning coffee later this a.m. so here I am just now getting to writing it.

This morning the Bank that always loved me bringing in the church deposits are having a lil' birthday celebration for me. Those who know me know that I don't eat desserts, but I will eat the bottom part of the cake and not the chocolate icing. They told me the kind of cake I wanted. Proverbs 31:26-31 "She openeth her mouth unto wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness." I feel soooo honored. The rest of the scripture is so fabulous talking about an "older woman." That's me....I can't help it; I am getting older....might as well face it. The Bible tells me so! Happy Friday!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

My Momma

I have blogged before in previous years that my Momma passed away on my birthday, which is this Saturday, August 21st! This was in 1970 but I think about her every day and rejoice that she knew the Lord, although she never attended church in my lifetime. Here's a beautiful poem about her:

If I could see my mother's face,
How happy I would be.
If I could hold her little hands,
That did so much for me.

Momma's eyes were brown as they could be,
Her hair was pure black and always curled.
Seems like everybody knew,
She grew up with many girls.

Sometimes when I go to sleep,
I see her in my dreams, especially her face.
If I could only tell her,
She can never be replaced.

God must have sent an angel
For her my summer birthday as she sickly lay,
But this I know, He took her,
She's safe with Him today!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


No matter how busy you are, you must take time to make the other person important!


An e-mail to tell them what they mean to you.

Some type of contact. It won't happen until you make the effort.

People are vital. And we need each other. The statement "no man is an island unto himself" is a lonely life!

Put forth the effort.

Prov. 3:5-6 is a great scripture to relate with this.

Don't become stagment and leave out people that mean something! I am an avid people person and thrive on them!!! Yesterday I went by Clinique Counter to visit a friend of mine and we both shed tears as we have not taken the time to see each other. We couldn't stop hugging and oh so happy and promised not to let that happen this long!

How about you? What have you done lately to get back in touch with PEOPLE???? Have a very happy Wednesday. Three more days and I'll be one year older (er....younger)!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Getting Closer!!!!

A high spot for me...the congrats are already starting! Saturday is my big day! One of the Managers at Bank of America is making me a cake Friday and they are celebrating! I'm honored! They are great people! Then tomorrow I will have the grandkids!! (That's a birthday celebration in and of itself....can't wait!!!) Then Sat. our adorable daughter is giving me a cam/chat birthday event!!! Oooooohhhh and then our Son will here Thursday eve. I'm thinking...how did this all happen so quick right before my very eyes and I'm just absorbing. My hubby gave me my present already!!! Woooohooo and then on the 29th we celebrate with our best friends!!!

Okay I'm blessed before the big day! What can I say. It makes my tummy flitter knowing all this love is being sent for just for me....Here's what I feel like writing:

There are high spots in all of our lives and most of them come about through encouragement from someone else................true, true, true! Thank you one and all. I am grateful!

Monday, August 16, 2010

OK I'm Ready!!!!

Pre-birthday week! Everyone that knows me knows that my precious, loving Momma died on my birthday the year 1970. So birthdays tend to be hard to bear and honestly, it's really hard to get over. So, each year, I get through by asking for prayers from all my beloved friends and know I will do okay.

Yesterday I spoke with our daughter and she was asking me what I wanted. Hmmm now that was hard to say. I know I have to do something about my hair. I've been letting it grow out longer and I kept bugging her as to what would look best....long or short? And of course she kept saying, what ever you feel like. So, I carried the conversation on to my hubby and that's funny, he said the same thing so I told him okay I'm ready to submit what I want for my birthday....money enough to get it cut and styled. We shall see...he agreed...saving to have my wish.

It feels fun wondering what a pre-birthday week will be like? Being a Mom, Grandma, and of course, wife, and friend to others......it will be magnificent, so I think I'll just sit back, relax, and just live it up until the day. I give myself credit for not being a self-centered person, so I'm okay with this pre-week before me and be ever so thankful for all things that happen. All I request is your prayers and am grateful for living such a happy life!!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Keep Expectations Positive!!!!

Reject rejection.

See mistakes as temporary.

See failures as isolated incidents.

Keep expectations positive!!

Focus on strengths.

Vary your approach to achievement.

Bounce back!

The sprinkler system awakened me way too early. So I'm up and want to keep a positive attitude! So, I'll write a little on positive blessings. It will make your life a blessing if you will just do what you say you'll do. People know when you "put them off" or reject them. Always focus on your strengths but share them with your friends. What about you? Do you bounce back quick from discouragement?

Exodus 14:13 is a great verse to read today. God is on your side and so am I. Be blessed this Sunday!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sharing Computers!!! Random Thoughts!!!!

It dawned on me that most of my subscribers to my blog share a computer. I've had so many ask me why no comments. This, I am sure, is the reason. E-mail always wins out for me. I'm still a Blogger and love every second of it.

The Bible


Believing in myself is my goal! I know I can do it; then I list out my goals. And once you learn how good you really are, you never settle for playing anything less than your very best!

I love Jeremiah 33:3. I do CALL unto the Lord. I believe lives are changed through the Miracle of Encouragement! God will see you and I through any circumstances. We rely on Him! He is always there!!! I'm up a tad bit early to get caught up on some writing for my new book and some mundane tasks I need to do. How about you? What's on your agenda for Saturday?

Isn't God incredible? Wow!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Ton of Blessings!!!!!!

Had a breakfast this 5 a.m.
He is a ton of blessings and love!
Family is always incredibly loving and wonderful!

What are your blessings? Do you have a ton?
God will never leave us or forsake us!!!!

This will be a brief blog because I have to go back by the Dentist Office.....I just hope and pray your weekend is so blessed, you can't even have enough even with tons of blessings!!!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Disciplines For Your Prayer List

Means managing a list...with noone left to be prayed for.

It gives you a new strength - the strength gained through any discipline for facing and having a greater measure of self-control because you are in touch with the Lord.

Last night I fell asleep just praying for family, friends, and acquaintances! What a blessing!

Pray for the patience to wait for God to meet all their personal needs and our very own.

And God is glorified! Happy Thursday!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I'm a hugger. Jim and I have devoted friends who sign off "Humongous Hugs." Do you know what? I must look like a hugger. Even when I go in Petsmart to see the Fish Department, the girl in there hugs me. I couldn't tell you her name; she said she loves my compliments to her because she keeps the department so neat and clean. I even go in the bank and the Manager gives me a hug. I am soooo blessed. Of course my hubby gives me at least 14 a day! And that doesn't count the ones I give him. The dog even hugs me. My daughter and I send hugs over the phone. That's a cute one. Then our son, I sign off, "Hugs, mOm." Wow! Just thinking about hugs get my day going! It sounds so warm and happy. How about you? Do you like hugs. Let me know!

I'm sending a hug to you via my blog. Have a very happy Wednesday and I'm pretty sure I will name this National Hug Day!!! wooohoooo!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What Is Your Favorite Pass Time?

One can get in a rut if there is no favorite pass time....life could really get boring. I like to look up new scriptures that apply to my living. I do miss my husband's teaching/preaching since he retired....so I look on my own ... yes, it takes time, but it fulfills my life!

How about you? Would love to hear from you. Hope your Tuesday is interesting!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Victory Over Triumph!!!!

...victory over our adversary!!!

I love it when winners win! People that cause so much trouble seem to think they win! They don't!!!

Saturday I was around women who care! Of course it was a memorial service, but I never felt so welcomed and received warmth from women who knew my neighbor friend. It was great to feel like you exist. I'm just rejoicing since Saturday for the kindness, courtesy, respect, appreciation, admiration, mutual interests, just wise women being the way it should be. Thanks ladies!!!! That's victory over triumph. My friend knew the Lord so we shall see her some day again!

May God give you a super day this Monday!!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Goals give you direction.

Goals help turn your dreams into realities.

My goal is to be real, honest, loyal friend, and let God's love shine to my family and those I come in contact with! Transparent also.....

One of my goals is to finish what I tend to.

Having a goal puts organization there and maximizes time!!!

Do you have a goal? Please share!!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Keep Focused!!!

Do you feel as though you're forever falling behind in your schedule?
Do you long for your life to be simpler and more focused?
You're not alone...it's a great thing to do....stay focused and keep your lists going and stay on top of important things! Enjoy your Saturday and remember to have fun as you keep focused! I know I am!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Are You Loyable?

So endearing and enduring...quality between two friends is loyalty. My neighbor friend passed away last Wednesday. Her Memorial is tomorrow and the fam. wants me to speak something. She had a marvelous family!!! Two daughters and three sons.

We had coffee together. She was a great person and friend. Her cancer became so unbearbly painful and she finally just gave up eating and became weaker and weaker.

But the most important thing in our friendship what that we were loyal; allegiance (Prov. 27:10 ..."Do not forsake your own friend.")

Devotion "A friend loves at all times...Prov. 17:17"

A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out. I covet your prayers for tomorrow.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Trust & Truth

Psalm 127:1 "Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it."

Are your friends a true friend who when you get to the end of your rope will be there to pull you up? I would say, yes on this one.

Can you trust them?

Yes, most definitely!

Love - Romans 12:9 "Let love be without dissimulation." which means leet love be without hypocrisy.

Respect limitations and other's privacy...trust and hear the truth!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Remember to establish a routine that fits your particular stage of life and all the responsibilities. Then adjust your schedule as your life shifts from one stage to another. Schedule the kids need.....empty nest with its own unique need for routine. Just start where you are today....and start today.

Yesterday my routine was broken up after I got back from Dental work. My neighbor's daughter called and said her Mom passed away in the night. I had been over there several times to have prayers with her knowing her disease was terminal. So, I came back home and made twelve loaves of banana bread for their fam. She had five grown kids and several grandkids. They were so glad she didn't have to suffer. I was so glad my ROUTINE was broken to help out a family in need.

How is your routine going? I would love to hear. Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

God IS There In Times Of Need!!!!

He has never failed us yet and lately I've spoken to a lot of others who say God has been there in times of need.

I love Genesis 1:26-28 - his master plan for us!

Today would be a great day to scan over the scripture to see how He does reach us in time of need.

Of course, I'll be in the Dentist Chair to have my crown put on....ugh but I hope I it doesn't take long. God will be there in this time of need. I covet your prayers.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Are You A Positive Person?

Yes I am.

I'm always looking for a way to encourage someone with positive information. I know it sounds like I am bragging on myself. So, what's wrong with bragging on self? We need more of it. Too many people are down in the dump and can't bring it to themselves to brag on something good they have done.

Read the book of Ephesians in the Bible. It has a ton of positive promises!

I hope your Monday goes tremendous and you find something great to say about yourself!!!! I would encourage that; you will feel better and so proud to have a positive attitude, love for your hubby, and ways to have answers instead of problems! : )

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bring on August!!!!

Supposed to be the hottest month!! Yikes!!! It hits you right in the face.

But stay warm (errr cool) inside and keep up Bible reading. I'm reminded that Galations 5:22 is my fav!!!!!

"The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control."

Lately I've run into some RUDE people....why they are rude I do not know, but I always tell my hubby, there was no cause for it.

We both decided that maybe they are "married to distration" - some of the things that cause that are "no boundaries" "getting too busy" "Drifting apart" "Watching too much tv" and "time spent overbooking actvities."

Keep Gal. 5:22 close by. We all need it! Bless you THIS LORD'S DAY!!!! We are getting treated to a Cracker Barrell breakfast....so I am soooo excited..better start getting ready. (Be sure and rest some today and practice counting your blessings!!)