Sunday, December 30, 2007


So many people are in the pit and have never experienced the joy of life! I say BRING ON JOY IN 2008! What causes non-joy? Disappointment, trying to manipulate everyone, not being honest, (following lies) not being trusted, expecting life to be different, expectations regarding mate, not experiencing self-confidence, and the list could go on and on. But since I don't like to give first place to negativity, I would say CHANGE the non-joy! Ask God to give you peace, contentment, joy, happiness, a life that cares about others instead of on self all the time.

Over Christmas I came down with a bad case of allergies, (I know I had laryngitis) or a bad drainage problem in the throat. My daughter kept saying "Mom, don't talk, it's making it worse." Well, the more I was told that, I wanted to talk and so I did and eventually couldn't talk at all. Instead of making everyone miserable by hearing my squeaky voice, I decided to, everyone that knows me knows that's like tieing me down....but the rest did some great good! Off and on resting brought on so much joy because I kept s--l--o--w--l--y feeling super!

Now I say BRING ON JOY, LET OTHERS THINK OF OTHERS and get their mind off their self so much - especially in this beautiful NEW YEAR 2008 coming! Say it with me.....God bring on the joy in 2008!!!!! That's my new year's resolution JOY BEGATS HAPPINESS AND the Lord knows we sure need more of it!!!! (C ya in Church--10a.m. - I have a visitor coming today!!! ) Yea!!!!!!

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