Saturday, December 22, 2007

Thank God, When?

The traffic sounded loud as I took my morning stroll in sight of autumn leaves and Christmas decor in brilliant colors. The birds were chirping as if they were thanking God, and puffy clouds were making their way across a bright blue sky.

But at the moment, I didn't find joy in nature's signs of thanks. I was burdened with many thoughts. I was concerned about the new year; I worried about brokenness in so many lives; I fretted over people who were ill. I feared for our nation and our world.

Then what seemed to be a clear voice came to me saying, "Why don't you thank me?"

I thought Lord, is that you? I began to thank God for the rest of my walk; I thanked God for life, for every breath (since I've been battling a cold the last 3 days) and have gone through at least 8 boxes of kleenex. I thanked God for my children, my grandchildren, and my husband of 40 years. I thanked Him for our church family, for all my family to love everywhere! Being thankful that I know every single present under our tree came about because we are blessed by so many that care about our lives, and mean truly do care!

When I completed my walk and prepared to enter our home, I sang, "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, praise Him, all creatures here below." (Even our two precious dogs as one had gone for a morning walk with me.) I had cast my burdens on the Lord, and the Lord had sustained me. I hope your day is blessed!

Thought for the Day: Praise God and Thank Him, no matter what.
Psalm 150 Let everything that breathes thank the Lord. Merry Christmas and keep a positive outlook. Very soon we will sit down with family and have so much fun and wonderful meals and just spread so much love around! Come to Church tomorrow at 10 am and hear the answers to life's challenging issues. Joyful, joyful, we adore Him!
See you there!!!!!

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