Monday, November 5, 2007

Cute Kids

We have the cutest kids in our Nursery at Church. One little girl is seven months old and her Mom dresses her so cute with one of those precious head bands that match. She doesn't pull at the head band and keeps it on the entire time. She loves sitting up. Saturday I had the great time of spending time with her and loved to watch what she does. She's so petite, but she is really set on just sitting. Her Mom said she is going through separation anxiety, but after seeing me on Saturday and then on Sunday.....the trust she had for me was to come to me, willingly, from her Mom and she even reached out for me. Her Mom wanted her to go to the Nursery, so I took her after the song service and she went right in and felt right at home. Her Mom was so happy because she knew she would get lots of caring from our Nursery Worker.

Sometimes we take for granted, all those things that seem so small, like one of God's great treasures.....a small handprint on the wall.

I can say one thing. The kids sure enjoyed all the candy corn given to them that was leftover from Halloween that someone gave us.

This week is starting out so grand! After I saw with the new time change that it is light outside at 7 a.m. now.....I'm a morning person and can really dig this!! I hope your Monday is fantastic!

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