Monday, February 28, 2011

Your Call To Love

I write LOVE Sessions. I love it. Thank you, Lord, for calling me to explain love. Not a love because of what others do, but an unconditional everlasting love. I can only have the capacity to love like this when it comes from the Lord!

Of course He can show me how to care for the lovely but for those who aren't so lovable. thank you Lord for showing me how to take a firm stand for what is right and for helping me to disagree with those who do wrong, yet still care about them.

My call to love reminds me to love those closest to me, to cherish and treasure them and not take them for granted!

I must have a sincere, true love.

Let me love, not envy. Let me listen and care, not brag or put down.

Help me bear the griefs share the dreams and see past the faults of those who need love.

How about you? How do you show your love? Do you feel loved?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Attend To Anger

How does a frozen heart warm again? Where is warmth for chilled relationships? We run into that all the time....a couple who hasn't spoken to each other for weeks!

Only a warmhearted Savior could melt the permafrost of our resentments. He has endured the permafrost of eternal separation from God and risen victorious could move you to intentional, God-pleasing attitudes!

You have to confess your coldhearted resentments and for courage to resolve and address wrongs exactly to the anger so you can pass on.

Have you ever carried frozen anger? How did you get rid of it.

Philippians 3:13-14 "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on."

Friday, February 25, 2011

Has God Given You Joy Lately?

He has given me joy. Our daughter is really going through her busy, busy time at her job and I decided to NOT WORRY, I would have JOY that I know she will be alright. I can remember when I worked at a Company where they kept giving me so much to do, I just kept on going like the energizer bunny, but for some reason I always think her Company gives her a lot. She loves it! I always loved it also. But now I look back and ask myself why I did SO much! And God gave me joy to do it! But, I will admit God sees me through the fact that our kids enjoy their work and I do ask God to forgive me for "worrying" but I know they are joyous they have good jobs and are happy.

Do you ever look back on a job that just worked you a lot? I would love to hear.

How did you keep your joy?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Let the Love Shine!!!!

Your love shines more than you realize. It shines on all humankind today. It is so wonderful how the Lord created everything and regulated by Him ALL the time. Great are Your works, dear Lord. Great is your love, O Father!!! Let it shine. Do something for someone today to show love. I want February (the most incredible LOVE month) to go out with making your life just shine so bright because all of us have the Lord's love and when it goes forth from Him, that's the key happiness in our lives! Practice letting your love shine and it will become a steady habit and you will be blessed! Definitely a word of encouragement.

How about it? Do you let your love shine? How?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Our Lord Is So Compassionate!!!

His compassion surpasses all! He knows us and feels our happiness or pain. I can almost sense His Holy Spirit grieving on my behalf. We just recently lost a precious Uncle who lived a blessed life Pastoring sixty-one years! Wow! How we praise the Lord for understanding us so well through this loss. The Lord is so compassionate, understanding, and acknowledging our needs during this time. And oh how we are grateful, Father, for your constant love and leading us through this grief.

Luke 7:1ff - .....and a large crowd from the town was with her. When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, "Don't cry."

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Spreading The Word......

Telling others of God's love and how to love doesn't make me special. All the glory goes to Him, my Lord. I'm not serving according to my plans. It's because He chose me. Who am I? Only a little insignificant person in this great big world. So much can be accomplished for Him. No matter the cosst, help me always to be a servant. He can be pleased with me. Because some day He will say "Well done, My good and faithful Servant."

Monday, February 21, 2011

Are You Thirsty For God's Word?

God will prepare you for the dry times of life. Then when your throat parches and your spirit withers, drink the Living Word of God and be eternally refreshed!

Lord, thank you for your faithfulness and your commitment to sustain me through the dry, parched times of life. Increase Your grace in me to pick up the word and read it. Give me self-control and spiritual disciplines, and make me ready for each day that lies ahead.

"Do what is right and good in the Lord's sight, so that it may go well with you." Deuteronomy 6:18

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Husbands are such a great help!!!!!!!!

Last night we had our devout friends, Geneva and Clint over for a super dinner. My husband was a tremendous help. I cannot thank him enough for peeling the potatoes, onions, etc. such a help....he even set the table!!!! If I were to count all the things he does to make things easier for me, I wouldn't have enough fingers and toes to count the appreciation I have for him being so great!!!

Those of you who know, they were the key "staff" at Lighthouse Church and helped us tremendously. They do love the Lord in a really blessed way. We cannot begin to tell anyone that we are grateful for them and pray to the Lord they get many victories in their lives for being so dedicated to still using their talents for to help the Church they are at now. They still look so very young and enthusiastic, loving, honoring Christ first in their lives.

Thank you, both, for the fellowship, fun, and the time spent to brighten our lives. May the grace of our Lord empower you as you love others.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Do You Have Great Communication With Your Husband?

Do you both talk easily?

Do you respect each other to say what you want to share?

Who starts the conversation?

Is it easy to talk to him?

What would you like to change? (Really say?)

Do you carry grudges?

Do you have the silent treatment?

Are you mean?

Is he mean?

What interupts each of you?

When does God's grace come in? ..or even any scripture?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Go Ahead And Be Loving!!!!

I love positivity!!!! Be real. Have a bad day. Whine a crabby.....only in the spirit of LOVE!

The Lord is always with us to love and comfort!

His Grace is sufficient for ALL we need.

The Lord so helps us when we struggle. God gives us generous love.

Here's an example of crabby in the spirit of love. Because they had to stand in a long line only to be sent to another long line. Or maybe a person is crabby because they didn't get enough sleep. or crabby because life isn't going the way they want. I want my way.....These are okay crabbies... because "I" statements that don't blame or accuse, only describe are ok.

Go ahead and be loving in spite of crabbies!!! Keep love going!! Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Uncle Julius

With our precious Lord.....
Lived a Holy life.....
Great guy.....
Wonderful Pastor.....

We thank you Lord for being with us. I awoke this morning, I felt the Lord being so near from yesterday grieving over loosing such a great man to my hubby. through the day when his funeral was yesterday, the Lord reminded me to seize the moments and use them to do His will. When weariness sets in, thank the Lord for helping us press forward, be responsible, and not put things off.

Someone crossed my path. She needed an encouraging word and a prayer offered for help; needing to love her husband more. Let me seize this day for your glory, Lord.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Love Prayer

I praise you, Father, for the way your love shines on me and on all of humankind. It is so wonderful how you created everything and regulate it all. Great are your works. Great is your love, O Father. Thank you for searching me out and saving me and for my Christian friends. Thank you for planting my feet upon your solid rock! I praise you for forgiving my sins and providing me a joyous, new life in you! Thank you for seeing me as a sheep worth everything. Amen

Monday, February 14, 2011

Love Makes The World Go Round!!!!

I love, love!! Is that a good sentence? Hmmmm We teach couples "Make Love Happen!" Can't go into total details because this blog would be mega pages and would never end!! My hubby is LOVING and I totally agree I am LOVING also. So when two LOVINGS come together sparks fly and keep on flying!

Who is the first one of you both that makes the LOVE go 'round???????

I believe we both do! We can't wait to find each other when our day begins to:

Show our love to each other.

Hug 'til there's no tomorrow.

Pour each other's coffee.


Begin Communication (the part I am addicted to!!!)

Just love, love,'s a vital part of our WORLD!!!

Happy Valentine's Everyone AND remember to show your love today...

LOVE MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND!!!! I Cor. 13...Jesus loves you too!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day Brightens Everyone's Day

Telling each other of LOVE is not difficult.

All the glory goes to the Lord. He gave us sacred trust with our life partner.

Thank you Lord for giving me such an easy task that pleases him and my hubby. May you look at me someday and say "Well done, my good and faithful servant." You loved beyond comprehension.

I know Valentine brightens my day; how about you?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Giving Love & Sympathy To My Spouse

I'm sure you read on FB that my husband's very favorite Uncle Julius passed away in Jacksonville, Fla. Due to my hubby's still recuperating from an illness, he doesn't feel like he should attending his funeral. We would never have enough finances to go on a trip that distance. As I began to give love and sympathy to him, he gave his feelings that it would be better to remember all the tremendous life he had in him instead of death look. You have to look on the reality of things. Weighing all circumstances, we are accepting the right decision, not to go. Dr. Julius was first a Music Director at one of the largest churches in America and then he was called to Pastor. After that, he had retired, but became ill quickly having pancreatic cancer and didn't live very long after they treated it.

We had many smpathies sent to us and that, we feel, is God's grace helping us through it. My hubby has been there for so many all the years in the ministry, I am glad he heard from friends and it makes it easier to grieve and pray for the family he had. Four grown kids, and several grandkids. His wife (Aunt Wynelle) still plays the piano in Church, so the funeral will be there. She is an amazing wife and God is extending grace to her; as she said he suffered so badly, it was a blessing that our precious Lord took Him home.

I know each one of you that read my blog will continue to pray for's a great loss....and that you will let us be truly grateful for your caring.

Friday, February 11, 2011

1,300 wooohoooooo

This is my 1,300 blog!!!!! That's a lot of days of blogging and much writing. God has been good. I'm so proud of myself. His Grace and Mercy has kept me going. Your tremendous comments make my day for sure!!!! I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Happy Valentine's Day. Keep that love saturating with your hubby and those you know. Did you see the "Piano Prodigy" kid was playing rock n' roll and he is 10 yrs. old. He said he's been taking lessons since he was 3 years old. What wonderful talent.

Tonight is FNDN. Hmmmmmm I think all I want is be hugged by his loving, warm arms. This cold weather has really done a number on me. Some days I just can't get warm, no matter what. But then I think about the people out in it, my heart feels for them getting through icey streets or bad traffic.

I've enjoyed just sharing my heart on this 1,300 blog!!!! A friend of mine who had a blog gave it up. She had over a thousand subscribers. Community!!! I miss her blogs. Hey, stay warm today and look forward to the 70's temps supposed to start tomorrow and next week. Thank you Lord for warm weather...I couldn't be more thankful in my everyloving life!!!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

So This Is How It Feels.........

BEING A GRANDMA.....To this day, they still steale my heart and take my breath away!!! I can remember the first gift I gave heart!!!! There aren't enough words! Like the sun coming out for the very first time! And the grass growing greener on my side of the fence. And the sky looking bluer than ever before.

Nana, Grandmother, Nanny, Grandma, Mimi, Gram, what shall I be called? Of course mine is Grandma which I love purely marvelous! Being a Grandma changes our thinking. We are so blessed to see our Son such a great "Dad." And now that one of our grandchildren is headed toward teen years, where did time go???? Daren has raised her with wisdom and love. It makes us so proud!

So this is what being a Grandma is. And our grandson is simply adorable! He is brilliant on those games on the various machines that play those games! Not, only that, but he is soooo lovable and so is our Granddaughter!!!...both Grandma's pride and joy!!

And that no matter how many or no matter how old; grandkids continue to take us to places our hearts never knew were there.

How about you? Are you a grandparent? I would love to hear how you feel being a grandparent. Have a rockin' Thursday!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Seeing the Goals......

Do you see the goals that are set before you? Goals restore and built my faith. He once again removes my worries and doubts and replaced them with His warm, assuring love.

The adventure has begun. I note the blessings He gives along the way and praise Him for each one. I refuse to dwell on the negative. I fix my mind and heart on Him....the Lord jesus. I thank Him for keeping me in perfect peace, for my mind is stayed on Him. I will continue to trust and depend on Him now and always.

Thank you Lord for ebeing the eternal Rock of my salvation. I am relying on Isaiah 26:3-4 "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on theee; because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord forever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength." This is my goal. Bless each one of you today that reads this blog today. Prayers, Peace and reach your goals!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Are You Talented?

I know several of my friends who knit, crochet, chef, plant flowers beautifully, write, encourage, etc......... Sing, play an instrument, create artwork, organize, have a passion to love others.....

That's what I think of when Valentine's Day is fast approaching. LOVE is my favorite thing to do. Recently I expressed my love to my of them ended up with angry at me because she didn't want me to love my other sisters. It was sad to go through, but I don't let stuff like that stop me. My love that the Lord has given me goes pretty deep. I know a lot of friends who don't have a sister and they miss it. God has given me a special love and no one can bust it!!!

Today I'll making my Valentine Cards for the family I send it to. How about you? Do you send cards or do you just live what you want to tell your family?

ANYTHING the Bible says about Love, I soak it up!!!! I love you for reading my blogs (that's not the only reason) so let me hear from you. Is love easy for you or hard? Enjoy your Tuesday!!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

He Knows Our Plans

Jeremiah 29:11-12 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord; "plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and I will listen to you."

Father, I praise you for the past. I have many good memories and some bad ones. I recall the victories, the failures, the wise choices, and mistakes.

Help me to learn because of them. How about you? Do you know His plans?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pit Living

Years ago I came across a piece abut someone who fell into a pit and couldn't get out and how others treated her. She had gone to drugs, alcohol, and anger fits.
Everyone backed away from her. She knew they were living a phoney Christian life.

A subjective persn came along and made a statement that she felt for her down there.

A Pharisee said, "Only bad people fall into pits."

A realist came along and said, "Now that's a pit."

A self-pitying person said, "You haven't seen anything until you've seen my pit."

An Optimisit said, "Things could be worse."

Jesus, seeing the lady, reached down and took her by the hand and lifted her out of the pit.

We should always keep in mind that God loves everybody, and to treat others they way Jesus would treat them. Reach out and brighten their day. This would be a great day - A SUPER BOWL DAY to help someone get out of the pit. We all need love.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Esteem Others Better!!!!

The Scripture Philippians 2:3-4....look it up. whoa...says to esteem others better than yourself. How many really do that? To me, it would honor all. Every person's role contributes to a bigger picture.

Yesterday I had someone lie to me. And it makes me wonder why? I knew it was a lie, but I chose to just keep quiet and let them suffer knowing they were not telling the truth. What's wrong with the conscience of people? Wouldn't they know the lie would be caught up with when the truth does come out? Today I am esteeming this person higher than me because when they realize they did not tell the truth, they can suffer the consequences. I'll be honest, it makes me want to quit, and why try, but they are the ones that have to live with lies that are told. My heart goes out to people like that, but yet, where's the respect for me if they continue not telling the truth?

Let's spend some time in prayer for people who are so far away from God, they don't know anything to do but not tell the truth. Only the Lord can convict! Enjoy your Saturday and stay warm!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Storms in Life

Isn't that the way it is with God? When we're shattered, broken, and bruised from the storms in life, the Lord is there picking up the broken pieces, mending us, and helping us grow again. Never give up on love, because it will cause a struggle.

I wonder what beauty God will have out of struggles.

Isn't it wonderful that He never gives up on us?

Here's the scripture to prove it!

"And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered for a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." I Peter 5:10

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Rolling Black Outs.......

I understand it was a state-wide emergency, but when I told our daughter that we had rolling black outs, she said as cold as it is where she is, they never do that. She was so protective of us. In the night there were three so I had the flashlight, very prepared. But I understand it will start about 5:30 a.m. this morning again. I will begin lighting candles because our home is pitched dark when electrocity is not on. She also said they used to have a lot of rolling blackouts in California when the electricity in the summer went full blast. What a concern. I thought that was so supportive and I'll be calling this morning to report that we're ok.

Wherever you are, please be prayed for this time with this horrific weather. I've been snuggling up to reading the book of I Timothy or I Corinthians. I love to read about love in the Bible and that always gives me great contentment. There's nothing we can do about the Rolling Black Outs, so just live through it. Our neighbors, Jose and Martha, had their pipe freeze so they came over and got some tons of water to help them get through this morning so they can go to work. It's nice to help a neighbor; that is the cause our Christianity brings us to "love thy neighbor." How about you? What is the Rolling Black Out doing to your schedule? Stay warm today; I know I am going to STAY warm.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

We Are Grateful!!!!!!!

It is bitter cold as people know here now. Schools are closed. The street in front of our home is melted and part of our driveway.

I cannot begin to be soooo grateful to Daren for checking on us last night to see if we were warm. It sure makes us feel like we raised our kids the right way. Carie checked by e-mail yesterday at her job. It's super cold where she is. I can honestly say cold gets to me. I made homemade potato soup and was still cold last night. I'm really hoping this bitter cold weather ends pretty soon.

This reminds me to thank God and be so grateful to kids that check on Mom and Dad and of course we do everything we can do to stay warm. Thank God for blankets and plenty of them. I will stay warm. How about you? I trust you are bundling up. Be happy and blessed!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Do We Have Patience?

I long to be your hands and your feet, dear Lord. Grant me patience when the paths gets rough. Help me to use these years in the best way for you and not to squander them on needless, wasteful things.

Psalm 27:4 "One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek; that I may dwell in the houe of the Lord all the days of my life, no gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in all ways of patience."

I have learned to have patience. It didn't JUST happen. It took trial and error. How about you? Are you a patient person?