Monday, April 30, 2007


I'm thanking God for the quality friends and family who called to see how my filling in for my husband went yesterday. It's amazing in one hour what did happen (& I can honestly say it was a humbling experience) because the Christ in me just developed a "fun" personality and a good sense of humor. I can always remember my kids saying, "Mom just have fun and relax." And that's just what I did - It was definitely a God thing! He gave me perfect peace as the Service began. There was a bad technical problem but fortunately a lady in the congregation knew what to do! (Sigh of relief!). Of course, the gentleman who does the welcome videoed his message and then with my husband giving a great Sermon on Video "Disaster in One's Life." I can truly say we all had a great time and the response from the congregation was FANTASTIC! It brought tears to my eyes for the tremendous amount of love and support they gave me in the absence of my husband. According to Proverbs 27:17, iron sharpens iron, so friends sharpen the minds of each other. As we learn from each other, may we find a worthy purpose in our relationships. I know my husband entrusted me with a huge task and I feel definitely certain that I pleased God in all ways. Thanks everyone for all the encouragement, love and kindness shown! I cannot be grateful enough. As we go into this new week I pray that any adversity that comes your way will be turned into triumph!

Sunday, April 29, 2007


I'm thanking God for a new day today. Yesterday's disappointments (eating some bad food in a Restaurant) is gone! If I stress out over it, I would be drained. Instead I'm thankful for a new day to fully rely on the strength that God gives me to be the Leader I want to be and helping out where I am needed. I'm asking God to keep me strong and the song says, "I know He will carry me through." I am thanking Him for ......a new day!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Beating Self Doubt

On note cards, write down 5 or 10 positive statements about your personal strengths (intelligence, intuitive, enthusiastic, etc.). If you feel doubt coming into your thoughts, let them reassure you. more day until Church - yea! Have a grand Saturday. I know I am definitely going to!!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Comforting, Caring Thoughts

I was certainly surprised when a friend of mine whom I've known for about 15 years just out of the clear blue called me the other day. She began to explain to me how she always missed my high energy level and the fact that I was always very joyful. Then she asked that I help her because over and over again, she is climbing out of a bottomless pit she seems to get herself into. Actually the only comforting, caring thoughts I could give her is "Nothing is impossible, when you place ALL TRUST in God." Matthew 18: 12-14 is comforting. Here's a great comforting thought. If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, he is happier about that one sheep than about the minety-nine that did not wander off? I explained to her that our Heavenly Father in heaven is not willing that any of His sheep should be lost. He cares about every tiny detail on our life. He wants to LIFT her out of that pit - He found her! She was worthless, but He saw promise. She was afraid to change, but He cut through her fear. She is alone, but He sent her the message to pick up the phone and call another Christian friend to listen and comfort. She commented how extremely comforting that is. I told her that is what happens when we all place our TRUST in God's comforting fold. He forgives our sins and provides a joyous, new life in Him. We both ended up chuckling and almost said at the same time, "Thank You God for seeing us as a sheep worth everything to you!" That my dear friend is comforting! He's always there picking up the broken pieces, mending us, and helping us GROW again! Care about someone today; Friday is always a great day!

Thursday, April 26, 2007


One of the most overlooked areas in a marriage, I believe is when a wife isn't thankful for what her husband is about. Even telling him how thankful that he earns a living. I've even seen wives who work try to measure up what they do and seem so selfish, leaving out the gratitude for him. I call that "What about me Syndrome??? What about me? What about me???" One woman asked me, what should I be thankful for? Hello.....his consideration for parents and family; his readiness to help a friend, his willingness to spend time with the kids (don't let the idea that this something he SHOULD do get in the way), his helping around the house, his timeliness, his integrity, his sense of humor....the list could go on and on! One thing in all our years of marriage I have purposely tried to be very thankful and make it a point to remember is the expression on my face and the first comment I make when he walks in the door after a tiring day's work. As he opens the door and I greet him; is my face "wreathed" with a smile and am I thankful he is home? Bottom Line: Thank you. These are two words that bless the hearer and should tumble from our lips daily.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Comments to Cheryl

Thanks Cheryl! What terrific comments! He fills our cups with spirit-filled love until our hearts overflow with kindness. Then, like a well within us, we give even more love when we truly believe in our abilities, creativity, and undertakings. I agree with you that these abilities conjured up within us can only come from God. How cool is that? Awesome too!


If you ask a class of kindergartners, "Who here is creative?" - a whole roomful of little arms will shoot straight up with a chorus of "I am, I am!" If you ask a class of sixth graders, "Who among you is creative?" perhaps a third of the kids will raise their hands. And if you ask a Senior High School class the same question, only a few hands will go up. What is happening to our creativity? How did we lose faith in our own natural talents to think, create, solve problems, look at things in new ways, dream, explore, and invent? I believe we must reclaim our innate creativity. And we must encourage others to express themselves fully too. Creativity is important in everything we do in life; it's not just given to spare-time hobbies. In looking at the yard, I must admit I'm patting myself on the back for having a creative mind in placing the flowers in just the right place and thanking God that the storms didn't uproot any of the plants. I definitely see I had some great creativity going on!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


The answer is "Yes" we have some sore muscles from the undertaking of a new project yesterday - yard work! Before you sign out on my blog today, hear me out. While my husband was in the front yard mowing, I was in the back yard sweeping the leaves from fall! Then, while he was in the back yard, I was in the front yard with a pen and paper deciding what plants would be needed to be planted in the bare spots. I'm not saying what time we finished, but after finishing, coming in, opening all the windows and again enjoying the fresh air, we were back in the spring clean-up major discarding odds n' ends that we decided we didn't need any more.
I'm a neat freak when it comes to organizing closets. I've heard the statement "Clean out your own closet" so many times while I was in Bible College, that I take it seriously to having it looking what I call neat as a pin!
Oh - the most fun part was my husband and I devising a course of action and to finish the yard (in one day!) No, we probably won't get "Yard of the Month" but I'm learning more and more how to plant perannuals, because more Patience is what I need at the first yard work. It's nice to stand back and be thankful it was a nice cool day to undertake a such a new project.
I was patting ourselves on the back and thought of a great Bible verse, Luke 12:2 "For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed: neither hid, that shall not be known." I can't wait until these beautiful flowers are growing. Thank you, Lord for granting me strength to finish a "fun project," giving daily provisions, and your unfailing love. Your counsel is so sensible and right. Your wisdom is sure and true. Thank you for our beautiful world. Again, I ask for you to help us always to be wise through YOUR counsel.

Monday, April 23, 2007


The difference between good and great can often be the willingness to structure surprising moments around calendar opportunities. I'm thinking that although Mother's Day will be a grand occasion for me, I still have a Mother-in-Law to remember each year. What would she need or want to have a GREAT day? I'll be challenged by what my husband says because it's his Mom and of course I always love his suggestions. Our kids have utmost respect for me and as always it's a GREAT day for me! As our special day gets closer, I frequent Starbuck's very early to take my mind off the suffering my Mamma had before she passed on. Today I walked up to the counter and told the barista people that I wanted a cup of tea. (I usually get a Latte and they know that). Tom asked if I wanted Calm tea, causing me to wonder exactly how frazzled I looked. When I said "Calm would be good," he said, "Great, because today Starbucks is offering a free cup of Calm" to all customers." "Okay the Calm" tea didn't wash away my pain, but to this very exact moment and in the future I will remember this event. They didn't have to give me the tea, but they organized the event, and I benefited. My thouhts were it was not calculated marketing strategy that Starbucks did; it was just the little things people do when they take the time to care. How GREAT is that? It's always a joy to share my thoughts! Have a very GREAT Monday!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Being Flexible In A Day's Activities

Yesterday I really had fun. Talk about individual Outreach! At the business next door to our Church, an Organization was having a car wash to fund a trip. Because some of the Staff wanted to park in our Lot, they invited me over to eat hot dogs with them. I not only had the privilege of meeting lots of families (& of course invite them to Church) but have a one-on-one with the Sports Organization Leaders, and Team (plus girlfriends, family, and other friends.) I'm looking forward to seeing some of these dedicated to their sport team again-at Church. Great weather, great exercise, great sports team, and lots of enthusiasm as everyone worked hard to wash those cars and trucks immacutely and still accomplish their trip goal. It was a great feeling to be flexible with my activities and be of help. See ya in Church. My husband has started a new series on Elijah. Can't wait.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Letting Go or Right Way?

It takes a lot of faith to abandon my way for the right way. It means letting go of how I think things should be and accepting them as they are. When I surrender, it doesn't mean that I just throw my hands in the air and do nothing at all, it means I take action and make my choice to make disaster or put my trust in a Bible that teaches the right way. Letting go allows the right way to reveal itself ever more clearer.

Friday, April 20, 2007


Discernment understands the REAL issues. It took me a while after I became a Christ follower to learn the meaning of discernment. When the word "issue" was used quite frequently and the fact that I was and am a leader, I knew I had to cut through the clutter to see the right and wrong (issues) before I gave answers. Of course my goal was to challenge ladies to find an understanding. The statement "I have issues" doesn't cut helping someone; discovering the facts and hearing them, helps to sort through and untangle the real issues. Discernment helps one to say uh-oh, I don't want to go there...that is the wrong path to take. That will cause chaos in our home. I always feel like it makes me a smart person, believing only half of what I hear, but truly smart in knowing which half to believe. Discern - take the right path; trust me you will be much happier and it will cause real peace in your life!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Intangible Tools of Love

We all possess the intangible tools of love, understanding, compassion, and faith. I read once Women pass on from Mother to Daughter.... an everyday level of practical caring and at the deeper level...This definitely is a teacher of love - the first teacher and the most important! But, send ME to love....and show that love. Why? To bring pardon where there has been injury in a life I casually brush against. Also, to help turn doubt into faith in a person with whom I live intimately in my circle of family or friends.....A-ha - to bring joy into a life, consumed by sadness, which touches the hem of my life. Send door, into the next room, to speak somehow to a human heart beating alongside mine. Maybe she needs a note of dignity, has a hopeless situation....send me to show forth joy and love that she has never had the will to want. Perhaps the most important love to be given is mainly to reflect your light in the darkness of futility, mere existence, and the horror of no hope. I see generations of women bearing a flame..handing it down from one to another ....never to be extinguished. The Bible teaches me to keep that flame of love alive! Sharing the love God has given is the greatest joy I have ever had. And to my husband, whose hard work, influence, and love can be found on every single blog, how did I get so blessed to have so much love. To him I say, I love you infinity x infinity. Spread a little love around today. Someone's life needs it. If nothing else, it comes back to me in so many ways. I tell you, there is so much joy to show in loving someone and the time goes by so fast! I am so grateful for love! I'm confident before this year is over I will have accomplished a goal: memorizing ICor. 13 - the ministry gifts governed by love!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Sticky Notes

I can remember a series of messages my husband did on the Book of Revelation and his final question each week would be "How would you like to start over?" This is exactly what I am doing today. The blog was there and then disappeared. Technical support says it is due to Servers down.
Today I am very thankful for all your sharing either by comments or e-mails. I want to answer Angie J.'s comment about "Journaling Prayers." Yes, as soon as I get up - I think of my husband first and put the amount of sugar he likes in his coffee. Then, I pour myself a cup of coffee and begin to journal. Where? On sticky notes! What's fun is to get a spiral notebook and arrange all the sticky notes. I have every color Staples Office Supply has. I can remember when our daughter had the coolest sticker books; there were every kind imaginable. So, that's where I got the idea. So, these sticky notes (even though they are small) fit perfectly for journaling daily prayers. One more word regarding sticky notes. Never remove any sticky notes your husband has on his desk. My husband knows exactly where each one is located and moving one could cause chaos in our home! :) Actually there's a new kind out that even stick to your purse or will stay stuck in your pocket if you forget to take them out before laundering. The questions come to me right and left: "Carol, why in the world are you so happy?" Several years ago I learned about mid-way through the week, have a lighter side to life or you'll get bogged down with worry, uncertainties, trouble, etc. by not doing something for fun. Journaling prayers became fun as I thought of a way to begin, "STICK" with it and make it a better me!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Spring has Sprung

Okay spring is beginning to blossom out and the rose bush in our front yard must have a thousand off-white roses on it! There's enough that I diagonally cut off to have a gorgeous bouquet for the Dining Room table. I love spring to see all the magnificent yards; of course it takes, I'm sure, many hours of hard work! My Dad was a Horticulturist before he became a Crysler car mechanic. Sometimes my sisters and I would watch for hours him digging in the front yard to plant flowers, bushes and at one time planted an oak tree. I always felt like it was a waste of time and energy just to watch. I'm a DOER. But, we had to obey our Dad and "just watch."
Some random thoughts....Spring reminds me of all the insight and wisdom we could have if we would just GROW in the knowledge we have by studying His Word. Wow! Could we ever assimilate the information and use it to MAXIMUM advantage. I'm truly asking God to give families the abilities to concentrate and focus efforts so that we all can successfully enjoy Spring! "Sounds like a global praye,r" as my husband always says, but I'm willing to give it my time! Oh, and I still believe the "old-fashioned" way of sending a cheery Spring card with an encouraging word! Yesterday I sent 2 cards and think I'll find the time after appointments to send 2 more today. I'm looking forward to the fun in looking for JUST the right card to cheer up someone who might be hurting and in pain. I know just the one special card is there!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Monday - Yea!!!

I'm definitely what they call a "proverbial optimist." I would rather be an optimist than a pessimist. To me, it frees me from excess baggage, vanity, and all sorts of things and delivers me to be a BETTER SELF. People want to be around an optimist. There's also a lot of humor in me - I noticed a lot of humor when we did the Drama yesterday at church. Okay - so having yesterday's laughter, to me, makes Monday a Yea!!! Also I did a study on feel great foods - so I'll be reading labels, grocery shopping especially to find "non-fat" chocolate milk which eliminates sinus problems. And to make me more alert, Turkey (whole wheat bread) and instead of using mayo, 1 T. of olive oil. My husband loves oilve oil, but I'll have no problem switching bringing me health in body and spirit!.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


I truly bow my head when I awaken each day and thank God for caring for me, not only today, but always. Also for caring for those I love. Today my husband begins a new series on Elijah. As he was discussing it with me yesterday, he was a man of faith and strength. I'm sure, like Elijah, sometimes we create disasters by taking things into our own hands. In spite of that, I'm still reminded that "He careth for me....." and I know He goes before me, preparing the way.
That means He cares enough and is calling to remembrance the lines I am speaking in the Drama we are having in Church. It's called "8 wrongs don't make a right!" We know you'll care enough to say a prayer for us as we present this Drama. This should be an inspiring Service. I know I'm looking forward to it!

Saturday, April 14, 2007


In following the reports and reading of the storms last night, this morning, it's great to be alive! This is going to be a tremendous gratitude day! We would have no idea if our son hadn't called to warn us of the severity. That's when you truly bow your head with a heart full of thankfulness, as we were watching a movie and, of course, immediately switched to the weather report. I'm hoping Saturday allows all of us to stop and be thankful that it is great to be alive! A new day to rejoice in the goodness of God!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday Humor

Okay - this has been a marvelous week, but I've decided to read this "Dear Pastor" book my husband has on his shelf and share the humor. Leave it up to kids! These will make your day!

Dear Pastor,I know God loves everybody but He never met my sister.Yours sincerely,Arnold. Age 8, Nashville

Dear Pastor,Please say in your sermon that Peter Peterson has been a good boy all week. I am Peter Peterson.Sincerely, Pete. Age 9, Phoenix

Dear Pastor,My father should be a minister. Every day he gives us a sermon about something.Robert, age 11

Dear Pastor,I'm sorry I can't leave more money in the plate, but my father didn't give me a raise in my allowance. Could you have a sermonabout a raise in my allowance?Love, Patty. Age 10
Dear Pastor,My mother is very religious. She goes to play bingo at church every week even if she has a cold.Yours truly, Annette. Age 9

Dear Pastor,I would like to go to heaven someday because I know my brother won't be there.Stephen. Age 8, Chicago

Dear Pastor,I think a lot more people would come to your church if you moved it to Disneyland.Loreen. Age 9

Dear Pastor,I liked your sermon where you said that good health is more important than money but I still want a raise in my allowance.Sincerely, Eleanor, Age 10

Dear Pastor,Please pray for all the airline pilots. I am flying to New York tomorrow. Dennis

Dear Pastor,I liked your sermon on Sunday. Especially when it was finished. Ralph, Age 11

Dear Pastor,How does God know the good people from the bad people? Doyou tell Him or does He read about it in the newspapers? Sincerely, Marie. Age 9, Lewiston

Have a happy Friday and always have fun. Remember: If you're not having fun, do some creativity - enjoy the humor in what kids say and chuckle! I'm so glad it's Friday! Yea!!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007


A halfhearted prayer of "Lord, please help me to forgive, but let me rip out his heart first" probably won't avail that much. While honesty with God is important, there still needs to be a desire for doing what is right. When the desires of our hearts are bound up in our own desires, our ultimate goal is to please God. Then we can focus on what the Bible urges, we can forgive because we understand that He is love and that "all things work for the good of those who love Him." (Rom. 8:28) Be honest - "Lord, you know I'm struggling with wanting to retaliate, but my desire is to please you greater....I forgive." This sounds "preachy" but I can remember the times I did not have a forgiving heart, and the hurt just kept returning. He says to forgive 70 X 7! That's a lot of forgiveness! (It's almost Friday...... :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Soften Stubborn Positions

When a blog is written (I'm still in the learning stage) if it's not saved under Desktop, it will go to never never land if their server is down. The Plant Blog is gone.... Recently I had this problem with what I thought was computer problems; I tried the new technical support strategy and insisted it would work. Now I have worked toward being more patient, so here goes:

Here's a great thing to try. If you feel subborn on a position and will not move and it is causing unbelievable stress in your marriage, try a different strategy that your husband suggests. It doesn't make you weak to soften your stubbornness. In fact, it makes you stronger. Rather than resenting something our husbands are wanting us to do, appreciate his restraint. Your "mind set" (stubbornness) will go away as you will feel new acceptance and appreciation and love him even more for suggesting a better strategy. Give this strategy a try. I think you'll discover that agreeing with an occasional criticism has more value than it costs. Have a great Wednesday! (I'm going potting soil hunting--it's time to repot//ugh//sorry the blog on Plants didn't appear. Oh well, go with Plan B when Plan A doesn't work!

Today's Blog

was called "Plants" - having technical difficulties again......will be posted when recovered

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Personal Productivity

Yesterday I was coaching a lady and she continually asked me "Carol you are always so productive and positive--how did you stay that way?" All I could honestly say is:

  1. Always establishing Priorities (God first, family second, Church & Crisis' third (includes Great times with Friends & Associates).
  2. Staying focused on keeping my prayer and devotional life. (I journal my prayers).
  3. Looking at habits that I may have that might tend to make me non-productive. (Negativity)
  4. Sharing with my husband to reveal to me ways to better handle the tedious tasks I must perform (as Worship Leader) so that we can achieve the greatest results possible as a team.
  5. Organize my efforts. ls it "
  6. Schedule my activities. (Keyboard practice, exercising, Outreach (my passion) and baking, Authoring a Book, etc.).
  7. Budget my time.
  8. Teaching, coaching, and mentoring women who reach out to me so that I can encourage them to function efficiently.
  9. Last, but not least, having a grateful heart for this great blog site! (Sharing caring thoughts!)
Believe you me, I constantly see INCREASES, PLUS's, MAXIMUM ADVANTAGES, SUCCESSES, HUGE BLESSINGS, MANY MANY PRAISS FOR HAVING THIS BLOG. (Ooops I said that once). Don't comes back to me 100-fold!!! Have Happy Tuesday!

Monday, April 9, 2007

6 P.M. vs. 6 A.M.

It was definitely a lesson in patience and endurance. Four and one-half hours with Internet Servers "down" - It's finally up! Yea!!!!
During the "hold" times I've been thinking that the heart that once loved to have its own way now must give in and lean toward God. I've been reading the book of Psalms regarding a broken and contrite heart before Him - He is tenderly calling for us to break from the trust we place in our power, position, or even passions. He is calling for us to turn from those ways where we tend to keep ourselves isolated to caring for others. I believe He is urging us to offer our hearts to God, who gives us our cues for living. Imagine what it must be like to face a cross! The strength of God is for those who understand weakness. And where does such strength come from? "Morning by morning" the ear of the faithful is tuned and taught in the presence of God, in the presence of what I would call Majestic Humility. Here is where we find a servant's heart, prepared to speak a servant's word, and find the strength to live a servant's life. Servants called to serve in a weary world. I want to hear Him "Well done thou good and faithful Servant....enter now into the JOY of the Lord! My cup runneth over from yesterday's victories and I'm sure your's is also! Good night!

Computer Problems

Computer problems. Will blog later.

Sunday, April 8, 2007


In just a few hours, the Resurrection of our Savior will be celebrated in a church where all the Glory will be given to a Risen Christ who unconditionally loves each one of us just as we are without one plea. Our hearts are going forth with boldness, love, and compassion to give everyone that attends because, as His bondservants, will declare His Resurrection fearlessly. It is our prayer (at the church God has given us the Holy privilege to serve) that His power wisdom, inspiration of the Bible and Life of Christ will be presented to all and when the Benediction is given, we will hear Him has been good to be in the House of the Lord" on a Great Easter celebration! As one of the songs we will all sing says "Our Redeemer Lives!"
The celebration continues as we all leave Church and sit down to eat the most delicious ham dinner..... (our daughter-in-law makes the best!) and all the trimmings! Oh, I can hardly wait!
I can already feel the gratefulness that is beginning in my heart as I write this blog that I will ENJOY this great day to the fullest with all the blessings that have already come my way; new clothes, shoes, favorite candy, meal at LaMadeline's, Red Lobsters, new hair style, cards, (this list could go on and on), pictures of some of our church members, friends, neighbors, and family who have shared their joy for the growth of our church and all I can say is..... HAPPY EASTER to one and all!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Easter Traditions

I think it's great to recall Easter traditions from previous years.. from being a kid myself to having kids of our own, and now watching our grandkids. As a kid we always lived on someone's farm rental property. I can remember my brother, for some reason, always hid the (real boiled decorated) easter eggs. And he would hide them in what I called the stick-a-bush blackberries patch. Of course, I always tried to outdo my brother in stiff competition and I found the most! When we had our own kids, it was important that our kids were all dressed up for Easter (of course the Easter eggs were always decorated so creatively), and then at this time with our grandkids, we always watch them find plastic Easter eggs and after church go to their home for a delicious ham dinner. Oh yes, the Easter Basket tradition is still carried on. Easter Memories always included going to a marvelous Church Service and celebrating the Risen Christ! I hope your Easter tomorrow is memorable, traditional, and happy. It's a time to renew, refresh and look to a God who truly loves us to be happy, have fun, and a great time in Him!

Friday, April 6, 2007

Finally Here......Good Friday

I'm definitely an optimist; to me the glass is always half full instead of half empty. I have learned to write my hurts in the sand and carve my benefits in stone. Hurts so that the winds of forgiveness can erase them away; benefits so that NO wind can erase. It's such a benefit to look on the good of things. I had a friend who has gone on to Heaven now, but she was a "wall builder" - if she didn't want to deal with things, she would put that wall of resistance up as a form of manipulation. I was even more determined to "nip it in the bud" (deal with it). I have always felt like it is so much healthier to "speak the truth in love" as the Bible says. What GOOD does it do to build a wall and cause so much damage in a friendship when all one has to do is find a positive way where there's benefits that cause happiness and answers. How did it all get solved? This is where the GOOD of prayer came in. I asked God to show me how to be responsible for myself and how to allow her to be responsible for her self. I also ask Him to teach her about boundaries; what they are and how to establish them instead of walls. I also asked for a big dose to teach me about love which is a good thing. I hope you have "Good Friday" off and enjoy the GOOD life has to offer. I know I will keeping a positive spirit!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

......This is Good

It's almost "Good Friday" so here's something good. If a Mom respects both herself and her child from his/her very first day onward, she will never need to teach him/her respect for others. That is character (what you do when no one else is around) and is really good.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

A Bright Idea

On a pre-Easter week, I tend to keep myself so busy I have to tell myself "Stop" - get your mind off all the tasks and balance it between Church and Home. Have you ever forgot where the flashlights are when there's a power outage? Or.....even if you could see them in the dark? Here's a Bright Idea. Wrap them in fluorescent tape. I found the "really-does glow in the dark" tape at a Dollar Store. What a neat idea! Of course it was also cool seeing all the awesome Easter baskets for the adorable Grandkids! Have some fun today....get on the brighter side!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Fullness of Soul

The first step in finding fullness of soul is when a person realizes their sin has separated them from God. Then, when they realize He can forgive their sin and reconcile them to the Father, they have to make an eternal decision which is to admit needing God. The presence of God floods their soul and they receiving salvation, being adopted into the family of God and He miraculously fills their empty soul. Yearning and the restlessness cease. A new life begins.
The older I get, the more I understand how much courage it takes to face the ordinary challenges of life. Every day we make choices to either believe in God and trust Him - even when we don't understand His ways - or second guess God and hide in corners of doubt and fear. The truth is fearful of coming face-to-face with a Holy God. Something inside cries out "Don't face it. Back off. Go with the flow." My husband had a very Godly Grandmother who served as a missionary and later was put in a prison camp for living for God. She is in Heaven now, but I recall one of her favorite statements was "Carol one day your soul will just open up - there is something bigger than you know going on -- give God the glory -- He is there ready to reveal His love, mercy and grace!" She should know; she was 95 when she went home to Glory!!

Monday, April 2, 2007


I've found that once I begin crashing through quitting points, I must commit myself to developing endurance in every area of my life! This involves establishing a pattern of pushing myself a little beyond where I feel comfortable. Everyone knows I walk at the mall, but for some reason getting from one end to the other just ONE more time pushes me to press on until I FINISH. It makes my workout complete!
When I have finished studying for Women of Worth W.O.W. class, which I teach bi-monthly, I try to take one more half hour and give it just a little more work. All of this challenges my endurance level. What's the reward? In the Bible, James 1 ... "consider it pure joy when facing struggles that demand endurance. " I interpret that as "Keep on keepin' on" even if it is Monday! Just endure - Friday will be here before you know it!

Sunday, April 1, 2007


Patience runs contrary to my temperament. The other morning as I stood tapping my finger on the counter waiting for our high-powered microwave to warm up a frozen banana bread I said, "Come on, these things take forever!" My husband's chuckle reminded how I need to grow this character quality in my life and live with a deeper level of patience.