Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Should the Lord refined me like a precious metal. Now I pray, allow me to offer You a pure heart as a sacrifice of praise and New Year of service!

I know the Holy Spirit will go with me. He will give me strength to pass the test and I will give Him honor and glory.

New Year's Resolution....hmmmmm Not sure yet. How about you?

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Thank you Lord for helping me to stop struggling on my own, to place everything in Your hands. I felt like I was trying to paddle a boat with only one oar. You show me the right decisions to make, when to stop trying to do anything and most of all how to depend on you. I feel new joy in my life.

Thank you Lord for your help. Thanks to the Lord who helps each one of us.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


How tender and sure Your goodness. When I need a friend, you send one who is loving and true. When I seek advice, you provide it in your Word.

You bless me with my spouse Children fill my quiver. How could I be more favored?

When I fall, you are there to pick me up. When I'm weak, you are strong for me. When I'm in trouble, you help me through Thank you for being so good.

Exodus 34:6-7 And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed. The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in good ness and truth. Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving any tansgression and sin.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Enjoy Your Presents & Presence!!!!

I got presents for Christmas of course! They all fit, they are just wanted I wanted and I will wear most of them so wonderfully!!!!!

I really enjoy the presence of God watching over our family and giving us peace, hope, love, and joy!

My heart is so enriched for what the Christmas Season has brought this year. How about you?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Today I concentrate on cooking Christmas Eve. This is our Christmas day!
We pray for you a very blessed and happy Christmas. My blog is my loving morning task. Love each one of you and send hugs, prayers, and blessings today and your MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Prayer

What do you see in me, dear Lord, that I could be used to serve you? I feel honored that you called me. Whatever you ask of me, I will do.

Encourage someone? Yes, Lord.

Brighten someone's day? Yes, Lord.

Praise you, Lord and say Yes? Yes Lord!

Thank you for accepting my strengths and weaknesses. Yes Lord.

Take me Lord, use me. Let me glorify your name.

Whatever you ask of me, I will do.

Because I know your grace is sufficient for my every need. II Cor. 12:9-10

Thank you for being born this beautiful Christmas Day. Thank you! Amen

Monday, December 20, 2010

Hurts & Bitterness!!!

There are so many women that carry hurt and bitterness. They fail even with help. I am learning to retrieve the lively, warm fires and to leave the sad, cold ashes behind.

Jeremiah 2(:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Call upon Him, pray with Him and He will listen to you! Forgiveness lingers like a healing balm. How dear, and how marvelous. Thank you Lord.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Overcoming Issues!!!!

Have you done everything you can to overcome your issues that you face? Are you frustrated, exhausted and at the end of your rope? Release all those things to the Lord. He is waiting patiently for you, ready to take charge of your life.

Just place it in His hands. Stop struggling. His love is eternal. Place all your trust and hope in Him!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A continuation..............from Friday's blog!!!

May God bring joy to each one of you as you ready yourself for Christmas. Keep snuggled up close to the Lord and give Him honor and glory in all things!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Peace & Joy of Mind!

A working mother loses peace of mind. She has little time for her family. Her mind's too preocupied with her job, her work problems, her responsibilities away from home. So she feels guilty. Especially when it's time to rush tow ork and one of the kids has a sore throat and the babysitter calls to say that she can't come.

But there are rewards of Motherhood. I still believe God's idea for Moms is to stay focused on peace and joy of mind! You have two vital jobs, home and Company. I always hope and pray the weekends aren't rough! All the things that have to be done. I trained our kids in strong character, responsible, and respect for elders, teachers or any adults that expect super attitudes. It worked. Both our kids are so smart in decision skills and very joyful staff members. May God bless Moms and all our kids as we all pray for each other to have peace and joy of mind!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

There's Power In God's Love!

Each deep scar tells of a battle that has been won!
But there is still lessons in healing He wants us to learn.
A hert was breaking deep inside.
A trembling life, beaten, torn.

God tenderly touches with His power!
Healed the broken heart once more.
He made the soul strong again!
The soul will never be the same.
God brought needed character,
To praise and GLORIFY the Power in His love!

Have you felt it? It is my JOY for this day!
Thank you for your power, God and your amazing love!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Early To Bed, Early To Rise!!!

This means I have had plenty of sleep and am up ready to get the day started. Sometimes I totally believe I am the ONLY person up at this time of the day. We are having friends over Friday night and I'm excited! The menu is Mexican Cuisine and it will be delicious. Who wants to go out to eat when homemade is so delicious??
We need the friendship and fellowship. So, today being Wednesday and the event will be two more days, how will mine or your Wednesday be?

My Wednesday begins with the word! I'm thanking the Lord for His forgiveness, love, and JOY He gives me. He never holds a grudge against me. Instead, I know my sins are completely washed away. His love is far greater than how high the Heavens are above this little round ball caled Earth. His love stretches farther than the east is from the west. Thank you for the Joy You give me this Christmas to help others and be so blessed!!! Romans 8:28 "All things work together for those that love the Lord." Bring on Friday, Lord....that will be another "Early Rising!!!" : )

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Jolly Christmas!!!!!

And what does that mean? It means a Joyful Christmas. Don't let the hum-bad-gripes from anyone get to you!!! Yesterday I was talking to my Sister who lives out of state and the conversation was I put a stop to it! I was so proud of me.'s bad enough to have to pray that God supplies every tiny bit of needful why should I want to sit and discuss ba-hum-bug! I want a joyful laughter..just having God meet every need. And He will!!!! I pray and hope your Christmas will be jolly!!!!

Take a dose of Hebrews 10:24-25 "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another." I'm willing. Are you?

Monday, December 13, 2010

100 Joys!!!!!

Sarah Markley has 100 Joys going on her blog. Her blog is the very best I have ever read. She is an extraordinary writer and such a lovely person!!! I've been finding JOY every single day, hour, and minute to be a part. There are so many issues that happen that turn to joy if only we will let them.

Joy, true joy that comes from me, given through Christ gives me songs of praise and scriptures flow from my heart. I fall asleep with a prayer trailing from my lips with joy and awaken with a hymn of praise flowing through my mind. You, Lord, are my joy and strength.

The more joy I pass on to others, the more the Lord refills my well with unquenchable joy! Everlasting joys and peace. Thank you, God! And thank you Sarah, for being such a vital blessing to me (my hubby also) as he has retired from Senior Pastoring 38 years!!! Be blessed with a JOYOUS CHRISTMAS & definitely JOYOUS New Year!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Where Are The Encouragers?

Encouragement changes everything. You are blessed and always blessed! Helps you focus on the important of valuing and growing relationships.

I want to be an Encourager and I pray to God I am. I give Him the glory for making me this way!!!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

So Happy!!!!

Although the morning snapped with frost, the sunny day made doing chores and FNDN easy. Near dinnertime, a knock came at the door. A kind looking man appeared weary from travel. He was selling Christmas trees. It would make me happy to buy one, but I don't trust someone just driving by to sell something.

So, we put our lil' movie in and were so happy, discussing the events to come. It's important to communicate with hubby for future plans. We live on faith, so we really have to keep together on what we are doing. We're just so happy we can be of help, still, and be used of God.

How about you? Are you happy? Is this going to be a super Christmas for you and your family? It's a joy to blog and share some of our blessings and joy! I'm still getting comments on e-mail. I hope my comments portion is working. But, then I know a lot of other bloggers who do not get comments, so I'm just going to praise God for who I know read my blogs. God blesses me by keeping happiness!!!!

Friday, December 10, 2010


Too negative for me. When people deny constantly that they "didn't say it." How can joy be in peep's life when they deny issues that they do not want to resolve? I call upon God for wisdom. Each day I thank Him for guidance in handling these kind of situations. Thank you Lord for how you help me tell about your Love. I treasure the Lord's leading as I share His lessons and rise each morning to face a new day. I write your words on plaques (in fact we have one hanging when you first open the front door.) that say "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Thank you Lord for helping me never compromise the standards you have set for me. I praise You for cautioning me to be kind and generous, honest and wise in speech. Thank you for strength as I strive to be a good example.

How about you? Do you have a problem with people denying?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Depending On God!!!!

I am depending on God to remain close to us this Christmas. With my hubby not feeling well, it is more important to get his medicines all in order so he can feel better.

The Lord is righteous in all His ways,
and holy in all His works.
The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him,
to all that call upon Him in truth.

Keep calling on Him. He is there!!!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Appreciation For Aged

Thank you, Father, for our aged Christians and the wisdom we share. Thank you for our steadfast prayer lives that help carry out miracle after miracle. Thank you for letting us build on even the elderly good and bad.

I praise You, too, for persons who are never ready to retire from working in His Kingdom. How beautiful are those who adopt the younger to help, giving loving, nourishing care. That would be my hubby and I. Thank you for letting us have the courage to help and those that need help want help. We trust in God for His goodness.
Proverbs 6:20ff

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Got Friendship

Yesterday a lady that was in our church took me to lunch. It was a blessing. It's nice to think someone still remembers the blessings and great things that occured in our life!

It was good for me to go with a person and have fellowship. When trials attack my life, friendship buffers me from peril. He helps me escape before I face other things. It was great and I am very thankful to be remembered! Happy Tuesday everyone!

Monday, December 6, 2010

True Joy!!!!!

This joy comes from you Lord. I can't quit telling others about this JOY He gives me. His songs of praise and Bible verses from from my heart. I fall asleep with a prayer awaken with a hymn of praise, and you, Lord gives me joy and strength. In good times and bad I have learned to praise you, Lord. As my praises soar upward to You, new continuing joy fills my heart like an artesian well. The more joy I pass on to others, the more , Lord you refill my well with unquenchable joy!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

True Beauty of The Heart

A glad heart makes a cheerful countenance.

Kind, gentle,pure,loving, and thankful thoughts, springing from a heart of love, create true beauty of face. We will not be loved primarily for our lily-white hands and school girl complexion but for what we are - for what we think and do. A thankful heart, like the one expressed in our life improves one's complexion.

You can become beautiful as you ask the Lord to remove you fears, your tensions, your grudges, your bitterness, your discontent and your sins. He'll replace these undesirable traits and emotions with His love, His kindness, His forgiveness, His joy, and His peace.

True beauty of the heart!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


This week I talked to some women who have no hope. My heart goes out to them. You have to HANG ON to Hope.

Jeremiah 29:11-12 gives hope and a future....

I love the Lord for His kindness and patience with me when I worry about the what-ifs. I thank him for reminding me often not to worry. Fear dos not come from the Lord. I'm in His hands; He knows my needs before I even ask. I know His Spirit dwells within me. He is my only Hope. While I enjoy your hope, thank you Lord, for helping me to keep reaching out for the lost who have no hope.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Such JOY!!!

I put an all points post on FB that I was grateful for friends who are always there and our friend, Geneva was the one I was hoping would comment and she did!!! Come on...that's a God thing. Due to the phone conversations I had to make yesterday, I needed her to be a part. Wow!!!! What do you do when you see the hand of God exactly perfectly on target? I have tons of JOY and can't help but praise God for His workings! Thanks Geneva!!!! Bless you!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Love 102

Praise God for the love of hubby, family and friends! We're almost finished with the notes!!! Woohoo. God helps on a daily basis to keep on moving ahead. Thank you Lord for helping us moment by moment. Happy Thursday everyone!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

His Eye Is On The Sparrow

And He watches over us!!!!

Thank the Lord for reminding us of His Word abaout life everlasting. His eye is on the sparrow and He knows the hairs covered on your head.

Thank you Lord for Your comfort. I will serve and praise you with all my heart. How about you? Are you serving Him? He is our great and mighty God!!!