Friday, June 1, 2007


Teamwork in marriage requires the husband and wife to take up their tandem roles of leading and following. It is the practice that makes a marriage work. God asks husbands to lead and wives to follow (I Cor. 11:3) - for now just hang on to this principle! Functioning as a team, other principles apply - Communicating, Keep up the home - Married or single, your home is an indicator of your spiritual maturity and a direct reflection of your care and character. A lot is riding on a wife's desire to keep up the home. If he's out working all day and the home looks like a tornado, there's always conflict. Teamwork is hand in hand with serving God and reaching out to others. What a wonderful privilege we have with great principles that the Bible teaches us to have - picking out one and begin to make them a part of marriage - more than likely, there will be not only a change in attitude but we as women will ENJOY teamwork! As we grow in the Lord, we become a tremendous support to our husband if we connect as a team, listen to his wise counsel, and at the same time adhere to the Proverbs 31 woman who feared and revered the Lord and was highly praised and appreciated by her husband. (Prov. 31:28-30).

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