Monday, June 11, 2007

Miles of Smiles

I'm declaring this day "Miles of Smiles" day! Our carpet is getting cleaned! With the recent rains we have had, it's gotten almost impossible to just clean spots here and there. When I'm thinking about a super clean carpet (& home) it reminds me of Matthew 5:16 scripture "Let your light so SHINE before men, that they may see your good works and glory your Father which is in Heaven." Letting our light shine is not always easy (as I was sharing with a lady yesterday) and sometimes is clouded by unconfessed sins or wrong doings. Even though the disappointments are great we need to endeavor to let our light shine and in so doing becomes God's opportunity to live a clean, victorious life! I'll be happy to share how one may obtain this "Light" and "Sins be washed white as snow" - that definitely will also give miles of smiles! :-)


Mary said...

Miles of Smiles is really a great title because everyone that I cross paths with I hope to pass on a smile and hopefully they will keep passing it on. Letting your 'light' shine through is a wonderful thing and it feels great to be able to see someone do just that because it looks as though the person is glowing and they are. Glowing with joy and happiness. We all have troubles and issues but what good does it do us if we let them bring our world down and can not shine through them. That is what we are to do have faith that God will get us thru our issues no matter how big or small take them off your shoulders and breathe a deep breath and relax because tomorrow is not promised to no one so why worry. Shine and keep shining! It's your today and God will take care of what is needed. As I write this I take this for myself because I too have to remember to breathe and reflect that I am not in control but the Lord is and He will take care of my needs and I will shine his glory as I give it all to him. So smile more and laugh at yourself for getting too worked up. This is my posting I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Angie said...

Romans 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit" and 8:31b ..if GOD be for US, who can be against us??? That should be reason enough for us to smile. Way to go Mary. Angie R.

Carol Donnelson said...

Hey - great comments - Angie R. - I love your scripture verse. If I haven't heard my husband quote that "condemnation" verse once, it's been at least 100! We can't condemn for "by therefore the grace of God, go I."...... there's a saying that I've heard...."Don't happy." God is definitely on our side! Have a great Thursday!