Thursday, June 7, 2007

Non-stop Marvelous Week!

Since our W.O.W. (Women of Worth) class last Sunday, I'm so excited we finished the "Biblical Parenting" study - I've had literally a non-stop marvelous week! Yesterday I spent a great time with an amazing woman of God that attends the class so faithfully...we both have been married many years and our children are all grown. After our lunch at a cool "Tea Room -very lady-like decor" we spent a great time browsing through an Antique/Crafts Mall.. And I believe that's why God gives us sisters...(Sistas) to encourage each other and lift each other up in prayer and fellowship. What a blessing!
I have gotten a lot of e-mail comments. Some have commented they do not remember their password or are concerned their info on them will be seen by all. Not true... but I love the feeling that I can post positive uplifting Bible verses, because it is through His word that we get our mind off our self-pity and begin to praise Him for being so gracious to us!
Here's an e-mail comment I received just last night: "I love you and praise God for the gift of you. Your ministry online has truly touched my life and been such a blessing. As a stay at home mom, I find myself visiting your blogs every day, awaiting your next post so that I can smile and laugh (because it's just what I need) and always find something positive ;) God is so good! I thank my God upon every remembrance of you. Philippians 1:3......God bless you as you help us sift through indescribables......." Patty from Tyler
Today will be another non-stop day..........OUTREACH.....there are so many who need love, kindness, and a word of day is beginning early as I go to our city's beautiful Senior Citizens Center. It's a challenge to listen to lonely Saints who can share their joys and sorrows. They sing pretty good also! (Thursday is also Church Hymn Day.) I cannot begin to tell what a blessing it is to hear them quote word per word Psalm 23!!!!!
Correct blog time: 6:03 a.m. (3:19 is not correct).

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