Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Do we make our homes a joy and pleasure for those who live there? A soldier came home on leave to a wife who was very quarrelsome and constantly finding fault. Finally he left and reported back to his commanding officer for duty, saying "I want to get back in the front, where I can fight this war in peace." To me, there are qualities that will build a happy home.
(To name a few: Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Humility, Courtesy, Unselfishness, Good Temper, Love, Guilelessness (thinketh no evil) and Sincerity (rejoicing in the truth!) - I Cor. 13 Building a happy home is found in one word- character!
What starts out to be a courteous conversation, but what ends up is a full-blown argument because of a selfish spirit or a decision was made in peace, but all of sudden the rules got changed! Or, is it because commitments, decisions that are no up for grabs depending on how you feel at a given moment. My husband and I practice the art of discipline with this thing called advanced decision-making which says "It's already been decided, so don't even think about it. " These little signals don't change the fact that we have already made a decision and that is non-negotiable! That my dear friend leads to non-argumentative approaches and advances character qualities as mentioned above that truly work! caring prayer is that peace and contentment will be in our homes today, Wednesday to understand needs and live friendship and ask God for a non-selfish spirit! Every person alive craves the loyalty of a devoted friend! .......For some reason I'm having a hard time closing this blog......Here's another caring thought.....Our daughter got me a "Just for Mom" calendar for Mother's Day 2007 and it has daily quotes...Today's is awesome: "A pat on the back is only a few vertebrae removed from a kick in the pants, but is miles ahead in results." (Poet/Journalist Ella W. Wilcox)

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