Tuesday, June 19, 2007


It is a known FACT that being organized is vital! My husband and I saw a great Oprah show in the spring that was showing clutter and what it does to defeat! Organization means support to me - it supports a busy life and I believe in the age-old principle of "a place for everything and everything in its place.) (And in advanced organization, that place is the place where you need each item to be. Our daughter is in the process of moving. I was so happy when I saw she had the neatest "equipment" and as she calls it "stuff" organized in it. But I guarantee it is organized! We have a counter top in the kitchen that keeps us motivated.....on that counter top are "Crisis" things that HAVE TO BE DONE now. They are not in the way of cooking in the kitchen but as we walk by that counter, it reminds us "now!" My husband cannot tolerate clutter and I love to be organized, so we make a perfect match for organization. I call my part the "one foot" method. I clean out at least one drawer, one shelf, or one foot of space every day. And it's usually done during transitional time, while I'm doing something else, like warming something in the microwave, waiting for the coffee to brew, talking on the phone, etc. I've adopted the Proverbs 31 homemaker as my model for home management. She excelled at her role of home-manager (vs. 29) My thinking goes something like this -- "Okay, I have to keep the house clean, I NEED TO CREATE ORDER...I've got to cook at least one meal a day, so why not be the best?" Why not excel!!!!! ....to bless my husband and others and of course myself!

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