Sunday, June 10, 2007

Hate Vs. Love

Okay, that's my favorite subject in the whole wide world.......LOVE! I see too much "hate" and I doubt whether the people who give it even realize it's demeaning. I can remember my husband saying to someone who was in deep despair "You can't say I love you, can you?" And the person actually disappeared - they were going through such agony and we knew it, but didn't even want to discuss the issues - they even moved to another state~~. I Corinthians chapter 13 is the Love chapter of the entire Bible. I have no problem whatsoever saying I love you. Our kids will always respond with a returned I love you. (& so will the precious grandkids.) That could be the answer to life's inescapables.......tell someone you love them.....go out of
your way to spread a little love around. Tell your kids, your parents, your grandparents and even your greatgrandparents. I'm praying the LOVE of God will
shine through me as I attend the best church in the Universe today! It won't be
hard to do when we let Him shine His love through.......I love hearing the Bible
taught by a man (my husband) whom I have seen studying it more than 20 hours
this week alone! (if not more) I intend to serve God in LOVE today, I'm
quite positive Love will be forthcoming from our hearts and actions! There's no
sense in even looking on the opposite.


Angie said...

It's amazing how the Lord gives you just what I need. I've been reading all the words of Jesus(those in red in my Bible)because I want to quote Him and not anyone else. I started in the book of Matthew and would you believe in the 5th chapter verses 43-48 He gives us a very important lesson on Love. I must confess I've been guilty of loving or being kind to those who love me and are kind to me because it's easy to do that. BUT anyone can do that. As a child of God,elected and sanctified according to the foreknowledge of God, I am required to do more than that.In Matthew Jesus says "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them who despitefully use you and persecute you. Let's pray for each other that we will be able to do this daily. There are a lot of sad, lonely and angry people out there. I want to make a difference. And yes Lighthouse Church is an awesome church. I was truly blessed by the message, and I don't think a bolony sandwich has ever tasted as good as the one I enjoyed after the service(not to mention the great mac and cheese and maccaroni salad. Great fellowship.

Carol Donnelson said...

Angie R. ---- awesome! I cannot thank you enough for such great information. I can honestly say I have never read the entire words of Jesus in a Bible that has it marked in red. Your testimony speaks well of your hospitable spirit and you are such a joy to be around. You definitely are making a difference to so many lives and I am one of them. I truly love your comments about Lighthouse Church and Pastor's message - I will only pray the whole metroplex will read your blog comment and give us a visit to service and Q&A. Your servitude spirit definitely radiates the love of God in all ways and your comments are very much appreciated!

Mary said...

This is a great message that many people need to read because it is a huge issue that many people can not get past their hate for others and so they miss their blessings. If we could all learn to forgive each other and bless each other instead of hating and cursing we would all grow and prosper, hopefully. I know it can take alot out of someone to make that first step to say I love you and forgive you. I believe that when you tell someone that you love them you grow a little more internally and each time you do it becomes easier to forgive those who have done wrong against you.
The message was fantastic as always and so was the lunch. I enjoyed evey minute at church, I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be on a Sunday morning.

Mary said...

Sorry Carol, it posted twice. Not sure what happened.

Carol Donnelson said...

I totally agree with you! It's so sad because once (I even despise using this word) hate comes in; that leads to pouting, or discontent and this kind of behavior overshadows love and a live of roller coaster living exists. Forget forgiveness; as my husband says "that's not even on the radar screen." (I love it when he says that). Thanks for all the compliments regarding the message and Q&A - that's what is needed so badly - to me the song "Love makes the world go round as we meet together in one accord." May your week be blessed is my sincere prayer.

Anonymous said...

It's easy to say "I love you", for many people. But often I think it can be used so much, that it begins to lose its meaning. I'm not disagreeing with you. Far from. I totally understand, the world would be such a better place if there was a lot more honesty and love towards other people. Even the people we have come to love to hate the most. SHARE THE LOVE PEOPLE! : - D

Carol Donnelson said...

Thanks for your valued comments! Have a super great summer!