Sunday, July 29, 2007


Peace is the tranquility which comes from order. Order means that everything is as it should be. When my life is running as it should I shall have peace. Seeking after God's peace and praying for "worries" that at some point burden me is the only answer. I've had so many people say, well if you're a Christian, you shouldn't worry. God commands the best for my blind selfishness I run away from Him and in my human frailities, decide to take things in my own that point I am my own worst greatest advantage is to have the Bible persuade me, once and for all, that seeking peace only comes from God. The song says "Peace, peace, wonderful peace; coming down from the Father above. Sweep over my spirit forever I fathomless billows of love." I ALWAYS feel so peaceful when I enter the Sanctuary at Church and it's time for a.m. Worshp. It's God calming my heart and saying okay Carol, you're here; you've done all the Outreach, Praying, Serving, Caring, Loving, 1-on-1 Invitations, Answered all the God questions, come on in relax, and hear a relevant message of course by the very best Pastor in the Universe.... = ) Want order and Peace.....need help in that decision.....I definitely know where you can FIND A GOOD CHURCH! -- Lighthouse Church.....10 a.m. see you here!
FFW: Family Friendly Welcome!

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