Thursday, July 5, 2007


One of the key ingredients of LIFE is people.....and people take time. I do have a hard time accepting the statement "I thought you might be too busy for me." Ouch - that hurts when someone says that. I am never too busy to care about a PERSON in LIFE'S daily victories or struggles. In my prayer journal I devotedly pace myself. Each and every person that crosses my path I count very important and is sent by God to represent a part of His purpose for my day and my LIFE. And each and every one of them is a soul, a needy soul, needy for something. It's about the other person and the caring comes back 10-fold when we return calls or keep up with each other. Maybe it's just a big smile, (believe it or not the smile can be felt over the phone) a hearty hello, or how are you, what's up? We must keep in touch. God gives me time in daily activities to truly enjoy LIFE'S friendships.......
communal friendships (husband, children, and family)
consistent friendships (best friends)
casual friendships (acquaintances) ......and
coincidental friendships (strangers)

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