Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Soften Stubborn Positions

When a blog is written (I'm still in the learning stage) if it's not saved under Desktop, it will go to never never land if their server is down. The Plant Blog is gone.... Recently I had this problem with what I thought was computer problems; I tried the new technical support strategy and insisted it would work. Now I have worked toward being more patient, so here goes:

Here's a great thing to try. If you feel subborn on a position and will not move and it is causing unbelievable stress in your marriage, try a different strategy that your husband suggests. It doesn't make you weak to soften your stubbornness. In fact, it makes you stronger. Rather than resenting something our husbands are wanting us to do, appreciate his restraint. Your "mind set" (stubbornness) will go away as you will feel new acceptance and appreciation and love him even more for suggesting a better strategy. Give this strategy a try. I think you'll discover that agreeing with an occasional criticism has more value than it costs. Have a great Wednesday! (I'm going potting soil hunting--it's time to repot//ugh//sorry the blog on Plants didn't appear. Oh well, go with Plan B when Plan A doesn't work!


Cheryl said...

Dear Ladies,
If you are like me in any way I believe you may have felt that same first instinct of "she has got to be kidding---all I ever do is follow his way"! Yep, I felt it too, but thank our gracious Lord he is slowly but surely teaching me to correct those wrong feelings quickly when they come (and He will for you too if you ask Him to).
What I really want to say the most, however, is that this stuff really works! Coach Carol taught me this several months ago and although it has at times seemed like a very strenuous workout to do, it is worth the work! Resentment is an emotion that is from the pit of hell itself and will do nothing but destroy you and all those around you that allow it to. I try to view it this way, if I soften my mind set and try to see and do things my husband's way then I can't lose. If I am wrong---I get immediate blessings from God for being obedient. If my husband is wrong--God will deal with him and I no longer have to "worry" about trying to prove my point! It is amazing relief to know that God is just and knows perfectly how to deal with the situation. Seriously ladies, this may be a strategy that the world views as weak, but nothing I've tried that the world has to offer has worked as effectively. Not that things are perfect in my marriage, but the peace that you get from humbling yourself to release that pride (otherwise known as stubbornness) makes the imperfection so much more bearable.


Carol Donnelson said...

Thank you for your valued honest comments, Cheryl. It initiates a journey to healing. I am living proof that Jesus Christ does and will heal injuries of the soul. With His help and our guide, we can overcome the pain of any past. And like you have said a strategy that the world views as weak...amen on that one! Have a very terrific week!