Friday, April 20, 2007


Discernment understands the REAL issues. It took me a while after I became a Christ follower to learn the meaning of discernment. When the word "issue" was used quite frequently and the fact that I was and am a leader, I knew I had to cut through the clutter to see the right and wrong (issues) before I gave answers. Of course my goal was to challenge ladies to find an understanding. The statement "I have issues" doesn't cut helping someone; discovering the facts and hearing them, helps to sort through and untangle the real issues. Discernment helps one to say uh-oh, I don't want to go there...that is the wrong path to take. That will cause chaos in our home. I always feel like it makes me a smart person, believing only half of what I hear, but truly smart in knowing which half to believe. Discern - take the right path; trust me you will be much happier and it will cause real peace in your life!

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