Wednesday, April 25, 2007


If you ask a class of kindergartners, "Who here is creative?" - a whole roomful of little arms will shoot straight up with a chorus of "I am, I am!" If you ask a class of sixth graders, "Who among you is creative?" perhaps a third of the kids will raise their hands. And if you ask a Senior High School class the same question, only a few hands will go up. What is happening to our creativity? How did we lose faith in our own natural talents to think, create, solve problems, look at things in new ways, dream, explore, and invent? I believe we must reclaim our innate creativity. And we must encourage others to express themselves fully too. Creativity is important in everything we do in life; it's not just given to spare-time hobbies. In looking at the yard, I must admit I'm patting myself on the back for having a creative mind in placing the flowers in just the right place and thanking God that the storms didn't uproot any of the plants. I definitely see I had some great creativity going on!


Cheryl said...

Perhaps this is a good example of why the Bible tells us we must come to God with child-like faith. When we are children believing just isn't an issue! We believe in ourselves, our abilities, other people, and most importantly that "God is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do"! (to borrow a few words from Beth Moore)
Life happens and we become jaded and hard, but maybe that's the secret---to believe in ourselves just as wholeheartedly as we did when we were those kindergarten children shooting our hands up that we were the best!

Believe in yourself and step out, our Heavenly Father will keep a close eye on you and be there for support (as will our dear sister Carol!

Can't wait to see your yard!

Geneva said...

Oh this was just what I needed to see today!! I know that I’m one that would hold back like the high schoolers. There’s such a fine line between confidence and bragging or self-pride. I struggle with this everyday about something or other. I have a large project that I’m working on and it just seems destined for failure at every turn. Rather than letting it get me down or stressing me out I am going to win!! I can make this happen through Jesus Christ!

Cheryl, you and Carol are now the ultimate cheerleaders and encouragers :0) Thanks to you both for these lovely posts and comments!
Hugs & Prayers