Friday, May 29, 2009

What Comes Next?

I'm not nearly as stressed as people might imagine. Over the years, I've learned to focus my energy on the present, to be fully aware of what's happening in each moment and not to start thinking about what SHOULD have happened, what's going wrong, or what might come next. I take in so much information and absorb so many people's stories every day; if I didn't find a way to decompress, I'd be totally ineffective!

Taking care of yourself so you can better care for others is an idea many ladies I talk to still can't embrace. You have to nurture yourself so you'll have more nurturing to give to those who most need you. It's the oxygen-mask theory; If you don't put on your mask first, you won't be able to save anyone else. Stop. Go mindless. Breathe. Let go And remind yourself that this very moment is the only moment of what comes next. Get your mind off of self so much; send a card to someone that means a lot to you.....this world is too short and one of these days you will live in pure regret. Now is he time to love and let love. I've been reading the story of Jerry Falwell's life.....What comes next? Who would ever believe his life; this mighty man who knew everyone's name....that his life would end of soon. Enjoy your Friday. I'm looking forward to what comes next in this day!!!!

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