Monday, June 23, 2008

Where have all the flowers gone????

I HAD the most gorgeous flower garden in our front yard; posies, and pansies, and mums....the mums are still there but the others just dried up and died. Oh they were beautiful! (And I kept them watered...hmmmm) I am a flower addict...and they made my day going out and picking out the weeds so they could stay so lovely.
But, I'll still just enjoy the mums; rusty brown, yellow, gold, and red. I'm sure the hot summer sun just was too much for the precious flowers. I note with interest my neighbor's pansies have died also. Oh well, back to Lowe's to see what I can plant to replace them.

added happy note: Church was amazingly incredible yesterday. We had every pew filled but one! And then we had a marvelous Q&A afterwards....oh, am I in for church growth and that we are seeing! Yea!!!!Two precious babies...2 adorable little fellows; one is 3 mo. old and just a doll! And the other a little older but they have the cutest smiles I have ever seen! The family that the two little cutie pies belong to are so encouraging! I just hope and pray all who attended have a super great week and can't wait to fill up that other pew!!!! Keep on plunkin' as we used to say when we lived in New England!!!! I'm up early rejoicing and feeling the sadness of loosing my flowers...but I also have plenty of stuff to get caught up on...make it a good day!! C ya tomorrow! & say a prayer for me as I figure out this flower delima........

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