Monday, June 30, 2008

Faith Is the Only Door

I've been wanting to blog on faith for a long time. My faith is in Him and I hope your's is also.

There is only one door into Heaven; that door is faith. There is only one ship that sails for the skies; her name is Faith. There is only one weapon with which to contend with opposition; that is faith. Faith is the first step; faith is the second step; faith the third step; faith the fourth step; faith the last step. We wenter the road by faith. We contend against adversaries by faith; we die by faith; Heaven is the reward of faith.

Faith soars above the mountains of uncertainty and utters a confidence and assurance in our Lord God. He has a precise way of tunneling though, going over and around, and finding the answers. We must give Him our unconditional trust.
F - forgetting
A - all
I - I
T - trust
H - Him!

The Bible says "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1 Bottom line: Faith in the negative comes from worry. Faith in the positive comes from unconditional trust in God. The most difficult part for me in putting faith into action for answers to come is when I must completely turn all over to God and take my hands off. I'm a doer, incredibly stubborn; I don't give up easily when I have a sense of direction from God. But what often comes is a time when I hear God say, "Hands off and let me." It is at this point where I learn to actively put my FAITH in Him for helping and actively trust Him to fight the battles as I learn to sit back and go along for the ride!

As I close this Epistle on FAITH....I do want to add; I cannot imagine a day without blogging, but as this is our daughter's fabulous birthday week -- she is definitely first on the agenda - and I make no bones about it --- she is #1 in my I send much love to one and all....and say Happy, happy 4th of July!!!! .....I'll be posting at a later date.......C ya!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Hi Carol,

I enjoyed reading your blog about Faith. I truly believe that in order to have unconditional faith; you have to let everything go as if you were free falling from the sky and believe and trust whole heartedly that God will catch you and be there for you every step of the way. Thank you for you and for inspiring many who read your blogs.
