Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Moving Right Along!

Starting on Projects and then FINISHING them!

The day goes by altogether too fast!!!!! I almost get to the finishing point and get interupted. But, that's okay because it's fun instead of getting in a rut!

My mind goes a mile a minute when I organize. But, having a mind set to throw things away is super!!!! Out of sight, out of mind...if you haven't used it for three months (volumes of "stuff" like paper work, coupons, etc.) throw it away!!!

So, I am moving right along........I'm still doing a study on Proverbs and right now my brain is fried trying to memorize the 3rd chapter of Proverbs. I love Prov. 3:5-6trusting in the Lord with ALL.......great promise!

Added Thought:
Every single day I know I go against the grain so to speak. Having a blogsite called "Carol's Caring Thoughts" when unfortunately society dictates don't care! And believe you me, I see it every day that people don't care. Well, I do; so I love blogging and sharing what's on my mind and I'm so grateful when our Son set it up for me, the title fits me to a "T" .... I will never stop caring - it's like people who LOVE TO run - they will never stop running.....or people who collect things or love to travel. I love to care.......and please don't ever stop calling the church's 24/hr. prayer line because that is where my care begins (except for a new day!!!!) Make it a Great Day!!!! Happy Tuesday!

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