Thursday, June 5, 2008

Embrace Your Distinctiveness!

We received six High School Graduation Invitations (or are they called Announcements?) this year. I have enjoyed so much having a part in congratulating each one and to admonish them to embrace their distinctiveness! Many people don't value themselves because they are looking to other people to set the standards for their lives. They are living by comparison - looking to people around them or to models in magazines to tell them how they should dress, act, etc.

The truth is......YOU are the Designer's original! You are not a cheap imitation of someone else. .....or a have your own specific physical identity....genetic code, fingerprints and are distinctive - soar high and make a huge difference in wherever you live, whatever you do! Remember God's thoughts are for you to have the peace of God which passeth all understanding! Take God on your journey. He is with you and wants to help you through any and all struggles. ....and those are my encouraging words to the Graduates....Invest in what God has put inside of you!

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