Monday, May 7, 2007


I am so excited for THIS great day! It's our Granddaughter's birthday and of course I became a Grandma for the first time and I can still remember it like it was yesterday! Going to the hospital and our Son coming out, proclaiming with great joy, it's a girl! She has always offered me a smile of delight, a soft cheek to snuggle, a warm embrace, a proud gaze! Each of these express the unquestioning love of me, the Grandma, and yet her love transcends a gesture. I have cherished the chance to see a new generation grow, participating in her explorations and experiences with enthusiasm (and that she has a lot of) offering steady encouragement at every age! (Actually she offers that to me!) Someone has said "When a grandchild is born, so are grandmothers." I believe that to be true and am indeed honored! Happy, happy Birthday our dear Granddaugher! I cannot wait until we shop 'til we drop!

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