Friday, May 18, 2007

Carol Day

Good Day......I'm taking a Carol Day (have already been to Starbucks!)....Hair, nails (I don't do pedicures), Mardel bookstore to check out the latest beloved Lady books that are new. Lunch @ LaMadeline's my very favorite lady place in the whole wide world and topping it all off with a date with my favorite husband, confidante, lover, (he asked me out--some day I'll share it with you) (very creative I might add) and come home pretty late to check on the cutie pies (Chloe & Pixie) and then a great night's rest. It has been a rough week with the passing of our warrior friend Jerry.
One of my favorite passages is found in Jeremiah 18:1-6, specifically vs. 6 where God longed to make the nation of Israel into a people that would serve Him b/c individually we are Vessels meet for the Master's Use! See ya in Church Sunday and I'll be sure and share my Carol Day!

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