Thursday, August 30, 2007

Quality Friendshp

Bad friendships corrupt good morals. I'm thankful for quality friends who help me build a stronger character and draw me closer to the things that are encouraging instead of discouraging. I love to be around someone who has a fun personality, enthusiasm, and a good sense of humor. My daily desire is to have the Lord help me to relax around people and be myself - the person He created me to be. He insructs my heart and molds my character. He sends people into my life who will be a great friend. At that point, I carefully and honestly rely on trustworthiness.

According to Proverbs 27:17, iron sharpenes iron, so friends sharpen the minds of each other. My prayer is..........As we learn from each other, may we find a worthy purpose in our relationship. Women need to keep a well balanced life in friendships so that we all please our Creator or our husbands instead of pleasing other people.

I love having a great friend because when I have mess-ups - if I fall, there will be someone to lift me up, not tear me down. Honest and trustworthy friends are very hard to find. Or someone who will keep up the friendship. This is almost the close of my "birthday week" and I do have a great many friends...I know that to be a fact! To you who so wonderfully remembered me I do count as my quality friends and I am one person who is extremely grateful! I am so blessed by your friendships!


Mary said...

Friends are great to have. You can count on them when you need them the most. Those are your true friends. The ones you can call at anytime meaning at any time. Friends you can call when you get a flat tire or be stranded. I am proud to have friends who will rescue me when I need to be rescued. I am true to my friends as well whenever they need to be rescued all they have to do is give me call and I am there. I do not judge my friends and they do not judge me. The Good Lord blessed me with wonderful friends and I love each one of them dearly. They are held in my heart.

Carol Donnelson said...

Thanks Mary. And this is definitely you! A great friend!