Thursday, August 2, 2007

Early Riser

Okay - this is yesterday's blog. My 'puter crashed and I'm on my husband's. At this point, I will not give myself a benefit of a doubt....I have too much respect for him to wake him up and say "Hey I need help in posting my blog on your computer...." And so I will continue sending this post and yesterday's to publish. I'm hoping it will go through. Happy Friday!!!

I'm definitely an early riser! But then again staying up late is acceptable with me. (For those that know me are probably chuckling right now.... When our Grandkids are here....guess who puts them to bed if it's 11 or midnight (after a late movie)? guessed it....Grandpa! We are definitely opposites and I truly believe it has worked quite well for our marriage. We have fun talking in the morning when he gets up...questions like "What time did you go to bed?" and "What time did you get up?" Then, simultaneously we both say "UGH!" (It's really not that boring!!!) For the almost 40 years we've been married; we've decided that will never change. Works perfect for being compatible! He has his space and I have mine! That's what I love being an early riser...........lots of love for the new day goes on..the first one to greet our two adorable dogs; Pixie and Chloe; first to smell the wonderful coffee brewing; first to find out what's going on in the world (i.e. blogging, news, programs...although I'm not a TV buff in the early morning!) Life blossoms early for me. I think it comes from when I was in College, having to take very early classes; the best one was at 7 a.m. and if I wasn't there on time, points were taken off my grade for tardiness. I didn't like those consequences, so I became an avid early riser!

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