Saturday, May 22, 2010

Who Is Keeping Score?

I would have a miserable day (definitely not encouraging day) if I counted on my fingers who reads my blog? Initially, putting it in was not to have a zillion comments, but all the years I have been in the Senior Ministry, I love to write to ladies and guys some "pass me down what you have done to keep such a happy life."

Random writing........

Who's keeping score? I don't think anyone that reads my blog is critical in this category of total of people who subscribe and read it!!!

People are ALWAYS asking me why I am happy and I tell it on my blog; some people have never had the privilege of being don't want to be happy. Misery loves company and they are their own misery!!! Ooooo that's too negative.

Here's a very ENCOURAGING thought for today:

Overcome issues with a new teachable spirit.

How's that working for you? Are you teachable or do you still have an overcontrolling spirit? You might as well know your life will be miserable!
Let God transform you!!!! How 'bout today? Saturdays are a great day to be thankful for even the smallest of thankfulness. Did you ever write a note to someone that means the world to you? Today I'll be making a Birthday card for a lady who will be 70 years young. Can't wait....she's a bit color blind so she tells me the blues look like greens. But she is not judgmental or critical; just adores my creative cards!!!! I love her compliments!!! Have fun today everyone!!!!!!

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