Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Love Is The Key Ingredient

Honestly, some people say it is so difficult to love someone that is rude, out of sorts people and people with non-respect.

It's a challenge to me!!! First of all, I announce to my CLOSEST friend to pray for me as I approach that person. For some odd reason, I cannot be rude back to that person because prayer puts me in a mode that says, "It's their problem....if they want to be so self-centered, then they have to live with their self and I can just go on loving, my main incredient!!!" They know they push my button, so they're not going to change, but as the Beattles sang in my teen years, "Love is all you need...love, love, love is all you need!!!!"

I hope your Tuesday is just pretty great! Send that love out to others!!!!!! I'll be praying for you to get the "key ingredient" in, in, and more in!!!!!

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