Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Reality Checks

I have a deep, dark confession. I do pick up my husband's dirty socks. In any marriage there are going to be a few personal idiosyncrasies that result in each spouse serving the other in a mundane tasks. My husband is forced to repeatedly close my closet door and lock the doors at night. This is where the spirit of servanthood and unconditional love breeds health in amarriage. Yes, every single day the first thing I do when I get up is put sugar in his coffee, even though he perfectly capable of doing that for himself; but guess what he does for me?.....he makes the coffee at night and sets the brewing to go off at 5 a.m. even though he knows I am quite capable of making it.

Pray that you will have the power to give your husband space, grace, and do not push! Be grateful for all his talents! Okay does not delight in evil! Go the extra mile...fix his favorite meal, clean the entire kitchen, and think of him first as he works so hard to see that every need is met! it comes back one hundred percent as we delight in all our husband's strengths, love, and compassion!

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