Thursday, March 27, 2008


.....I'm pretty sure I'm used to the new Spring time change. It's way too dark in the morning though and I feel like I'm still "in the nighttime zone" but we just have to accept it.

What's your favorite time of day?

It's a known fact I'm a MORNING person. I have automatic eyelids that shut sometimes at 8 p.m. (eeeek) but to awaken refreshed, it calls for that! My husband is just the opposite. He's an 8 a.m. riser....and how he stays up so late is beyond me, but then again, he wonders how I can get up so early!!!! They say, OPPOSITES ATTRACT....very absolute in our case! We've been married 40 years and if we're not used to it by's way too late for not accepting this pattern!!!!

The way I accept it and look at it is.......this.......S.......P......A....C....E
At night he gets his space and in the morning I get my space.......AND then we communicate in the a.m. at some time what each other does in OUR SPACE. I HAVE TO HAVE MY SPACE and HE HAS TO HAVE HIS SPACE.......that's all there is to it. I have seen far too many ladies who are in their husband's face ALL THE TIME and the poor guy has no time to breathe........come can do my Mom used to say, "Tend to your own knitings.....leave him alone."

And that's what life's all about....You be you and Me be me!!! But, plaaeeezzze let me have S........P.......A.......C.....E!!

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