Thursday, September 6, 2007

Thursday already???....some musings.....

My own Blog won't let me COMMENT...hello!! Here's the comment, Connie to your's.
Wow Connie, Thanks for your valuable comment. I remember it like it was yesterday. You have always been a blessing and a great prayer "buddy." You've sown many a great seeds!!! Blessings to you THIS DAY!

I'll find out from Google why???

Is it Thursday already???? What a fast week!

Someone said "Idleness is the devil's workshop." There's never a dull moment in my life. My husband and I usually eat the evening meal about 5-ish p.m. At 3-ish I decided I wanted some wonton soup. I figured well, the drive-through Associate will know I ordered wonton soup. I sat down to eat it in a cozy corner, took the lid off and guess what? It was a cup full of nothing but gravy. Oh, well, the craving I had for wontons went to someone else. But I did find out if you don't like making gravy, go to a restaurant (even KFC) and they'll GIVE you a cup of gravy of your choice. It's a dollar if they don't give it. Mine was a dollar. One of my great cooking points (from my husband) is "making gravy better than his Mom's." So I won't be ordering gravy from a drive-though restaurant. In fact, just the mere mention of gravy, my husband requested mashed potatoes and my gravy with the baked chicken that was cooking. Did I use the drive-through gravy??? Heavens no. Did I take it back and get wonton soup??? No, I just forgot the negative experience and went on enjoying a lovely dinner with my husband's ravin about my gravy. But, we did have a chuckle at the reason why she gave me gravy???? Speaker, bad day, who knows????? I just know that will not be the place I frequent for wonton soup. What about you? What "crazy" thing have you had happen lately?

Enjoy your Thursday....Friday's almost here! And then Sunday is closer!!!

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