Monday, September 17, 2007


That's an Oklahoma term my Mamma used when I didn't mind (Now the word is disobeyed)! She would say "Are you piddling Carol Ann?" And, of course, the answer was always the truth, "Yep!" And, of course, when telling the truth, no "whippin'" but a strong command to get done what she told me to do in the first place!

I'm piddling because last night I fell asleep in the Emmy Awards and as usual when I get the full potential of my sleep I need, I'm up and at 'em! Some piddling I have done is moving the telephone? Why? Because I don't like cords bulging out and with the laptop, a lighted chicken, lamp cord, telephone cords; piddling remedied that problem - now I only have one cord....neat, clean looking, perfecto!!!!!

Another piddling is since it's fall, it's time to put out the fall chickens and rearrange the summer chickens. Our own secret "piddle" that gets our mind off the many, many things we really need to get done and are on our TO BE DONE list, but procastranate to the max at doing them. And I can grant you, my husband will get up and his famous words are "Oh, I like the way you changed that...that looks great!!!!" A place for everything and everything in it's place! Yep, that's my motto!!!! I may decide to change it tomorrow, but for the time being, it looks neat and our home is ready for the next Season (actually, the next time I decide to piddle.) :) What's even better about this picture is my husband will see immediately where the phone is moved! I think he has radar vision!!!! (In his sleep!!!) A-ha!!! Have a super exciting Monday! Above all else, have fun!


Unknown said...

Carol, I love your blog - Thanks for Sharing. In Him - Christine Murphy

Carol Donnelson said...

Thanks Christine! It's great hearing from you.