Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Being Thankful And Kind

I truly believe being thankful is a super huge contributor to happiness. The act of doing something nice for a stranger or friend (& even a family member) will make for super feelings about oneself. Every day I jot down three things I am thankful for. As blogged once about "Yellow Sticky Notes" and journaling my prayers, I also have napkins, torn paper or anything I find to write on to write the three things. It helps me remember the sun is always shining and to count my blessings!

Lately I've realized that it is a necessary essential awesome task to count our blessings instead of drudges! And what's beautiful is that when we begin counting, the list becomes more than three! I don't mind sharing three of my things I am grateful for that I wrote down today: 1) Thanking God for His faithfulness to me day by day and for helping all of us to become all that He desires us to be! God's tremendous grace (just when I need it); ....and boy do I need it! 2) So Thankful that I place my family, my spouse, children, grandchildren, families that live away into His care, knowing that He is able to keep that which I command to Him this day! 3) For women who call for help in overcoming emotional pitfalls. Give me words of wisdom, words of grace, that I might encourage them and build them up, dear Lord.

I know I elaborated on my Thankfulness list. There is nothing like being Thankful and Kind....As I write I am already surrendering my willful lack of ever being unkind and unthankful and focusing on how can I make a difference in showing how much God's grace and mercy causes me to care and get rid of any "walls" or "rude thoughts" that cloud my desire to enjoy counting my blessings! (& please do not purposely ruin someone's day....practice being kind.) I want to Reach Out to comfort and turn pain into joy........that is truly being KIND! I'm claiming Matt. 11:28..."Come unto me...our kind gracious Lord says...."


Unknown said...

Hi Carol,

Enjoyed your blog today and I started one myself. Check it out.

Carol Donnelson said...

You are such an encourager - I know it will be truly awesome! I tried to bring it up but I do remember when our Son set mine up and it took approx. 24 hours for the first blog to post, but I will check it out, believe you me. I'm so happy for you. I truly love blogging; and I love sending very positive thoughts the minute I have a cup of coffee, time with God, and post! Yea for you!