Friday, January 11, 2008

Relevancy --- random thoughts := )

Er---what does that mean?

relevant - having a bearing on or connection with the subject at thought is getting with the program.....have you ever had a conversation with someone and they had no clue as to what you were saying? When, in fact, it was very relevant to what their life consisted of?

Example: I said to a Mom of 3 boistrous kids, "You must be exhausted at night when these kids go to beddy bye?" And said, "No, I washed the car today." Hmmmm

Yesterday's blog talked about the 3 compliments which is my goal for '08. Actually compliments should be relevant to the person's life.

We all need boosted by a compliment, however, in the above example, this Mom apparently didn't have a need to relate!

Sunday our W.O.W. Women of Worth Class will be challenged by a relevant subject: Video games....see you there....9 a.m. Tonight is "Date Night" and since it's my turn to ....ask my hubby out....I've gotta go and think of some romantic event or place to go that will be relevant to his liking! : )

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