Friday, January 25, 2008

Customer Service

What has happened to good ole customer service?

In years gone past, I could call and get connected with the CS department; they would be kind, pleasant, answer your questions and I could go on with my merry way! A friend of mine said she always has to escalate the call to a Supervisor because they have no clue what's going on?

Well, all I can say is I do miss the kindness, pleasant tone, wanting to help the customer attitude that USED TO BE.

That's when I care enough to put my pleasant, kind, nice, cheery voice to good use and maybe I can cheer up their day. Kindness reaps kindness; pleasant reaps a pleasant tone, etc. You get more with a sweet testimony and esteem their knowledge and wisdom since they are the CS reps and you'd be surprised at the problem being fixed at that moment. Sure, it's a dreaded task; getting on the phone, reaching the CS department and getting a rude employee but to me that's when our christianity is really tested.......please don't complicate and tend to make their attitude more rude........try being'll make their day! Oh........and definitely be appreciative!!!! It works! ........and make your day!!! You never know what that person could be going through....and besides makes this world a better place to live in!!!!!

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