Monday, March 2, 2009

A Voice Says......

"I need help with my Bible...."

I don't know how passionately you feel about your Bible, but I can tell you that I consider my Bible to be my life!

Three Stages of Bible Reading
Stage 1 - the cod liver oil stage when you take it like medicine.
Stage 2 - The shredded wheat stage when it's nourishing but dry.
Stage 3 - The peaches and cream stage when it is consumed with passion and pleasure.

The Bible is life changing! Proverbs is so great! I love to read Ephesians. It comes directly from God - the Bible is my inspiration. What I read between the covers of my Bible is wisdom for a lifetime and rock-solid, forever truth, truth you can stand on, live by, and trust.....forever!

1 comment:

Geneva said...

Your stages made me giggle :)

How do you successfully move through the stages to the Peaches and Cream?