Saturday, March 14, 2009

Friday & Saturday

Yesterday was cold, rainy I got caught up on reading MAD CHURCH DISEASE book by my beloved friend, Anne Jackson. It's talking about the epidemic of burnout. Awesome! There's a lot of pain to go through the healing of burnout. I'll take that journey. When the path is negative; it needs to be dissected and come to an assurance it doesn't have to stay that way!

Plus, for our Friday night date night, we had a "Christmas" sort of dinner....ooooo awesome! Baked chicken, delicious salad, baked potato and pumpkin pie with whipped cream! Ymmmy!!! Delicious! Cooked at home and it smelled delicious and tasted delicious! Even Pixie our dog ate her dogfood at the same time we had a lovely dinner.

Did you see on Oprah she is opening up her own Facebook? Whoa! That sure will be interesting!

Today ....remember to allow the wisdom and study of the Bible or a scholarly author to enlighten your understanding of God's wisdom. This is one simple way to seek and search for wisdom and an answer to your issues. See ya in church tomorrow 10 a.m. Series "Joy" by my hubby.

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