Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Does Character Count? (1 of 5 Series by Carol)

Another word for character is responsibility. A person with character can acccept and carry out responsibility. Let me illustrate. A little baby whose character is not yet developed can be given no responsibilities and so he has no liberty. He doesn't have to clean the house or carry out the garbage. He doesn't get to choose whether he'll have strained beets or puree3d peas for lunch. He has no responsibilities.

But as his character develops, he is given more and more responsibilities. And one day, Dad hands him the keys to the car and says, "I believe that this young adult has developed enough responsibility (enough character) to be given this liberty.")

Let's suppose another teen grows up without a godly influence, begins to act irresponsibly, and breaks the laws of the land. What should happen to him? He should go to prison. Why? Because he acted without character-without respoonsible morals. And now his liberties are taken away. He doesn't have any responsibilities. He doesn't have to turn out the lights, but he also can't unlock the door.

America was founded upon moral character of godly men and women who came to this country for religious freedom. Their character purchased our freedom and we have a responsibility to see that this freedom is upheld as a sacred trust.

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