Friday, December 18, 2009


The way I thrive........
Have you ever seen a person who is not having a good day and then you compliment them and what happens! Whoa!!!! This brightens their day!

In my lifetime at a church we had in New England I started a "Compliment Club"....
talk about fabulous! All honor and glory given to God. We can LIFT people up or take people down in our relationships! A great friend I have acquired through blogging and Anne introduced me to and her name is Pamela.....she is on as a friend in FB. She is, even on FB, a complimenter in front of all those people (even my family) and I love herg compliments and encourages to me (right out in the open!!!) FB!!!! Some people cannot go out in public and compliment another person, but she is so genuine about it - she is what I call PROACTIVE. The world is starving for compliments. But somebody must start the ball rolling. Our Sis-in-law, Debbie compliments me on FB. Trust me, not for glory of Carol; but being retired and all the years put into the UPLIFT part, I embrace compliments and that's the raw truth! Geneva, my husband's Administrator at the church compliments me....she's another one that stands out and such an encouragement to me! Thanks precious ladies!!!!

Here's another gut level truth. I believe we must account for every idle word - so we must for idle silence.

Let this soak in....and know God is pleased....very well His pleasure!!!!

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