Thursday, February 3, 2011

Rolling Black Outs.......

I understand it was a state-wide emergency, but when I told our daughter that we had rolling black outs, she said as cold as it is where she is, they never do that. She was so protective of us. In the night there were three so I had the flashlight, very prepared. But I understand it will start about 5:30 a.m. this morning again. I will begin lighting candles because our home is pitched dark when electrocity is not on. She also said they used to have a lot of rolling blackouts in California when the electricity in the summer went full blast. What a concern. I thought that was so supportive and I'll be calling this morning to report that we're ok.

Wherever you are, please be prayed for this time with this horrific weather. I've been snuggling up to reading the book of I Timothy or I Corinthians. I love to read about love in the Bible and that always gives me great contentment. There's nothing we can do about the Rolling Black Outs, so just live through it. Our neighbors, Jose and Martha, had their pipe freeze so they came over and got some tons of water to help them get through this morning so they can go to work. It's nice to help a neighbor; that is the cause our Christianity brings us to "love thy neighbor." How about you? What is the Rolling Black Out doing to your schedule? Stay warm today; I know I am going to STAY warm.

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