Saturday, February 5, 2011

Esteem Others Better!!!!

The Scripture Philippians 2:3-4....look it up. whoa...says to esteem others better than yourself. How many really do that? To me, it would honor all. Every person's role contributes to a bigger picture.

Yesterday I had someone lie to me. And it makes me wonder why? I knew it was a lie, but I chose to just keep quiet and let them suffer knowing they were not telling the truth. What's wrong with the conscience of people? Wouldn't they know the lie would be caught up with when the truth does come out? Today I am esteeming this person higher than me because when they realize they did not tell the truth, they can suffer the consequences. I'll be honest, it makes me want to quit, and why try, but they are the ones that have to live with lies that are told. My heart goes out to people like that, but yet, where's the respect for me if they continue not telling the truth?

Let's spend some time in prayer for people who are so far away from God, they don't know anything to do but not tell the truth. Only the Lord can convict! Enjoy your Saturday and stay warm!!!

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