Friday, February 25, 2011

Has God Given You Joy Lately?

He has given me joy. Our daughter is really going through her busy, busy time at her job and I decided to NOT WORRY, I would have JOY that I know she will be alright. I can remember when I worked at a Company where they kept giving me so much to do, I just kept on going like the energizer bunny, but for some reason I always think her Company gives her a lot. She loves it! I always loved it also. But now I look back and ask myself why I did SO much! And God gave me joy to do it! But, I will admit God sees me through the fact that our kids enjoy their work and I do ask God to forgive me for "worrying" but I know they are joyous they have good jobs and are happy.

Do you ever look back on a job that just worked you a lot? I would love to hear.

How did you keep your joy?

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