Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pit Living

Years ago I came across a piece abut someone who fell into a pit and couldn't get out and how others treated her. She had gone to drugs, alcohol, and anger fits.
Everyone backed away from her. She knew they were living a phoney Christian life.

A subjective persn came along and made a statement that she felt for her down there.

A Pharisee said, "Only bad people fall into pits."

A realist came along and said, "Now that's a pit."

A self-pitying person said, "You haven't seen anything until you've seen my pit."

An Optimisit said, "Things could be worse."

Jesus, seeing the lady, reached down and took her by the hand and lifted her out of the pit.

We should always keep in mind that God loves everybody, and to treat others they way Jesus would treat them. Reach out and brighten their day. This would be a great day - A SUPER BOWL DAY to help someone get out of the pit. We all need love.

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